This is a summary of things I learned over the year playing the game. The top photo was garbage. This example is for a one photo only challenge. If you change a tab, minimize the browser, the script will not work properly. You really need to spend some time (again!) Once complete, you can easily view the results of your free online voting system to make any additions or edit your . GuruShots, The first-of-its-kind photo app for photographers of any level, reinvents the way people interact with their photos, making it more fun, exciting and rewarding. While Georgia is a state with its own set of voting issues and recent shifts in policies reducing the number of voting . And has also nothing to do with time in challenge. Your response will then appear (possibly after moderation) on this page. The purpose of this site is for photographers to compete against each other on different subjects. Also, bear in mind that the voted view differs from standard views. One of the best ways to do this is with colour and contrast. To that effect, this platform hosts at least five real-life exhibitions for its users each month. READ THE CHALLENGE GUIDELINES before submitting your images. This is what your participants will vote on. Choosing when you vote (or use auto-fill) is the key to maximizing your exposure level to get more votes. More challenges mean more repetitive themes. Its one of the most time-consuming parts of the game, it is crazier than playing in a team. If a photo doesnt perform well, youll be able to swap for another one. GuruShots APK for Android Download - Im sure itll be useful to a lot of people who are thinking of joining GuruShots or are a part of it, but wonder how honest/legit it is. With these tips, I hope you get better at GuruShots and eventually become a Guru! Check out the challenges. The best way to win a nonprofit voting competition is by not entering. Gurushots has invented a new smart way to involve people : they create Events twice a week, like contests of contests in small groups, involving 100 photographers of the same level at a time.. After a bunch of them where I finished 1st 2nd or 3rd, here's what I found : When an Event stops, stop (or slow down) posting pictures in the new challenges, keep them to get fast points at the . In just a few minutes you can create a free poll for any occasion and then share it amongst your colleagues or friends. 2. Those triggers are not free. Done! They added Guru I, Guru II, etc. WTFwhat happened ??? While those posts are not 100% true, there is some truth to them. Hi NC, just found your blog, most interesting reading material! Note - The Fill does not automatically vote for random photos, it simply fills up your exposure meter. The easiest way to get your exposure meter filled without spending ten minutes per contest per 12 hours is to just vote for everything as fast as you can . In the first article "How to Become a Guru at the GuruShots Game" I described how to create your photographer profile, how to enter challenges and play. Script is auto joining challenges - after fix on issue 10. #16 - GitHub You can also see how many votes you need to get specific rewards or statuses. Writing about Apple, Photography, Privacy and Climate Change. No matter what i do, guru decides. What's Next? I always make sure to market this as well on my social media and website. Some would argue (and shared their feelings) that it is just an illusion of space, and your photography work means nothing outside this URL. It features millions of participants globally. Once the competition you have entered starts voting, you can not change your image. Make sure you are time-zone aware, however. Its really awsome, thank you! You get to meet new people and can chat with them. However by then the leading images have usually already scored a couple of thousand votes so it is impossible to catch them up or overtake! So far, the reviews are mixed some hate it now, some love it. Hi All. First things first, check out the video below to understand what is about: Suppose you are a photographer looking forward to gaining exposure and validation for your work and determining your skill set against other artists while enjoying a game. Another addition to the game: events. More photos give you more votes so the higher you will finish the challenge. ), Before reading this post, make sure you read my short and sweet guide-slash-tutorial on Gurushots to learn more about the app and how to use it. ==> Click here to SUBSCRIBE to my new channel for video-based content! It no relevance to the competition and it was a poor photo in general. You dont have to think be creative, original, master the technique when deciding which of your photos you upload on your profile. I enter most challenges at the beginning. Late morning and mid-afternoon will be the easiest times to get in, but if you need to go later, don't let long lines scare you off; as long as you're in line when the polls close, you will be . We hope you are inspired and have fun with them! This type of pyramid scam in the US would earn them hefty jail terms instead of 3.5 million dollars of yearly revenue (thats for the company of about 10 people). GuruShots is not a platform for selling photos. Without a doubt, there are pros and cons to platform. Tell Us Something We DontKnow, Hard Rock Park: Breaking News Heavens OnFire, (Not So) Smooth Criminal(s): Hard Rock Park, Part4. Your images have to be of a reasonable quality too . Git gud, as the kids say! I havent spent a nickel in at least 6 monthsonce you enter a lot of challenges you can coast by on the fills, keys and swaps you earn from them. Basically a best-of-the-best approach from the viewpoint of the Guru who created the challenge. Digital World Beauty is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees. As I won the first challenge as a Newbie and I got the Gurus Top Pick Winner on the second day the biggest