No one else in the world knows this about him. He will not only notice your affection, but he will also feel like he is the most amazing person on earth. He would like to know her interests, her goals, and her opinions. 13) "I've been thinking about you a lot and I miss you" Not at all. So when you tell him that hes sexy when hes being practical, its a huge compliment. It goes without saying that every person needs love and needs to be loved. Again, Virgo men often feel a disconnect between themselves and others. In the same way, Virgo men have a great sense of humor themselves! Freelance writer specializing in holistic health, wellness, and psychology. This kind of statement will make him feel like he is on cloud nine and that nothing can bring him down. Don't Try to Change Him A Virgo man is who he is and will not change for anyone. He values family and friends the most because hes a family guy himself. So if youre looking for a Virgo man, start by telling him how lucky you feel to be with him. Without it, there is no proper connection. When you tell him that he always knows just what to say, it makes him feel great about himself. They want to do the same for you! In it, hell reveal simple phrases and texts you can use to make your man truly yours. I mentioned the concept of the hero instinct earlier by appealing directly to his primal instincts, you wont only solve this issue, but youll take your relationship further than ever before. Although Virgos can tend to come across as a bit cold and analytic, they still have that passion fueling them. So if you want to make your Virgo man feel loved and appreciated, tell him to thank you for always being there for me. They hate it when emotions are interfering with their plans and messing up their routine. For others, he may want a relationship, but for each of them to have their separate houses and only meet periodically throughout the week. Continue to be his friend, talk when you can, and, of course, listen to what he has to say. But what many people dont realize is that Virgo men also have a softer side. When you pour your trust in him, he starts to appreciate you thinking highly of him. It could be anything: a nice compliment, a gift, an unexpected date. But how do you trigger this instinct in him? Showing him that you are thinking of him and you want to be there for him will really touch his heart. It means that you see him as a reliable and trustworthy partner. If you accept him for who he is, he will be happy to do the same for you. Virgo men love to be around people who are kind and caring because it makes them feel that they are the most important person in the world. When you tell him that he always knows just what to say, it makes him feel great about himself. Its this small sentence: We can stay in.. Yes, we mentioned how Virgo men sometimes like to take the role of a leader, but they wont feel attacked if you reverse the roles. He can be patient and tolerant of many differences but he won't tolerate lack of values. Additionally, a sense of humor indicates that youre relaxed and confident. Not just that, he will feel like he is a blessed man to have found someone so wonderful. He appreciates the confident sound of your voice rather than the click-clacking of heels. He might say that he will have to move out of state if he gets a promotion and he will ask . A Virgo man wants to hear from your mouth that hes the one for you. Plus, this is a good opportunity for you to learn something new from him! One last thing I want to mention is: try not to change yourself just to please him. They are rather reserved when it comes to expressing their feelings and emotions. A Virgo man looks at things realistically. Well, this is to be expected of a highly reliable sign. And there are things you can say and messages you can send to trigger this natural biological instinct. And its as simple as knowing the right things to say to trigger his hero instinct and make him into the man hes always wanted to be. A lot of Virgo men tend to feel alone in the world. A Virgo man wants to have a deep, meaningful connection with you. Think about it: that is something we could all hear more, right? Virgo isn't exactly the most traditionally romantic sign in the zodiac. And as with any sign, if they can help make your life easier, they will do it without thinking twice. Heres a link to his excellent free video again. If you remember, they really appreciate it when you encourage them to be the best version of themselves. Doing this will not only make a Virgo man feel loved and appreciated, but it will also deeply resonate with him on a spiritual level. He wants to know that you find him down-to-earth and easy to be around. But sometimes, even the most dependable guy needs a little reassurance. 