So, I rectified President Bidens birth time to 8.17.30 AM based on some past important events in his life, and the dates when the important events occurred in President Bidens life. But Pence will lose in the court very quickly, because Donald Trumps time is so bad in the coming months according to his astrology chart that indictment is imminent. October 20 to December 14 this year is the perfect time window for Donald Trump Indictment if the indictment is coming this year. If Democrats are ahead in polls between Oct 24 and Nov 8, then the House will stay with Democrats. However, if the future is nothing like the past, my model will not be as accurate. I have studied Kevin McCarthy's astrology chart. 5. He will be 82 at the next election. Then in my subsequent astrology updates I had mentioned the time window between March and September 2023. A few years ago, it seemed impossible to know what this would mean, and how such a transition could take place. It'salso worth noting that Biden will probablyachieve major policy changes from the Trump administration, he said. This can be adjusted by altering the weights used in Adjustment 3. Opposition / enemies will be strong between February 2023 and February 2024. That is why I am very careful this time making bold astrology predictions. Either name yourself or keep your comments to yourself. Mars progressed conjoins both planets from 2024-2028 which also suggests explosive developments that lead to a dissolution of power. Adjusting for the popular vote is not good enough. The astrology prediction has again come correct. So, this mid-term election is anybody's ballgame, more in favor of Democrats at this moment despite high inflation and President Bidens low approval ratings. This will be the immediate challenge for USA after Trump, and the UK and EU after Brexit. Things may be looking good for Republicans on the election night because most Republicans vote on the election day, and their votes will get counted first. My model uses past election data to predict the future, and places greater weight on more recent political trends. Perhaps the curse was only effective for the period when Saturn-Jupiter conjunctions were in Earth signs. The passage of Uranus through Taurus, and the tectonic changes affecting national economies in 2021 and 2022 as Saturn and Uranus clash, will bring a huge reconstruction. The only question is how peaceful the process will be. Dont know what the future will bring? Additionally, the Democrats have won the popular vote seven out of the last eight elections, and I do think this will change. Her Sun progressed went to conjoin her Descendant and South Node when she became vice-president. I will make the final astrology prediction on the Mid-Term Election after the October 25 partial solar eclipse. If you think I am doing a good job and my astrology predictions are enlightening then please feel free to pay an optional fee by clicking the "Buy Now" button, with your comments. It is important to adjust for these unique circumstances so that the political trending weights (Adjustment 3) are meaningful. President Biden tests positive for COVID, symptoms are mild. By studying how each state has voted over time relative to the popular vote, my model allows me to assess presidential voting trends on a state level. #tripura #tripuraelections2023 #bjp #cpm #congress #astrology #tripuraelection2023 #tripuraelectionexitpoll Full Video Link The DOJ extended the Grand Jury until March 2023. The next election which will as usual be corrupt will be on March 17th 2024, when Saturn is at 11 Pisces and the Sun conjoins Neptune at 27 Pisces, so it is going to be a foggy affair. Hes baselessly accusing the other side of widespread fraud when in fact there was no such fraud., ProfLichtman also said that Mr Trumps behaviour was being enabled by those who work directly for him, as well as those who serve in some of the highest positions of power for the Republican Party, such asSenate majority leader Mitch McConnell. Past presidential polls, both public polls and campaign funded polls, have large margins of errors. I just said the chances of Democrats winning the White House in 2024 will be high, because the US economy will be doing well in 2024, just before the Presidential Election, then why American people would want change in the leadership. Dr. Gauravv Mittal: Well-known Astrologer predicted Yogi Aditya Nath led BJP Win in UP 2022 Elections Dr. Gauravv Mittal Is A Renowned Indian Entrepreneur, IT & Ayurveda Professional, Celebrity Astro-Numerologist And Mathematician Who Is Popularly Known As Maha Guru Because Of His Rare Expertise And Combination Of Spiritual & Occult Sciences Like Astrology, Numerology, Vaastu, Reiki Etc. As PM Modi projects BJP win in 2024, Prashant Kishor has this to say How will that go down with Xi