challenges were already made. My goal here is to help other players benefit from my experience in a way that let them better understand the implications that come with playing and being successful at GuruShots. However, in a game, one has to compete to win competitively. For long-lasting challenges, enter in the last 24 hours. I had a phenomenal photo that matched the name of the competition perfectly. If your picture gets selected, it earns 50 votes, increasing your chances of becoming a guru. Thanks for your comment. If your picture gets selected, it earns 50 votes, increasing your chances of becoming a guru. Dont miss part 2 where I give two examples to explain how much time you should expect to play in order to be successful. hi all after the fix on this issue : #10 people was happy that it is working again and few say it is joining challenges automatically , I didn't notice about this because I am join all the chal. The last thing you can do to make sure you get the most votes possible on Gurushots is the most important thing. While two teams are engaged, there has to be an equal number of up to 20 players. You can leave a team at any time (or being kicked out by team leaders). If you have Fills available, use them when you enter a challenge and see quickly how your photos are performing. If you are raising your exposure meter in the wee hours of the morning when fewer Gurushots users are looking at and voting on images, you wont get very many votes by the time your exposure meter starts dropping back down. Getting More Votes On Gurushots - siouxsays I played for a few years, reached Guru status (so Im not grumbling because I dont win) and then noticed a few things. fernywood 4 yr. ago. I've also noticed more professional photos enter the last 24 hours I was worried that if I enter the last 24 hours the guru would have already picked their photos so I've been going back and forth entering early and late to try and get guru picks haha. I did some math, so you dont have to. Remember, Boosts arent free and use them while your exposure level is at the maximum. At the end of the day, Gurushots is a game and everyone plays by the same rules. Absolutely there are bots that have been placed in the game, often using images that are copywritten. The problem with Gurushots is that there is 0 incentive to vote carefully, or even consciously. You can access the voting page from either 'My Challenges' or the top of the Challenge page: 1) In the 'My Challenges' or Challenge page press the "Vote" button. Step in GuruShots, the Israeli startup that's created an online platform for budding photographers. Make your photography more fun, exciting and rewarding! The GuruShots Game The Mirage of Fame | Photo Dojo - Medium Why Have Accounts in Multiple Photography Communities? Meanwhile, dont miss the original guide published in 2018 which is still good for beginners. PRO version of the script? Youll also have answer to your question: Is GuruShots worth it? Find Out if You Need To Bring an ID to Vote. If you want to move up in the leaderboard, you have to participate in many challenges at any given time. For example, 500 / 64 voters give 7.815. My friend won twice and doesnt know what to do to get the money. Then open a boost on that photo. As an online gaming platform for photographers, it emphasizes prize winning more than the participants talent. Voting for our Best of Nac opens this weekend and will continue through 5 p.m. March 27. The more one-photo challenges you join, the more time it will take to keep your exposure level up. There is a teams leaderboard. Writing about Apple, Photography, Privacy and Climate Change. Perhaps one of the most important things you can do, second only to the last item on this list, is to make sure your images comply with the challenge guidelines. Each player has a voting score, Gurus have 9 votes per photo they select while Newbies get 1 vote per selection. Now, challenges for a specific member level are now possible where only Newbies are allowed in, or for Masters only. 20 Best Photography Contests to Enter in 2023. How To Use Gurushots Auto Vote and Boost This script uses Nodemon to restart if it crashes. Again, its all about maximizing players engagements. Unfortunately, I dont know as I never won the first prize ! Go for one photo challeges and entre 3hrs before ending. The game design is based on the same principles behind social media: to get you engaged as much as possible. Whereas in another currently running challenge (500 guru picks) The photo had stopped receiving exposure but the boost window was open as soon as I joined, so I used the free boost and that photo received over 550 votes extra. For the script to properly work, your active tab in a browser should be GuruShots page. This game is so twisted in its conception; it is mind-blowing. Hi Nate. They are a type of Leaderboard that ranks Teams using Team Score in a predetermined period of time, a Season. Are you looking for an online space where you can gauge your photography artwork skills with another artist for fun? Thus, I have accumulated quite a few earned swaps (I never buy swaps, fills, and boosts) without having shots performing sufficiently poorly for me to want to swap. LA MIA TATTICA PER GURUSHOTS My tactics for Gurushots Extremely fair system . Speaking of running challenges: I still have seven challenges waiting in the review queue after more than a year (read my article about how challenges are created here). in the last year or so and I dont like it. It's time for our readers to vote for their favorite business and individuals in Nacogdoches and be wary of scammers. Appreciate you stopping by! Verdict: Gurushots is a photo app that connects and unites photographers from all over the world since 2014. This way seems to get you much more votes all along the process. How To Become A Guru At GuruShots, The Photography Game Also, what happens