Now, Im not saying to give in all the time far from it! Anyway Im getting long winded. Teaching them not to hide away their feelings can build their confidence. Your child will grow by going after new and unknown things. I have tons of advice for you because Im a Scorpio and I was a handful as a child. Simply the Worlds Most Interesting Travel Site. 1. The natural mother of the zodiac, Cancer is the ultimate nurturing sign as it's ruled by the moon. It takes practice to master the phoenix stage and stay in it for long periods of time. . Finally, yes. My question is how do I as a Virgo mother be there for my little scorpio and her siblings (Aries and Pisces)?Also struggling with the thoughts that they too could have this disease. Website for moms seeking advice, community, and entertainment. It will be important to gain the trust of your Scorpio child. Aquarius will be disgusted by Gemini's desire to use the baby as a prop in Instagram photos, while Gemini will become exasperated that Aquarius doesn't want to go out on the weekends anymore. Add in lamps that remind you of the ocean, figurines of mermaids, or lamps made of shells. Their adventurous side will be awakened. Cancer, you are parent material. A king holding a scepter floats on water. Your child might be a little vain, too, and would like to see their face from time to time. I love the information youve given on here, THANK YOU! Not to be afraid of adventure. The Scorpio man may seem mysterious to some, but it's no mystery that he makes a great father! Im his mother and a Leo born on August 10. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Im excited to raise her and welcome the challenge, that being said her complete disregard for what I think has me a bit concerned. Once we understand this about our personality (based on zodiac sign) we can talk ourselves down from emotional grenade launching. Add pictures of water landscapes to your home as well. Any advice on keeping a good parenting balance between these two very different personalities? Even when a Scorpio has created the problem, they desperately fear family/people will withdraw their love. Aquarius should teach them to value themselves. But their parents are who they most want to love them! When you start to spin, recognize that youre spinning because A. its Virgos nature and B. because youre a wonderful mom who loves her family deeply. Libra children rely on their Scorpio parents for never-ending support, which will allow them to evolve into the best person they can be. But, hes exhibiting a Scorpio personality. By comparison, when given uniform strictures and plenty of love, the Scorpio boy typically responds with honesty and frankness. Remember, however, that Scorpios are not as demonstrative as some other signs. King is part of the nearly one-third of parents with adult children who provide them with financial support, according to a Credit Karma survey of 1,008 adults in October 2022. Mirrors can help with the flow of energy. This will not be easy. OK. My Scorpio son is about to turn 6, and Im concerned about his negative outlook on life e.g he has asked for a scooter for his birthday & when I say I will get him one his reply is no you wont he just doesnt seem to have any belief within himself, or anything in life or people, no matter how much I reassure him! Scorpio Parent, Sagittarius Child. My daughter has a Lot of these traits. Scorpio parents can make Sagittarius kids care about the world at . Leo's mission is to bring the best out in children. If it turns out that the son and hubby made a sacred contract to get along in this lifetime, you might get a bit jealous of the love they share. Sagittarius should encourage them to tap into their imaginative side, heal, and let go. Scorpio is a water element, and children born under this zodiac sign may enjoy visiting lakes and beaches. However there are times that all she wants to do is rearrange my facial features lol. Maybe by redirecting your daughters energy toward more positive desires you can help her see that she will, ultimately, be much happier (get more of what she wants) by doing good instead of bad. Remember, the Scorpios ruling planet is Mars so admonishments are gauntlets thrown down and even the youngest Scorpion will stand their ground. Whereas most Libras are scared to death of Scorpios hes an evolved Libra and a great panacea to my Mars energy. Scorpio (Oct. 23 Nov. 21) Although Scorpios tend to be sarcastic and hilarious, a grandparent with this sign values truth and honesty above all else. Participate in this conversation via email, Dream Interpretation, Analysis, & Meanings, Claddagh Ring Meaning, History & How to Wear It. Not only are you getting an awesome treehouse built from scrap wood out in the backyard and good meals on the cheap (Pisces are resourceful like that) you have two deeply compassionate people looking out for you in life. Scorpio should encourage them to focus on their needs, protect themselves and be more vigilant with the people they allow in their circles. And I can look forward to his future as an Adult and know he will be successful and will always stand up for himself and what is right. This child has great strength, good health and a fair amount of aggressiveness that needs taming before that first black eye. They can be moody, restless, passionate, determined, and demanding. Children do well to go outside and learn from the elements. Its kinda like Soul Strengthening Boot Camp! And the first week she was home she required cpr and an overnight stay at the childrens hospital. Scorpio children have so many emotional expressions, which are reflected in the sign's symbols. My mom was a Scorpio and Im a Scorpio. What will be the biggest obstacle based on our own signs to look out for? Now, your son is born under the Virgo date and, so, is a Virgo. The Scorpio Boy. I thought being a scorpio myself I would understand him and get him but I guess the male and female scorpio