Jinping, who like Putin is also born on the exact Saturn-Neptune conjunction from 1953? The moment has finally come, Donald Trump will be indicted any time after March 4, 2023. You can see the wrangling over abortion in the American horoscope from September 2 nd 2024 until November 19 th 2024 - though Republican anti-abortion states will begin to push back, from May 26 th 2024 until June 9 th 2025. This will require a whole new set of treaties to avoid global meltdown. GOP knows voter fraud is a lie, but they keep promoting it. In my opinion this special Master issue will be resolved before last week of October this year, and the investigation will move forward. We may be done with the indictments by June 1, 2023, but most definitely before July 15, 2023. If that is the case, ProfLichtman says it will be a tougher journey for Democrats. This could mean a Black president. This is certainly not good news for Donald Trump. Taurus Horoscope 2024 - Astrology Prediction by Bejan Daruwalla Adjustment 4. Stationary retrograde Saturn from Capricorn sign is powerfully aspecting Bidens natal Mars in Libra sign by its 10th aspect. Nevertheless, it is worth taking a look at Kamala Harris horoscope to see if there are any indications that she will assume power. In January 2025, Congress will again assemble to tally the states' electoral vote slates. Midterm election right now is anybodys ballgame. In case of Senate, we may have to wait for the Georgia Senate runoff election. Trump will be indicted any time after March 4, 2023 and we should be done with all indictments by June 1, 2023 or by July 15, 2023. During a Zoom interview with The National, ProfLichtman held up a note he received from Mr Trump in 2016 shortly after that prediction came to fruition. When American people will stop spending money because of high inflation, then we will go through recession for some time in 2023, that will bring the inflation down. Until he changed the constitution to add two extra presidential terms beyond that year. There will be coordination and solidarity among each other. The contract that resolves to Yes shall be that which identifies the party whose candidate on Election Day wins the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Predictions 2021-2026 | Astrological Updates and Articles by Adrian Duncan As I had mentioned in my 2021 astrology predictions for President Biden, May / June 2021 are somewhat difficult months for American people and President Biden. The Earth element cycle marked the age of capitalism and the exploitation some would say rape of the Earths resources. Coronavirus will be completely eradicated from the world by February 2024. Aries Horoscope 2024 - Astrology Prediction by Bejan Daruwalla One or more than one witnesses may have lied during their testimony, may have perjured themselves. We are seeing record-breaking voter turnout across the country. Friday July 9, 2021: First we should note that a multitude of earth-based social and political factors will affect the final results of the 2024 Presidential Election and quite a few astrologers poo poo the Venus Cycle theory of US elections. Again, this is, According to the Forewoman of the Georgia Grand Jury, Emily Kohrs, the Georgia Grand Jury recommended indictments of multiple people in 2020 Presidential Election interference for range of crimes. I am getting same answer from his astrology chart also. Because such political sentiments are unique to specific election years, I subtract the popular margin from each states raw margin. Want to make a complex subject like astrology simple? a resident of Boston, USA, who is a software engineer by profession and also the creator of free astrology software called Jagannath Hora! It is said that Donald Trump is planning to run in 2024. The partial solar eclipse on October 25, will give us clue which political party will be the winner in this 2022 Mid-Term election. The rectified birth time gives us the Scorpio ascendant with ascendant degree at 7 degrees 44 minutes, for President Biden. Specifically, I take a weighted-average of the change of each states value between presidential elections, weighing more recent election shifts more heavily. First 8 months of 2023 are very difficult months for the US economy. Yearly Analysis of the Aries. I decided not to include shifts pre-1996 in the model or rather I assign pre-1996 shifts a value of 0.0 because the political landscape was dramatically different after Reagan and Bush. Biden has still not had any scandals, and so I still think the Democrats will win the popular vote. Polls could be wrong this time, astrologers could be wrong also because the midterm election is happening on the day of eclipse. President Biden will be prone to some health problems during August, September, October, November, December 2022. PolicyPreview is a non-partisan