if I swap my best performing image (after votes have stabilized) when the exposure meter is high and it has boost? GuruShots is free to download the app. There are plenty of studies and research documents available that let you know when most people are using their online applications and engaging in social media functions. As the competition is running, the guru pro creator will select a few of the best pictures. If you dont have a key, you cant join unless you buy one. At some point, your photos wont get more votes for many hours if your exposure level is at the maximum, then this means your photos wont really get new votes. At that point, I knew the game was rigged somehow. You may be ranking high at 10 minutes before the end and go downhill in the last few minutes. It has never been the case and never will. This exposure diminishes by, I don't know, let's say 20% per day. Some people might have difficulties finding enough photos to enter a four-photos challenge. Start with one then add the other, one by one during the challenge. how is it possible that some challenger stay days on the same counter; i used a flashlight symbol and nothing change spectacular, this is not possible that nobodys like uor pictures at that time, very strange do you have an explanation. Trust me. The time left in the Season is displayed in each leaderboard. Your email address will not be published. Start it near the end. For the second question, the best order, for me at least, is : fill first. We already covered a bit of that further up where I made some calculations about how much time you could be spending on voting alone. That was pretty fast and I think it is because I was lucky. You will also want to make sure that you swap in when your exposure meter is maxed out, and as with voting or using auto-fill at the most opportune times make sure you perform your swaps when your images are most likely to be seen by the biggest audience. Good photos are an asset needed but not enough. I was in the lead for days in one challenge right up to where there was only 47mins left ..yep in the lead with only 47mins left thoughtBut in the end I finished in 15th..15TH ??????? ACHIEVE . Occasionally you may not have time to vote but still, want to receive maximum exposure boost. Gurushots Review 2023 - Features & Price - Apply to many contests 2. Also, your photo has been selected as a winner of the Guru top pick award. There is one or more team leader who decides which challenge the team enters as a whole. Also make sure to join our Community Discord server: Dont miss it and aim to become a GURU! If you enter late in a challenge, you may be asked for a key as the challenge may be in a locked state. Why? Youll need a key for this. Those people spend 24/7 playing the game. Dont remove anything except the location. GuruShots users include both males and females. Goodbye, Yellow Brick Road (A Final Farewell to Hard RockPark), discussion page that explains the exposure. Some challenges that are using too generic themes can be visual junkyards and voting sessions in these challenges are a pain to do. The more you vote, the more exposure your photos will get. Reddit /Gurushots is a great place to discuss strategy by the way. Entering the challenge will require to unlock keys even before 24 hours. Before entering a currently running challenge, have a look at what are the Gurus pick to see if it fits your style. What you write is nothing similar. To ensure you receive the highest votes on your images, you must ensure its of high quality. Going from Elite to an All-Star level in a challenge requires many more votes than before, making it harder to reach the top level. Playing on the bigger screen would allow for better image visualization. best time to vote on gurushots At the top of the Leagues page you will see a counter counting down the time left in the season.. was founded in 2010. Over the past six months that Ive been using Gurushots, I have seen countless photos that either comply with the challenge in the barest terms, or not at all. I love GuruShots. Thanks for the Tips. You will get the same number of views whether you enter early or late, but one possible difference might be the rank of the voters. GuruShots Survival Guide (Part III) April 27, 2021 by Frithjof Moritzen. GuruShots - Photography Reviews 2022 | JustUseApp Reviews Blogging about things related to Apple, photography, Privacy and Climate Change. (Refer to the previously mentioned, and linked, post to find out what those are and how to use em!). The one I put in rose rapidly through the voting into the 1400s and then came to a virtual standstill. Skip challenges where you wont be able to actively vote in the last few hours. You see, people get bored pretty easily, the turnover must be high to keep the interest high. If you want to use one of your Boost, wait when the photos dont get any more votes for a while. How to Become a Better Photographer with GuruShots: 9 Steps Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Was hoping they would have made some changes to that but not going to waste my time on this nonsense again. The 30 All-Star finishes and the 5 Guru Picks I got in just a few days. Sorry to hear about that, and thank you for sharing your experience, Raymond! Two-photos challenges are new. I got to master in 8 days without spending any money BUT I did spend a LOT of time playing. Vote on other players' photos, collect votes and see how you rank compared to others. Gurushots - Survival Guide (Part I) - GlobalPhotoClub Remember that the more you vote, the higher score you give to your competitors, so it seems better to vote as little as possible by joining late. To do this you need to get your photographs seen by as many players as possible and make them stand out. The iPad still lacks a native app, which is sad and tells a lot about the lack of attention to the art form. The Guru moniker has lost