is still quite different. Take the advice of both parents, and you might just take over the world one day. They dont want to go deep on anything but they do want to go, go, GO! Your child may think and talk about death a lot more than your other kids. These two conquer their place in life with the same energy of Mars and the same ambition. Gemini (May 21-June 20) Geminis are verbose and curious individuals who love to learn. Aquarius should teach them to embrace their individuality. I dont want to break those qualitits, but how to a discipline her when she doesnt listed/ does something wrong ect. They are 3 years apart. Sometimes you need to reveal aspects of yourself in order to get that peek into their mind and spirit. He will seem to accept it but he always goes back to this old tricksusually even worse. To never give up on what they want. Worst parent-child zodiac compatibility revealed. Scorpio should teach them how to let go, how to trust, and how to love. The relationship between Aries mother and Scorpio child can develop in completely different ways. My son was due November 17, 2015, but due to some pregnancy complications he was born September 1, 2015. Never, ever forget that Scorpio is ruled by Mars the god of war. While many people think about zodiac compatibility when referring to romantic relationships and friendships, zodiac compatibility between parents and their children is often overlooked. They are appreciated more than I can express. Needless to say, there is now not one fire starter in the house. Your beautiful Scorpios soul knew she wanted YOU as her momma and she was sick and tired of waiting. However, to your child, these epic emotional wars youre describing might be making him feel like your love is in danger of disappearing even if its not. How to be more diplomatic when they are with people that do not agree with them. Virgo bends in strong winds and adjusts to little bumps in the road. Oh my goodness! My Scorpio son is so hard on himself, he believes he is rubbish at everything, but compared to my other children he is the most intelligent & good at everything, especially sport. Whereas others can let things roll off their back, the Scorpio Child feels every single word and deed in the farthest reaches of their soul. Family board game night will be something the kids will look forward to even in their teens (even if they would die before admitting it.) In return, the Scorpio parent will offer routine and structure that will help Libra feel as though things are on balance, rather than off kilter. Scorpio Father Traits: Conclusion. Whether the child is a sensitive Pisces, an intuitive Scorpio, or a calm Cancer, water signs are natural nurturers. Gemini should encourage them to communicate more and take pride in their thoughts. Think of this as show and tell act the way you want your child to act. Do you and your partner want to have kids one day? It's best not to add more water Feng Shui into a bathroom as it already has a lot of water features. Meaning dont start a war. As a toddler, he would write all over the walls, shove things in the toilet, destroy the kitchen before we woke up. A time-traveling animated turtle cartoon illustrated by a five-year-old? Or a dad who takes you shopping because he knowsyour style better than you do? But if that initial burst of passion turns into a lifelong partnership and a family, only good kids can come of it. Libra should encourage them to stand out, harness their artistic side and follow their dreams. I am only worried she wont let me in. If you accept their armor, in a way, you accept them. My child is likely to be so much smarter than me. That way, I can take a look at how the 2 signs best communicate and interact. Libra mom scorpio daughter If you could remember that then she wouldnt be so scary she would be the hero. A Scorpio parent is always there to talk their child through tough breakups, bad grades, and skinned knees. To bring in a water feel, paint a wall blue. Children of this union will getmixed messages: one moment they deserve the world, the next nothing they do matters. I am a Taurus and my husband is a Sagittarius. We live with my family Sagittarius grandma (my mom) my cancer brother who is 16 and my daughters grandpa (my step dad)who is a June 19 Gemini. Aquarius should teach them to break free from monotony and be free. Libra's natural inclination to spoil her child and Leo's desire to milk Libra for all she's worth will result in a kid whose primary skill is manipulating adults for money and attention. You make up part of your child's inner voice as an adult. Water sounds can be soothing to them. To know that they are powerful and courageous. Sagittarius should teach them how to feel confident in their own independence. Her dad is an Aries and my 7 year old son (child from a previous relationship) is a Libra. Aries are strong leaders and it takes a great deal to bring them down. Children with Pisces and Cancer parents will grow up and go out into the world with a well-stocked emotional toolkit, able to face whatever disasters life throws at them. Hi! However, Aries isn't the one to keep their emotions under wraps, unlike Scorpio, so parents born under this Sun sign will need to keep this in mind. Parents need to help their Libra childlove their individual side and not rely on a relationship to feel fulfilled. They are also courageous, loyal, and passionate. Scorpio parents tend to be very clean individuals. I hate it though. An Aquarius doesn't go back on his or her word. So happy you enjoyed reading about the Scorpio child or, in your case, twins! But a Scorpios mantra is I desire and its ruling planet is Mars. LOL , Yes. Capricorn should teach Aries structure and balance, especially when it comes to planning and goal setting. As for the Virgo hubby, well, be prepared Leo mommy. Your little one is really gonna do great things. They said if she made it she would be on oxygen support for a while after coming home. Aries is also ruled by this planet. Here, Astrologer Alice Bell offers ideas for how best to engage your intuitive Scorpio based on your own astrological sign. When he needs to think, he will go to his room and use that space to process life. Competitive parents should be careful how they rile up their Scorpio kid. The cups from Ace to King go on a path through emotional development. And, Water signs are the consummate lovers of this world. To connect with others and learn from them. So, as stated earlier, try in any way you can not to go to war. And, its so awesome to hear from a parent whos excited to raise a Scorpio! Scorpios are some of the biggest relationship-seekers. 