blog which provides data-driven election forecasts, descriptions of national and international political races and governments, explanations of various voting platforms, and summaries of related academic research conducted by leading experts. Although Im still waiting to see if I get a nice note from Joe Biden.. First, I adjust for the popular vote. The fate of 2022 mid-term election largely depends upon how President Biden will handle this difficult period from December 2021 to March 2022. Look, Im 73 years old and Ive been doing these predictions for 40 years, and I get butterflies in my stomach every four years, he said. The world is now going through a huge transition presaged by the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at zero Aquarius on the winter solstice in December 2020. In every city. With his astrological knowledge, he has calculated the future of the world from 2020 to 2035! My model predicts that Michigan will be the tipping point state; assuming each party wins states in the order my model predicts, the party which wins Michigan will win the election. Tripura Assembly Election 2023 | who will win? | Astrology Prediction 2025 House 119 th Congress. My model predicts Democrats will win the 2024 presidential election with a total of 309 electoral votes, while Republicans will have a total of 229 electoral votes: This outcome is discussed in my post 2024 Presidential Election: Democratic Pathways to Victory (see Scenario 3). Early Predictions Ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election Many on the right think this tally could be a cake walk for the GOP candidate for president. The answer is yes, please click the link given below to see the astrology reading types, charges and how to schedule astrology consultation with me. American astrologer predicted, Modi will win with so many seats in 2024 election! 2024 House Election Interactive Map - 270toWin Each area where there has been pollution will undergo a transformation which will radically reduce or eliminate pollution. They are hoping GOP will win the house and Kevin McCarthy will be the house majority leader, who will then try to impede all Trump investigations. ProfLichtman was rather taken aback by how Mr Trump handled theelectoral defeat. Otherwise, your on-topic comments are always welcomed in this Political Astrology arena, and are fully moderated when I have the time. I began by compiling state-level voting margins for all past presidential elections beginning in 1976. The USA See What Tomorrow Brings. Therefore, today I'm plopping the Venus Cycle effect upon US election cycles back into the discourse of SO'W with an eye toward November 5, 2024 when Venus will be in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius and future references to the 2024 Election will certainly turn up here on SO'W and elsewhere as time flees on. Electric or hydrogen powered, there will be no exhaust. Plus, a fed-up American public can make a difference as well for if we show up and vote in a landslide it's more difficult for operatives to finagle outcomes their way and against We The People's wishes. Winners will be sworn in to serve in the 119th Congress in early January, 2025. Even so, let's not use the word 'cheating' though I will say that cheating isn't winning, it's stealing. Here is my email: I had also indicated there will be a war like situation between December 2021 and April 2022, which is evident from the growing tensions with Russia over Ukraine during this time. According to the Election Commission of India website, Congress's EVKS Elangovan received 67.48% of the votes until 2pm Congress's EVKS Elangovan appeared set to win the assembly by-poll to . In Meghalaya, it did emerge as the single largest party with 21 seats, but could not hold on to its MLAs. Before we talk about Modi's horoscope beyond 2024, let us take a look at how things will pan out in the coming four years. More specifically, my model predicts that if the popular vote margin is less than 3.38 (for the Democrats), the Republicans win Michigan and they win the entire election. Polls appear to be close, but I believe women and young voters between the age 18 and 35 who are registering to vote in large numbers, are underrepresented in the polls. The pandemic precipitated the biggest economic crisis in modern history. Look what happened this week. Mr. Singh is one of the few Vedic Astrologers in the west who is experienced and practiced in KP System branch of Vedic Astrology, which is far more precise and accurate, compared to all other available astrology systems. 