Screw that. Do, do you have that lot. I'm full in on the music. Again for a 15 or 16 year old? Cool. He said, Try, try to follow your word. Yeah. But I think with social media today, people can just sort of stay a victim. Mike Sarraille: Um, it took a long time for me, but here's the deal. And what out the airplane? Because they all wanted to go out to the bar and drink. So when I was asked to leave the university , it was, uh, you know, I had, I had met Robbie and we were determined that we were gonna do something. You know, And that was, that was always one of the things that when we were coming up in music, the people, the older people, I always listened to the, the old school music guys. And um, and then I did, and then I went to rehab and it didn't work. I mean, they lost hundreds on du day alone in a matter of minutes. From October to December 2007, Rzeznik was a judge alongside Sheila E. and Australian Idol judge and marketing manager Ian "Dicko" Dickson on the Fox network's The Next Great American Band. You know, because, because of circumstances surrounding our relationship, it, it, the, the situation just became untenable and, and it was like, we were not, we were growing apart and we were doing, we weren't doing good for each other anymore. Even my grandfather who was third day of Normandy and he was the, in the black forest turning outta the battle of the bulge, never spoke about it. And they bought him a cow and that, and then he became a dairy farmer and his purpose was restored. But you also bring up something that I think is the, and it's not a pandemic cuz it's not global, but I think within the United States, there's this epidemic of victimhood that, so you talk like people just want to talk for five years about their problems. And, and, uh, I, I had to, I was like, I'm never getting on an airplane again. And that's insane to think about that, but. To me, those are the most gratifying moments of, of what I'm doing or trying to do is when I'll meet somebody at a meet and greeted or at a show or, or, or just on the street and they'll be like, Man, that song really helped me. John Rzeznik: Mike Sarraille: That was the real push for the surveillance state. Oh, my wife says the, uh, the same thing, man, I am taking notes. Um, sometimes it's hard to swallow because of our ego, you know, it's like you need ego to do things, but there's healthy ego and there's, and there's, there's destructive ego. Um, cuz it it sounds like, like a, like a tonic, like it sounds like, Yeah, we all it sounds like a very loving kick in the ass . Um, I think that covid and, and all the civil unrest and, and, and the struggles for, you know, whatever we're struggling towards, where we're, what are we creeping towards? Mike Sarraille: There's music that's candy, and there's music that's poison. Forget about it. I think I, I try to be careful of it. We went to war for close to 20 years, but that generation faced a level of combat that far exceeds what we saw in the battlefield. about ILikeYourOldStuff and their record label based on my Who Is John Rzeznik? Mike Sarraille: Like, like I think Thatt, uh, PTSD in, you know, the civilian population, it's a little bit overdiagnosed I think because I'm like, I'm like, well, maybe I do have p PTSD because, you know, I don't know. So in that moment what I did was I ordered wine for the whole table and I'm like, This is not your problem. John Rzeznik: Im grateful that song came into my life.. And it's like, you know what you do not only for yourself, but you have to keep other people in mind. And they say, they say, Oh, you're the baby. And that's to present that kind of strength. God for, thank God for women. Because it comes from yourself. You start to recognize faces in the crowd and, and they become an extension of your tribe. And, and then once again, it was just, it felt so good to just go, I'm done. Um, I was afraid of everything. And there's times, you know, there are , there are times, you know, I've said I pushed the right button and, you know, he jumped across a coffee table and try to kill me. It's, it's something small. Um, and then, and then we were flying back and we had to go through Sicily and the plane crashed, like legit crashed. However, Rzeznik was approached for writing the soundtrack of the movie City of Angels, and after watching the movie, Rzeznik penned down the song, which changed the band's career.[20]. It's like, this is not healthy. And that, that right there, I know means the world to me. Because there's people who wanna exploit you. Or Both? So I felt as though I needed to, I felt the only path for me to get over this fear was to move through it and get to the other side of it. Instantly they diagnosed me with PTSD and I'm like, Hold on, hold on. We have to take action to get shit done. As you're saying that, man, now I'm thinking of my 37 to about 40 until I turned 40, uh, coming off a divorce, leaving the military, uh, hanging with a, and I don't, I want to be careful not to call them poison, but they were a fun group. You know, so not really, but, you know, he wanted, you know, you know, he wanted to, you know, punch my head in. That there's, there's music is definitely, it Marks time in our lives. And, and you know, you, you gotta have, you gotta have some, some ego to get up on stage in front of people or you, you know, you, and you gotta have, I'm not gonna call it ego, I'm gonna call it what it is, balls to do what you did. It's like really trying to, and I'm getting older, so it's kind of like, Oh man, just gimme that bed. Join us to get the latest music news, reviews, playlists, You know? Yeah. And again, that's my opinion of