5 Things A Virgo Man Loves To Hear From A Woman 1. Reminding the Virgo that youve been in his shoes, feeling what hes feeling, and understanding his innermost self, makes him feel so much better. Hell seek help when he feels he needs to. Sometimes Virgo men just need to know that theyre not being judged for their choices or beliefs, and if you can learn how to accept their quirks and eccentricities, you will win their hearts. Theyre the ones who are always there for you, no matter what. The Virgo man fears rejection, and this means that regardless of who ended the relationship if there is to be a second chance, it will be the woman who must face rejection. Heres a link to the excellent video again. Plus, when you are the one initiating the date, he will know for sure that you are happy to go out with him! Well, guess what? Sure, he may seemingly fall off the face of the Earth for weeks or months on end, but a strong line of communication and a listening ear means so much to him. This phrase is especially important when youre still trying to get to know each other. Dont make it sound like youre saying this just because you feel obligated to. Virgo men are also very good at letting their guard down and opening up to their loved ones when they know they can trust you. Girls dont have to always be the ones to receive these kind words. A Virgo man wants a partner who is supportive and understanding. When you tell someone you are proud of them, you reach a special part in their heart. Virgo men have a wild, spontaneous, reckless side that can frequently land them in hot water. This zodiac sign is super careful when it comes to who they let in, so if they open up, thats a great sign! If you can calmly, respectfully inject yourself in as a quiet voice of reason, he will appreciate your efforts. Virgo men are very sensitive and so, if he feels like hes being ignored or neglected by his partner, he will most likely end up feeling sad. Whether hes your best friend, your boyfriend, or your husband, you know you can always count on him to be there for you. The thing about Virgo men is that they are very honest. This button displays the currently selected search type. This earth sign likes pleasing others but will also tend to his needs. Nothing feels better to a Virgo man than when he knows that you feel comfortable enough to open up to him and be vulnerable about your feelings. So, why not take a selfie next time youre with him? Talk about topics that interest him, and make sure to keep the conversation flowing. But theres one thing that Virgo men crave more than anything else: appreciation. Theres a new theory in the relationship world thats causing quite a stir its called the hero instinct. Your encouragement of his dreams, goals, and ambitions would make him feel loved by you. And one of the best ways to show your Virgo man how much you care is to thank him for always being there. Hell know youre not talking about him like a rule and hell be flattered by the distinction. A Virgo man wants to be with a woman who can make him feel good about himself. A few months ago, I reached out to Relationship Hero when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. When someone is proud of them, it makes this zodiac sign feel very good. Its a seductive phrase for a Virgo man. Of all the planets in astrology, Saturn is the most feared and revered. You see, for this zodiac sign, dishonesty is a dealbreaker, so try to be upfront with him about who you are as a person. However, its not only that he will care about his pet to the best of his ability. Theres just something about it that makes them feel so proud of themselves. If you show interest in his perspective on life, youll get him hooked. Dont get me wrong, they arent boring, but rather careful. Virgo men like women who arent afraid to show their empathetic, nurturing side. If you need assistance with something, dont stray away from a Virgo. If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to someone with special intuition. This man will want to tell everyone how much he loves you and how lucky he is to be with someone so special. Instead, hell try to smooth things out and show you that hes capable of dealing with any issues that may arise. Be sure to tell him how much you love him and how happy you are that hes in your life. When you tell him that he is the best thing that has ever happened to you, he will feel like a lucky guy. In a conversation, ask follow-up questions that show you're really listening. Hes got a strong sense of responsibility and takes his commitments seriously. Its only a matter of knowing the right things to say to make him realize that he wants you and only you. This is a way of you reassuring him that hes doing things right and you appreciate what he does for you. The above link will give you $50 off your first session - an exclusive offer for Love Connection readers. Check out my blog to find out more! Even if his secrets feel minor to you, they arent to him. 1. In this day and age, women dont need someone to rescue them. If you want to really get under his skin and stay there for a long time, youll have to try harder. And while this can sometimes result in some pretty brutal honesty, its also one of the things that makes them such great partners. This sign loves feeling appreciated and theres no better way to show him that than by telling him he treats you well. 3. While Virgos are deeply solution-oriented and regimented in most areas of their lives . When you do this, you will win his heart and he will be so happy to know that he can trust you. He is a great conversationalist and loves to talk about himself. Hes not full of himself or too proud to admit hes not got it all under control, so its an easy task helping him out. But that doesn't. You see, this will show him that he is a priority in your life and that you actually care about him, which is the most important thing. I