2024 will be the best year in President Biden's first Presidential Term. This was true from 1840 to 1960 (when Kennedy was elected), but Reagan survived an assassination attempt in 1980, and George W Bush was fine. Watch: Who will be the next prime minister of India? What astrologers I had boldly predicted in my July 3, 2021, astrology update in. Tamil Nadu assembly by-poll: Congress's Elangovan set to win big Donald Trump will run in 2024 and win, Dick Morris says - New York Post Too many shooting incidents are happening across the country. Senator Joe Manchin has become a problem for Democrats and President Biden to get anything done. "True" answers favour the re-election of the incumbent, while "false" answers favour the challenger. The daily planner that tells you what happens before it happens. Be Your Own Astrologer. Then we can get the average of polls to understand what is going on. Drivers? So, it seems like the second time window (March through August 2023) should be correct for indictment. The biennial election for representatives from all 435 Congressional Districts will take place on November 5, 2024. May not win the house or may win with a very thin majority. Roe vs wade and gun violence will change our lives for many, many decades. I immediately thought this is the final stop before we will see the Donald Trump indictment. Donald Trump has divided the Republican party. Certainly, Venus is no stranger to or in Washington, DC. GOP has not shown their plan to control inflation to the American people so far. We will see how this time from October 24 to November 8 will play out for Kevin McCarthy. They are not going to happen, because every car will be a lot more intelligent that its driver. A few years ago, it seemed impossible to know what this would mean, and how such a transition could take place. Trump will be in more trouble after March 2023. Donald Trump's time is little bit positive from now until October 17 this year. It shook every country in the world, not just through fatalities, but by changing the habits and rhythms of everyones daily lives. To do this, I graph a plot of the history of the particular states values, and set the adjusted value of the state in the biased year equal to the value which makes the plot the smoothest. Let us see how Trump and McCarthys challenging and difficult time just before the midterm election impacts GOPs momentum going into the midterm election. My condolences to the families of thirteen marines who were killed in Kabul attack. I have received numerous emails and phone calls from people asking me if I give astrological readings for individuals upon request? But Republicans are spreading lies that Biden is raising taxes on middle class Americans. View the 2024 Senate Election Interactive Map 2022 Senate Elections: Consensus Forecast As of November 7, 2022 A consensus outlook for the 2022 Senate elections based on the current ratings of these seven forecasters . It seems like the Special Counsel Jack Smiths Trump criminal investigations are in final stages also, as people in the Donald Trumps inner circle such as Mike Pence, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Mark Meadows are subpoenaed by the special counsel. Whether you like it or not, robots and cyborgs will be everywhere, and devices will enhance the human body and mind. [1] Heading into that election, Democrats had a 220-212 majority. Either she takes over here, or she is appointed to be the Democratic candidate in 2024. The US economy will be doing very well in 2024, before the 2024 Presidential Election. Democrats have a chance in this mid-term election because of the following, despite President Biden's low approval rating right now: 1. There was no red wave, because McCarthy and Trump were going through very weak and challenging time close to the mid-term election, this is what I had mentioned in my astrology updates close to the mid-term election in October / November 2022. The Future Could Actually Be Bright for Republicans - Intelligencer I will be posting a Mid-Term Election Astrology update soon, stay tuned. I am not sure what challenges President Biden will face during this period. This election is anybodys ball game so far. Please read the last few lines in my 2022 astrology predictions for President Biden in this astrology article. This may even put a dent in its status as the main opposition . What is the future of the Indian National Congress as per Indian astrology? The election chart has a Moon-Venus conjunction in Sagittarius, so a woman with foreign roots may well be one of the candidates. End of May and first two weeks of June 2022 will be somewhat difficult. The country will be out of woods by second quarter of year 2024. Furthermore, the lunar eclipse in Trumps chart, with the Sun at 22 Gemini and the Moon at 21 Sagittarius was hit by a solar eclipse on December 14th 2020 when Joe Bidens victory was confirmed by the Electoral College. China Traffic jams or accidents? We will make Trump 2023 astrology predictions in third week of December this year. (PTI) 2024 polls: Congress