regardless if you have mental health issues, and first off, lemme tell you that somebody said it, great mental health issues does not mean mental weakness. But it was one of the most accepting places to grow up, you know, eighties, nineties, if you said you were gay, nobody cared. Mike Sarraille: Everything. Captain John R. Maus, a 57-year-old from Las Vegas . "We've had a few run-ins with mentally unstable fans and it's a little bit scary," Rzeznik explains. I think everyone in our country is just fatigued and slightly shocked, Rzeznik laughs wearily. Mike Sarraille: Mike Sarraille: And I know I have this five year old little girl, and I go and I tell her all the time, because I wish somebody would've said this to me. Yeah, I know what you mean. But at least it was something that, that helped them hang on. So you've had impact and uh, I can, I'm gonna go and, and find the dates, man. So what do you do. No, I, I was actually, I was thinking of that when you, when, and you said that that's incredible. It's just an indication that you may be doing it the wrong way and you've gotta make these, these, these, these changes. information, interests, activities, website visits and device I don't think you're mutually exclusive in, in, in my opinion. Do, do people come up a lot and they're like, Hey, that one song reminds me of this time of my life. That's stepping in front of 150,000 people than stepping onto the battlefield. Is that like fuel for you? Introducing Rzeznik in front of her sold-out Madison Square Garden audience in 2011, Swift stated, In my opinion one of the greatest songs ever written is a song called Iris. Mike Sarraille: That was rough In the nineties. Mike Sarraille: As well as walking away from an Italian plane crash in 1999, the Buffalo, New York group also survived a number of perilous van smashes in the bands early days. But, uh, um, but there are people in my life who are, are medicine and there are people in my life who are like candy and I, and I hang with them and talk to them when I just wanna have a good time. And what does everyone do? 1 person dead. Um, cuz I'll tell you, I loved my men and women a lot more than I hated the enemy on, on the other side of the battlefield. John Rzeznik: They applaud them. This is ridiculous. And it's, it's, uh, he has been probably the most stable person in my life. But at the same time, it's a collective strength. And there's times where I want to pack it in and just be like, I'm done. This attracted the attention of a larger record label, Metal Blade, who released their next few albums. Um, it in, we just, well, I, you know, George Silva who helped coordinate this and that guy's like my right hand man, a guy named Jason Belay and a guy named Brian, uh, Gordon, uh, we just finished up a book. I can only speak for myself. And how do I get to a better place? I was like, we were in a plane crash, uh, in Sicily. John Rzeznik: Johnny Rzeznik and the Goo Goo Dolls survived a plane crash in 1999, as recounted in this episode of the Howard Stern Show, from 2000. John Joseph Theodore Rzeznik ( born December 5, 1965), also known as Johnny Rzeznik, is an American guitarist, vocalist, songwriter, and producer. But we all need a sense of homecoming and belonging. And I know we were talking before we, uh, recorded here, but this is like a trip down memory of the lane cuz I grew up on, uh, on your music. [19], Rzeznik believes writing is not just an inspirational act but that writing music is "ninety nine percent perspiration." And you know, it's, and those are the kind of challenges that we have to do. Was it the environment? So what I had to do, what I had to do to get over that anxiety and that fear was, it was the first time we went out on tour and we were staying in these crap motels. The youngest of his four older sisters moved towards punk music and Rzeznik became interested in bands such as Ramones and The Clash. I feel that way about Westerberg. John Rzeznik: Rzeznik noted in a 2003 interview that "No matter what guitar I have, it seems that anything with strings makes music to my ears. John Rzeznik: I swear to God cuz because I was shy. But there, there has to be an element of that greatest generation that, that grit that we instill back into our society. Yeah. Why You, you are, I mean, four decades of impact on the world through your music. I mean, we were, we were so poor. And usually if you follow them with discipline, uh, you know, usually lead to good outcomes. While the catchy melodies and pop production give the songs a joyous spirit, Rzezniks lyrics are a dark assessment of modern times. Yeah. And I, and, and that's something that I've, I've, I've tried to take to heart, you know, I mean, you know, there's music that's medicine. And I didn't No, no. Um, so it in the, in the vein of, of failure, let, let me ask two questions. And that, that's, that's what growing up in a place like Buffalo is like, you take care of your family no matter what, you know? More than 30 years since the Goo Goo Dolls released their debut album, Rzeznik holds hope music has the power to bring people together, no matter how dark the times. And, and, but as dark as he was, he, he took care of his family. You know, like in my, in my, in my situation, it's like if my ego gets involved in the process of writing a song, then it's gonna turn out to be crap. I like, well, I think we, we, we hit on, on this before. In comparison to our war. Wait, you do that guy. And I think that's where a lot of therapy goes wrong, because it's not, it's not solution oriented, you know? I tell you what, I made a deal just to get 'em outta my house just to get everybody that loved me