Do not lie, do not cheat, and do not steal from anybody or anything. And lastly, the attack on white males in commercials has been going on for years. That was . No masculine role models or father/son interaction in commercials. (Thats what the report says, anyway. I worked very hard to build a good reel as a white actor. No one eating Shabbat dinner or at a seder, or celebrating Chanukah, etc. They are members of congress, secretaries of state, vice president of the US and even a black President of the US. When the roles are reversed, BOTH races are mentioned. Build and employ diverse teams who think, create and attack problems from diverse perspectives. Instilling diversity as a value and solidifying it through an appropriate vision and mission statement will ensure that its imbued in a companys ethos. Another word for it is indoctrination, and its rampant. Until Black leaders come out and say something nothing will change. If I didnt know better, Id say it almost feels like many of these commercials were written with white people in mind, and then black actors were hired for the sake of diversity.. All it is is black people getting into positions of power and choosing their own just like the racist people do (yes, there are racists in every community). Kudos to you Kayla our current cancel-culture society seems to make out the Caucasian culture as buffoons and unattractive. And I am CONVINCED this is due to SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS and PACs and ACTIVISTS. Quit paying to go to see those movies. Its been that way for ages. This is the Kalergi Plan and the Frankfurt School opperating at full speed ahead. More than ever, be lions, not sheep!! Its a problem for sure. You are born with them and cannot change them no matter if one surgically destroys what they were born with, or hormones one takes. Im not as well versed in Hollywood films and actors as you, but I recognize and appreciate many of your examples. Theres a lot of that in Hollywoodin Die Hard you have the evil blonde bad guy. Now that you are aware, youll start to notice it yourself. Current science says the exact opposite, and more and more people are getting on the bandwagon with low carb diets + fasting until lunch to experience weight loss and better overall health ( me, reversed diabetes and down 60 lbs so far). . I dont believe a lot of what I see on the news, Julie, but quite a few recent mass-casualty events have allegedly been motivated by racial hatred and Buffalo is most certainly not the beginning. In the past half year alone, weve had the SUV that drove itself through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin in November; the synagogue shooting in Texas in January; the Brooklyn subway shooting in April; and thats just off the top of my head. There are WAY TOO MANY FOLK EARNING their LIVINGS! But if they are patient enough, they will finally find this one I am really tired of seeing mainly blacks featured in TV ads! how wonderful, right? Love it! These days, we are all seeing a hell of a lot of propaganda. It exploits social-justice politics and transforms it into social-justice consumerism and ultimately, investor profit. You are also correct that it is almost impossible to boycott all of these companies. It would seem that racism is alive and well, and Im not just talking among white people. What I will never understand is this desire for some gay people to tell the whole damn world that they are gay!! The greatest losses in life occur because we do not know what we do not know. I dont need to be told how smart and strong women are, and how dumb men are. Im a 64-year-old liberal white female who usually votes Democratic but Ive been noticing this more and more. This has been decades in the making, and has been very subtle and well planned. These companies didnt get the message, so now boycotts and canceled subscriptions are hurting their bottom lines. Obviously there is nothing wrong with that in real life and I wish I had them as neighbors. Thanks to the Cranky one for putting this out there. Art to be good, has to reflect truth in nature and if doesnt, then it is propaganda. So while these Ad people pat their own backs about breaking racial boundaries.. they are not being as innovative as they think because they are ALL doing it. The overall ethnic skew of the marketing/advertising industry is more diverse than ever, at 30.8 percent, yet despite the progress, there is still work to be done. Black Rock? Youre exactly right, Thor. Just an example of how insane these people arelast summer when I took my son to the playground, he went down a slide right after a black girl went down before she got to the bottom. Absent, but it didnt stop me from achievement. I think what irks me about it is the people making the choices. And therefore will feel comfortable buying products from companies that support diversity. I perfectly see Michelle FHs point she is correct, absolutely. factswhich the left say is RACISM and they hate facts: That said, I think you expressed yourself quite well. r/unpopularopinion on Reddit: Forced diversity is stupid. 