has made a total of 85 amendments to its constitution and . I must unadjust these values so that I can estimate electoral votes per state to determine a predicted winner. ProfLichtman, who details his strategy for predicting the White House winner in his book, Predicting the Next President: The Keys to the White House, said although it is very early, it would strongly be to the Democratic party's advantage if Mr Biden ran for re-election in 2024. Should we own cars, when we can just pop in to the nearest car. Now Donald Trumps indictment is almost imminent after the Jan 6 Committees public hearings. This is a fiery place to have such a monumental conjunction, and the transition from Pisces to Aries suggests a dissolution and perhaps violent rebirth. President Joe Biden's approval rating went up by 5 points in the latest poll on May 1. When the voter turnout is high, Republicans loose. China: 1st October 1949. Interactive Map Contested 2024. Kevin McCarthy according to his astrology chart, will enter difficult and challenging time between Oct 26 to Nov 15, 2022, just before the midterm election. This astrology article is based on A rating birth time, which is further rectified by me, appears to be accurate. According to Vedic Astrology scheduling any important matter such as marriage, job interview, childbirth, travel etc., on the eclipse day is not considered auspicious. On one level this seems rather magnificent for Chinas Belt and Road initiative, which is a massive plan to extend Chinese influence throughout the world. Remember Democrats overperformed polls, in the House special elections in end of August this year, after Roe vs Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court. Basically it means he will do well after marriage," said Poduval. Know yourself, know your partner, and create the romantic spark. Based upon these trends, I believe that the swing states of the 2024 election will be, in increasing order of how Democratic I think they will vote, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. There will be a significant improvement in the economy between April 2022 and February 2023. 1917 The Russian revolution, 1953 Stalins death, 1989 the dissolution of the Soviet Union, mark the 36-year Saturn-Neptune conjunction cycle. We will see how these difficult periods will play out for President Biden. This does not mean that temperatures and sea levels will not rise, but international agreements will slow the process and make it manageable. The only astrologer who predicted Donald Trump will get impeached twice in his Presidential Term and will survive the second senate impeachment trial. President Biden rightfully ended the 20-year Afghanistan war during this time. The poll numbers before October 25 have no meaning, because the momentum can quickly shift from one political party to the other political party between October 25 and the mid-term election day, if they make any mistakes / gaffes or some scandals take place. Young voters usually tend to have a low voter turnout. There will be a set of 6 of these trines from 2025-29, marking a vast change in Chinas social fabric. Mr Lichtmans model looks at several factors in predicting a winner, including party mandate, third-party challenge, social unrest, incumbency and charisma. By 2040 the air will be clear, the sky blue and the traffic a smooth uninterrupted flow. Adjustment 3. May, June this year and November, December this year will be somewhat difficult months for American people. Heres the thing. Corporate Greed and higher gas prices due to Ukraine war, are responsible for the high inflation. This year President Bidens approval rating is going to remain high until October 2021. Most energy will be generated directly from chemical or light sources, instead of burning fossil fuels. 976d; . With the sitting president running again, youre not going to have a big internal party fight, thats a major key, and youre unlikely to have a big third-party movement. In itself this was quite a good clue to the Democrats winning the election. There will be a significant improvement in the economy between April 2022 and February 2023. As Evening Star, her position is the mid-to-later degrees of Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, sign of the stranger, foreigner, or outsider - someone different or 'other' who acts as the challenger and rival to the throne - such as a non-politician, or an Independent (neither Republican nor Democrat). Could Kamala Harris Steal the 2024 Election for Biden Or Herself? By John F. Harris. There could be a war like situation during this time, stock market may not do so well in November, December 2021. (Note 1) The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius sets the scene for a new socially-conscious style of government ill-suited to the narcissism of Trump.