know I cant always show it, but I want you to know how much you mean to me.. Youre the one person he would do anything for and this will make him feel really great. Simply put, just tell him how proud you are of him more often. This sign enjoys meaningful conversation with their partner . Coined by relationship expert James Bauer, this fascinating concept finally explains how men really think and feel in relationships. A Virgo man wants to know that his efforts are not going unnoticed. You see, this zodiac sign loves to be there for you, but they also value their independence and alone time. The actor is considered to be a real "serial dater" and an example of someone who can't stay long in a relationship.. This zodiac sign is a people pleaser, so they will naturally gravitate towards you if you make them smile and laugh. Taking a selfie together is not just a sweet activity, it also provides you both with memories of your date! But this doesnt mean that they dont want or need an emotional connection with you. Whether its a friend, a family member, or a lover saying this, it feels so comforting for him to know that he is loved and has someone who will be a caring constant in his life. They want to hear you say those three little words: I feel so lucky.. And to be honest, who doesnt want to hear this? Of course, they dont like to be dramatic at all. 2. He knows he can be spur of the moment; he just doesnt know how to rein that behavior in. Heres a link to the excellent video again, Click here to watch the excellent free video, 10 tips to stop being dramatic in a relationship. He sometimes tends to take on the role of leader and the one to guide you in the right direction. So, how can you trigger your mans hero instinct? He will come back to you as soon as hes able. emotional connection and physical attraction. 3. Okay, this one probably goes for any zodiac sign, or at least I havent met anyone to this day who doesnt like to be appreciated. Virgo men are attracted to intelligent women, and a sense of humor is one way to show off your smarts. Virgo men are drawn to women who are comfortable in their own skin and who dont take themselves too seriously. It's Okay If We Don't Talk About It Right Now #12. This zodiac sign has a big ego, and when you keep talking down on him, he will feel very uncomfortable in your presence. Psychologists define "serial monogamists" as people who jump from one . A Virgo man wants to hear a cry for help. Deep, hypothetical, philosophical, and analytical chats make him feel more alive and powerful. You see, this zodiac sign will often go out of their way to do things for you, and they love to do that and dont expect anything in return except appreciation. You may not really expect that from men, but he can be a real softy at times. Hell be overjoyed with the idea of being valued by you. If you beat around the bush and tend to be indecisive quite a lot, it might deter him. I'm So Happy To Be Around You #7. This concept is generating a lot of buzz at the moment as a way to explain what really drives men in relationships. It gives him that reassurance that you want to plan your future together. Not necessarily all the time, but he wants you to feel free to express yourself. You see, this zodiac sign loves to laugh, and they love people who make them laugh. If youre trying too hard to get his attention, you might be going about it the wrong way. You see, this zodiac sign needs someone who can compromise and listen to what he has to say instead of being stubborn, as well. When is the right time to say I love you? Theyre always analyzing and critiquing every little thing, making them seem unapproachable at times. Its revolutionized the way I understand how men work in relationships. In just a few minutes you can connect with a highly intuitive psychic and get tailor-made advice for your situation. Dont overthink it too much! He will love that you are so into him. Like me on Facebook to see more articles like this in your feed. Are you starting to see by now that all of these details take us back to that damsel in distress scenario? Let him know that you find him sexy when hes being sensible and efficient, and hell be sure to return the compliment. A few months ago, I reached out to Relationship Hero when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. In addition, Virgo men tend to be very analytical and detail-oriented, so they will be impressed if you notice and appreciate the little things they do. Theres actually a psychological term for what Im talking about here. Required fields are marked *. So if youre ready to take that plunge, be sure to check out the video now. He cant believe that you would think of him like that, so he will be extremely grateful for your love. And so, when you say this, it shows that you can be there for them when they need you and allow them to be there for you. Once triggered, these drivers make men into the heroes of their own lives. Maybe its their ability to always be level-headed, or maybe its their strong sense of duty. The next thing a Virgo man loves to hear is I am ready to take things to the next level.. He wants to know that you share his values. He needs someone who knows what they want, and for a Virgo man, the best-case scenario would be if you wanted him. This earth sign loves caring for others, as we already