25% Jewish? At the last moment, the kids cross paths so that granddaughter goes to grandpa, and grandson goes to grandma (to bake cookies and make the beds, I suppose). Its not about having the income to buy these nice things, but are these actually reflecting the priorities and choices of black Americans? Back in the 1980s, I read several papers on how Americas changing demographics was going to leave any corporate players who didnt get on board with the new normal of the time at a distinct disadvantage in this profitable market segment. I cannot stand the commercials and do feel insulted by it. And that the belief in a God or divine spark within is a total lie. I just dont think theyre really selling products anymore. Yes, there were some race-based cultural differences and the injustice of segregation, but we were still much more visibly Americans, with a shared American culture. While 10% of all new marriages are interracial, only 1% are black/white marriages. This must stop before it escalates beyond any controlled means. As you can see, you are hardly alone. one of the largest talent payroll and trafficking companies in the industry, extreme reach, just issued results of their study on racial diversity for on screen casts in TV commercials. Hed also probably think 1/3 of relationships are interracial, 25% of people are LGBT, all white men are either evil or stupid, all women and PoC are virtuous and intelligent, etc. dumb commercials are not necessarily a bad thing. Even then I remember observing how these articles addressed this new future as if it were simply a matter of natural human progression vs the very intentional Hart-Celler Act coupled with our governments refusal to police its border adequately. Check out this childrens cereal from Kelloggs, the box of which encourages young kids to choose their pronouns or even make up their own. Its all getting lame and predictable. Thats captain vanilla. LIke you, Ive also heard that many black (nah, screw AP) women are absolutely NOT okay with seeing black men with white women, whether its in TV commercials or in real life. But its the talking-about-it part thats hard. Generation to generation. Copyright 2023 Association of National Advertisers-established in 1910. Shame on you, advertising professionals. We see you. You can search our website for events, press releases, blog posts, and more. I literally get up and leave the room or x out ALL of these commercials (and blacks are in ALL of them) that are bombarding and attempting to control our thinking that theyre normal .. Rob, you have started a firestorm with this subject. Enough with their double standards crap. Zach Van Arsdale By Fernanda Galan | November 8, 2021 | 9:30pm MST People are realizing their clientele is much more diverse, and it helps their image to represent that in their advertising. It is time to get over it. And if it is repartitions for the past where 100% of posters were white, remember as recently as the 1980s this country was 82%+ white. Check our Privacy and Cookie Policy for more information. Almost an Agenda. Thanks, Jackson. But God save the queen Kim, she will change this all in a generation or two. Being Ethical. There are a plethora of resources for the economically underprivileged to attain post-HS education in a trade, or in a college, etc. To many people, white males have become the very symbol of privilege. I dont believe they are diverse just playing the role. So now, the police officers are going to jail for doing their jobs and the they are erecting statues to honor the wonderful THUGS that resist arrest and the thugs families are winning the ghetto lottery. I see youve done your research. I understand what my staff is going through; I dont have to conduct research studies. The stunning lack of diversity in the advertising industry goes back decades and those in power have done little to change it. Thanks for doing the legwork so we dont have to, Wypipo. Even more so with people of color!! There WAS a time in the US when blacks and whites dressed the same, enjoyed much of the same music, went to the same civic celebrations, etc. Well, the first thing I saw upon booting up the game was a billboard that had been created by another player which read: TRANS RIGHTS. This, in a kids game. Again I say, read American Marxism for an explanation of EVERYTHING that is going on. Im sure people watching us from other countries have to be like wtf??. . If you watch commercials for Apple, Coke, Lexus, beer, etc youll roughly see 60%+ black, 10% Hispanic, 10% Asian, 10% white (female), 5% white (male/bumbling/background character), 5% other. I too see the stupidity in it, and resent and push back against it. Its Time to Acknowledge Anti-White Racism. Yikes. This is so far off what is anecdotally obvious to the average TV viewer, that it suggests erroneous data. Get pregnant, get free insurance, get food stamps and sell them 0.50 on the dollar. BARF! Im proud of that, but I think the powers that be are trying to protect themselves knowing that they lead almost all white ad agencies. I think a white person wants their race to survive & thrive as much as all other races. Yes, yes. Erik Radle, the CEO of Miller Advertising (Texas) has openly bragged about how advertising is going to change our society. Your comment reminds me of the former Levis jeans executive who just published a book about how woke capitalism at the company got her ousted from her dream job. Interesting observation, Phelan! The Kellogg brothers were Seventh Day Aventists who preached that meat is evil, advocating a grain and veg based diet. The posters on the walls show a high percentage of blacks, Asians, gays, women, etc Literally 10% or less white, straight males. You make some good points, Don. Excellent points. But what seemed like overnight the pendulum over swung. Firms can address these issues as the economy . It is because they loath to present young white men as heroes or role models. As a matter of fact, what that is is actually racist. For example, the black kids who beat up the conscientious black student at school for acting white.. If everyone sits around complaining but not taking any action they and their agenda win.