its lustre over time; there are too many of them who can run their challenge. Another addition to the game is that now youll get a notification when the challenge organizer is actively picking up photos and GuruShots will encourage you to swap one of your pictures to get attention. Gurus who pick photos like to see the metadata. Choosing the right time to vote or using auto-fill is the best strategy to maximize your photos' exposure level. I declined because I got the vibe that they were recruiting players. Second thing: I had a team (one that wins consistently) ask me to join them. 5) Once Loaded Vote until the counter reaches 100%. Dont give them any. An example of the narrow theme is flying birds. Utilize your auto-fill feature during the day when competitors are looking at voting on photos on the platform. Just that when they vote on an image, it is a Guru Pick. Dont miss part 2 where I give two examples to explain how much time you should expect to play in order to be successful. You should see your exposure meter fill to max high! Otherwise you can use a key and decide to boost a photo at the time of your choice. GuruShots Review: This User's Thought and Opinions Algorithms play a big role in GuruShots, a much bigger role than the quality of your pictures or your talent. My Gurushots Tips - a french toolbox I also work with other affiliate partners and may be compensated from the links below. I've really taken my time to vote only for shots that respect the challenge theme and are well photographed. How to look at past contests to see how I faired. Generally: Guru Picks = Early, High Votes = last 4-6 hours of a speed contest. There are actually a few things you can do to increase your chances of getting more votes for your photographs. Its a blast. The only thing to take away from GuruShots is inspiration. Paste the script and then watch it work. Other than Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, as well as other various other social media platforms, I have found these particular photography communities to be extremely beneficial to me as a . Apply to as many contests as possible, I would actually try and apply to ALL of them. Running a challenge requires attention from the guru behind them, so they needed to scale and extend the game by naming other gurus10. 6) Check the progress of the score until it stabilizes, at which point it checks the progress of the score. Deadline: March 31, 2023; Grand Prize: iPad Air; 1st Place Prize: 1 gold bar and Apple Watch Series 3; 2nd Place Prize: 1 platinum bar and Apple Watch Series 3 I led up until 2 minutes remaining, then someone took me over. This is playing the algorithms. However, after reaching the set maximum, the views start slowing down or stopping until the maximum views are increased. Would you like us to create an actual GuruShots review or does this FAQ page suffice? There are not only important for you to progress in the game, but they are also an indication of the Gurus taste. Are you wondering what you can do to win? (Learn More), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), How to Become a Guru at the GuruShots Game, #079 Fotominuten Der Fotografen Luciano Bonacini und Bouldern in Daone | Portrait Foto Kunst, News Tips and Updates About GuruShots Game | Numeric Citizen, A Message to my Readers & Followers on, The Craft Story Continues The Year 2022 in Review And Looking Ahead, My Photo Processing Workflow As Of 2022-11, GuruShots Tips and Tricks Guide The 2021 Edition Part I, A Few Notes on my Experience with Photomyne, How To Become A Guru At GuruShots, The Photography Game, When War in Ukraine Influences My Application Choices, My Updated Blogger Workflow as of 2020-11, My Review Of Flighty And Comments On Flight Trackers In General. June 11, 2022 Posted by: grady county, ga zoning map . If at all possible, however, you want to keep your exposure level meter filled at all times so that when the exposure for everyone elses images starts leveling out, your images will be primed to start rotating through the top spots in the voting feeds. As a reader, you have an opportunity to get the Creative Photography Cookbook for 80% OFF. Late afternoon and early evening are great times during the week, because people have come home from work, eaten dinner, and are settling in at home and checking all their programs, apps, platforms, and networks. Some challenges have the winner locked 10-20 hours ahead of time while other challenges swap leaders during the final hour. Get more Points 2. Thus, while downloading and joining the platform is free, it will cost you some dollars depending on how much exposure you want for your work and if you are looking forward to winning big. Without a doubt, there are pros and cons to. Oh dear god, I feel you! While the highest number of users are between 20 and 40 years, some are in their 60s using this website. Pick a competition, upload your photo and share your entry to grow your votes. Head over to; click VOTE on your desired challenge. One of the biggest questions that users seem to have about using Gurushots is how to get more votes for the images they submit to various photo challenges. On the Web page, sort the challenges . Yes. The reason the quality matters is that a lot of people have figured out the best time to use a swap (usually around 4 hours to closing time). You have to claim them, though. In a 4 photo Challenge you have the choice to choose one photo per Challenge and give it a boost.. For this you will use a key. Boosts are locked throughout the challenge and unlock in a random window of time once during the challenge. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. The information contained on Digital World Beauty is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Gurushots Review - A Photography Game to Get Your Photos Seen If you want to play GuruShots and be successful, read on and youll thank me later.