mentioned. I know, it can be hard to let go of things that happened in the past or arguments youve had, but if you want to win his heart, you need to know when to let things go. Now, you may be wondering why its called the hero instinct? Dont be afraid to tell him every now and then that hes handsome or that he has an amazing smile. ?. You can learn exactly what to do by watching this simple and genuine video by James Bauer. Just by knowing the right things to say to him, youll open a part of him that no woman has ever reached before. This zodiac sign is really hard to impress, but they will feel the difference when they sense that youre trying to become a better person. This type of man loves a woman who's honest and loyal. Whatever you do, make sure that you are genuine with him. According to James Bauer, men dont actually need a lot to feel content in their relationships. So if you show them that youre trying to improve yourself and make your life better, this is a huge deal for them! Theyre not the type to play games or beat around the bush if they have something to say, theyll say it. If you dont already know it, there are certain things that a Virgo man wants to hear. Haha, I know what youre thinking: what is she talking about? All of that and more is revealed in this excellent free video by James Bauer. Planning the future also shows off the above-mentioned organizational skills that he finds so attractive. You see, this zodiac sign loves to laugh, and they love people who make them laugh. Sometimes you are truly being helpful, but other times your opinions are perceived as judgmental and critical, which only pushes people away. Validation means a lot to the Virgo man, and this gesture will go far to validate and comfort him. I write to express my thoughts so that others will be inspired. They like when people are realistic, just like them. This is a huge ego boost for a Virgo man, and it will make him feel more attracted to you. I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my psychic was. Some people may think of them as stuck up because they like to do things a certain way. Click here to watch his excellent free video. If you say it too early he will feel like you are trying to rush things, and if you say it too late he will think you are not ready for a committed relationship. A Virgo man isnt that easily impressed; he wont fall for simple tactics like that. No matter what, if he is a Virgo man, this is guaranteed to make him feel loved and appreciated. A Virgo man is hardworking and practical, so he appreciates when his efforts are recognized. In some cases, he just needs to go out for a game night with his friends once a week to maintain normalcy. The Virgo man in love is a doer - his main love language is showing it in tangible ways. Its also an amazing strategy of theirs to deal with any kind of issue. He also has a strong sense of duty and responsibility, so hearing that you appreciate how hardworking he is will make him feel good. Above all else, Virgo men want to feel heard, seen, understood, loved, and accepted. And since this free video reveals exactly how to trigger your mans hero instinct, you could make this change as early as today. Theres nothing a Virgo man loves more than spending time with the one he loves. Virgo men are often seen as the strong, silent type. Hell love you for it, and youll really be able to connect with him. Redditor honest_owl101 said, In the adult world, getting into fights doesn't make you look cool; it just makes you look stupid." Cellocalypsedown added, "And one wrong fight can leave you . After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into what my future holds, and the confidence to make the right decisions when it comes to love. Show Me The Way He will be affectionate towards you. Privacy Policy | About us |Contact us 2023 Think Aloud, What a Virgo man wants to hear? Its a simple thing, but it can make all the difference in the world. He loves how you are always challenging him mentally and stimulating his mind. For his lover, though, this skill is everything. When a man feels respected, useful, and needed, hes more likely to fall in love with you. However, this sign isnt afraid of professing his love back at all. What a Virgo man wants to hear. Have you spent enough time around your Virgo to know what hes thinking before he says it out loud? With James Bauers incredible concept, hell see you as the only woman for him. And the best part is, that triggering his hero instinct can be as simple as knowing the right thing to say over a text. This is a wonderful day to socialize with others. If you havent figured this out by now, a Virgo man likes when someone depends on him. He won't appreciate it. Thats why when they love you, they are all there for you, and they trust you enough to open up to you. From there, its his decision to go ahead and make it happen. This will show him that youre still interested in him. This simple phrase will make him feel appreciated and loved. Because once a mans hero instinct is triggered, hell only have eyes for you. Seductive phrases can be useful for getting what you want in any situation, but theyre especially powerful when used on a Virgo man. Virgos love to know that theyre appreciated, so be sure to tell them when they do a good job.
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