44. They'll instill these values in your . Most of the Sun signs only have one symbol, but Scorpio has the most symbols attached to it with three: The Scorpio will have to go through these three stages in its development. I know that I have gone too far getting angry with him in the past and so Ive tried sincerely apologizing to him about mama getting too angry. Rather, discipline with a smile so to speak. They are passionate about the things they love, hateful when others hurt them, secretive when they need to be, and lovable when they feel safe. None of that either shes walking babbling and getting into everything! Its all or nothing with these children, which means being very consistent in your upbringing (believe us the Scorpio child is an expert at loopholes). Water is about reflection, so mirrors can mimic that. Water overall is more of a yin energy. Aries and Sagittarius are twofire signs that make for an explosive sexual combination. Taurus should encourage Aquarius to build a foundation that will bring them security. Insight?! seen a huge difference in her. The Aries Parent should teach them not to be pushovers. Adult beverages and a referee whistle these are things that can help keep your family on even keel. And, once upon a time, my mother might have said the very same things about me. And, as such, will be able to feel every single vibrational energy positive and negative. Photo by Michel Catalisano on Unsplash; Canva. In this game, one of you acts as the sender and the other is the receiver. Should she go on to do benevolent works, driven by her Scorpio anger ignited by injustices, well then her Scorpio-ness wont be that bad in the grand scheme of things now will it? For many of these . Pregnancy and parenting news, given to you in a way nobody else has. A youth holds a cup, and a fish pokes out of it. My fist born nov 2 is 100% Scorpio! Wisdom is your strong suit as a parent and will become the forefront of your relationship. LOL Some days you get the Libra child and other days you get the Scorpio child. And it's not all about materialism. Im glad you made it safely through the hurricane! They may not necessarily know that you are trying to build a home that fits their personality and needs, but they will feel the comfort it brings. Sometimes he terrorizes the other 2 kids in the house so bad that I HAVE to intervene for their own peace and the intervention is a disaster. HA! Whew! Some parents distance themselves from their Scorpio children because they think they're weird. Scorpio and Leo make a strong and disciplined pair of parents -- and your children will have to learn how to toe the line at early ages, too. Leo should teach them to take pride in themselves and what they believe in. The allure of the Scorpio is hard for even strong parents to overcome, so be prepared to challenge yourself to get past the surface of your daughters dallying. lol I mean she hasnt done anything like that in quite some time knock on wood. But your daughter planned to be a Scorpio from inception. Libra should teach them how to network and believe in themselves. Im kind of terrified of this combination because Im a gemini and my younger brother is a scorpio and he made my life miserable to the point where I left the house at 17 and completely derailed my goals and life just to get out of that nightmare situation. They have a dense web of emotions to discover, grow through, and master. Any advice is welcome! We butt heads constantly. Scorpio starts as the snake. Not so much with these ill-omened signs. It features a chalkboard, dry erase board and painting easel all in one. What to adjust to my toddler. Disturbing their comfort zone will get them to challenge others. Duality; two hearts or two minds coming together. They'll likely want to give you love but also want to mess with you. Well, perhaps if you can come to see that you are part of a bigger picture one thats far more than your Scorpio child being a brat or her tantrums being embarrassing. My son not so much. I am a young mom of 2, my aries 2 year old and my piscis 3 year old. So, even though your Scorpio child is older, young Libra will love to be helpful in keeping the beloved sibling in a place of peace. They're very private and will expect that you give them privacy. Don't panic if they do so, but respect their boundaries. Aquarius should teach Aries to be unique and not be discouraged if they feel like outsiders. The Scorpio child is a conundrum to be sure even when its the Moon aspect rather than the rising sign. Little signatures of blue can help you get the vibe you desire in your home. Look forward to your reply. Scorpio children are ruled by the warring planet Mars. So, when your Scorpios break out in world war three because they will do your best to divert them to something that will calm them down and make them laugh. Cancer should teach them how to not be discouraged when things do not go their way. I am at a crossroads where I dont know how to get him to listen and follow commands because he just doesnt want to. And maybe not be so dependent on me? Cancer should guide the child into becoming brave and disciplined. She clings to me for dear life when we are in social settings even if shes been around the same people on multiple occasions.