outta my house. I felt so closed off from the rest of the world. I think that's my biggest fear in life is rejection. And it became a metaphor in my life to, to keep going, you know? John Rzeznik: So it's like I'm putting a leather jacket over my head and like, okay, so the leather jacket's gonna protect my face from the fire and I'm gonna like get outta the, And it was just, it was chaos. It's like, we need to find solutions. And there's a lot that people will learn from your advice in this, John Rzeznik: But if your wife's bitching at you or, or your family's bitching at you or you're in trouble at work, consequences mean nothing to an addict. Yeah. discounts in our online store! John Rzeznik: Get official Goo Goo Dolls merch and vinyl here. Um, and I was quite honestly, I was, was like, you know, we were broke. Physical courage. You know, anybody who was a generation or two generations behind me, I wanted, I wanted to learn from them because these people were very successful. It's ruining my life thinking about what this person's opinion of me is. I, and I mean that with all authenticity whatsoever, man, I wish we had three or four hours, uh, sitting down in person cuz we could keep going. I think that there's a certain element of that that, I mean, it's like a survival skill in a way, don't you think? And I believe, you know, just cuz somebody's a qualified shrink or psychologist does not mean they're good at what they do. What was it about the, that drew you in that that, that, you know, sparked that passion dude behind, uh, music? I flunked out. By submitting my information, I agree to receive personalized updates and marketing And my aunts, his sisters told me, you know, they told me all the stories about when they were growing up kids. It joins Talking Heads Once In A Lifetime, Frank Sinatras My Way and Simon & Garfunkels Mrs Robinson as hit songs with And as the unlikely opening word. That was the, the, the, the hopefully the, the, the thing we could avoid it was to, let's say, give a presence of strength that nobody would want to go to war with us. It's be, I mean, you know what? You know? And I just felt like, well you just want my 200 bucks an hour to like hang out. Mike Sarraille: Like, okay, we're going down and we had time to think about it. You gotta learn to take care of yourself. That's what I up, Mike Sarraille: It's like you were saying, which is really brilliant. But, but, um, Yeah. Goo Goo Dolls John Rzeznik Seems a little quiet over here Be the first to comment on this track View all View all View all Go mobile Boom. " I'm Still Here (Jim's Theme) ". Um, you know, I think you do need to open up and you need to be help, but you, but I, I think that the problem, because like, I went to therapy for like, and I still go to therapy in little blocks of time. Very few of them never talked about it. The Democrats are as bad off as the Republicans. He is best known as an American singer, producer, and song writer. Taylor Swift is one of the Goo Goo Dolls many fans who have been inspired by the bands music. And I think, I think, and that's why I always played in bands like playing music. That, that is so beautiful, man. Uh, again, like I said, go to google, check out the dates, go to a show. [citation needed], After the Goo Goo Dolls' equipment was stolen from a van in New York City (including Rzeznik's Marshall JCM800 amplifier and his only guitar at the time), following the recording of their 1989 album, Jed, a custom, yellow Stratocaster-style guitar (later nicknamed "Boing") was made for Rzeznik by ESP. I believe in the concept of tribe. Why is this happening? Okay, wait, wait, break that down for me. But I've seen people who have real PTSD and my little annoyances and neurosis don't stack up to what that really is. Like I am not the identified, I became the identified patient, which leads to victimhood in a way. And you are, I don't know how you mean, you know, we're very into self-reliance, but we are, But the interdependence between you and your fellow soldiers warriors, that's something that's, that's a bond that's so important. Mm-hmm. Mike Sarraille: I equate doing tours for you guys to like, tours in the military. All right, last question, man. Okay. And, and I mean, we remain professional and tactful, but, uh, there is a difference between love and liking. I think this is something that I, I'm just gonna say that I think, like I have, I've been to a few therapists in my life and over the past few years, you know, you have to tell your story to the therapist. And you had a sense of purpose. You take small little incremental steps of exposing yourself to more risk until you don't need to keep your hands on the wall anymore. Rainier Capital Management co-founder John Kenneth Dunn was among 6 people killed when a plane crashed near Lake Tahoe. Was that innate or was it because you worked your freaking ass off? Mike Sarraille: I just have annoying, I'm just annoying and neurotic at times, you know? And especially for somebody who is maybe single in New York, living in a, uh, 400 square foot apartment, if they're lucky. And I think it's a control issue, I think, cuz I'm not a pilot. Yeah. This is a bad relationship. Rzeznik identifies the September 11 terrorist attacks as the point when the United States descended into a bleak phase of history. data and in accordance with the. What's the biggest crowd you've played? He was, he was actually, he was at the end of World War ii. An obituary in the Dallas Morning News said Dunn was "traveling with . He paid for his own apartment using Social Security Survivor Benefit checks.
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