Doing it at 6pm just to repet it at 3AM is ridiculous as you would never make the trip to the hospital without depends! Its pleasant enough that I wanted to chug it LOL But Im doing it slow and on my final glass for tonight of four glasses. First time never having candy on Halloween! In spite of not following the prep timing, I had no issues with my bowel not being clean. Now, when I finally have the resolve to have one, all those people shrug and say Oh, no big deal and Can you work an extra shift the night before? Practice self-care and be proud of yourself you got screened! Hydrated with a liter of water before taking suprep. You change into a hospital gown, and an IV line is added. For me, the split prep was worse as I prefer to get it all done at once. solution dose for prep 1 (and then the next day's attempt for prep 2. ) I had to cancel my colonoscopy, the prep was that bad, I normally don't write reviews; however, I felt that I needed to share my experience with Suprep Bowel Prep. Suprep is a cruel form of torture--by morning I was furious. Available for Android and iOS devices. Also any hunger you feel goes away once you are bloated and full of the prep and water and spending time in the bathroom. I followed the prep instructions using a gallon of gavilyte/golytlely. If youve ever drank Ural for a UTI thats kind of what it tastes like. I was allowed the clear fluids and jello between the 2 preps but none after the 2nd dose. If you are sensitive to taste, have something ready to chase it down. Great to hear you had such a positive experience and the tips for how you got ready days before. From solid food to liquid. Question: From reading about all the different ways to prep, it seems like overkill to do both the magnesium citrate AND the Prepopik? Suprep Reviews - MedsChat Drink ALL the liquid in the container. I searched about 20 other hospitals and gastro clinics for others and saw that my clinic is pretty ignorant about whats out there. If you're apprehensive about your next colonoscopy, you're probably dreading not the procedure itself, but the preparation for itand for good reason. You may drink water or other clear liquids up until 2 hours before the time of the test if your doctor says it is okay. It took 70 minutes to start to work. My gastrointestinal dr. has me on a 2 day prep. The first dose gagged me. Sunday I ate some peanut butter crackers and later a skinless baked potato. Jane, I am actually having a hard time sleeping I am so upset about this. It takes about a half hour for the trip from home to the clinic and I had no surprises along the way. Im not nervous about the colonoscopy itself, its just all this prep that has me spinning. It was an orange flavored powder that you mix with 5oz of cold water. You take the first dose the night before your procedure, and the second dose the morning of your procedure. I had a breast reduction 3 yrs ago and did ok with it but I still fear it. Hi Lynn, We appreciate your comment so much! *2pm BM normal (the double BMs might be because I was getting a little nervous about taking the laxatives nerves are my natural laxative) Another study found that split-dose prep made prescreening bowel movements easier. The passing was easyno cramping, no burning (even though I have hemorrhoids), and I had fair warning of the need to go. Well, as I was finishing the first 16 oz all hell broke loose. Ultimately I was able to successfully complete my colonoscopy on my second try. The only surprise (and very painful surprise) was that they banded two hemorrhoids that they found. Now, it's on to the procedure. Thank you for your comment and honesty. Suprep Bowel Prep Kit (sodium sulfate, potassium sulfate, and - RxList "If the prep isn't adequate, the patient should come back after using a different prep," she explains. What really made my event was the discovery and removal of a polyp. Its ok at room temperature. Instructions said I could eat the low fiber diet until noon, but again, my fear of not cleaning out made me stop eating at about 10am. Clear liquids all day the day before test and 1 10 oz bottle of Citrate of Magnesium. Download our free screening mini magazine for more information about colorectal cancer screening. Use is contraindicated in the following conditions . I had a colonoscopy in 2016, they took out 2 polyps and said have the next one in 2026. Needed to pass all the air gas they put in me. I have a question but first want to say thank you to everyone who posted their encouragement and tips. People with kidney disease and heart conditions often require preps that don't include phosphates or magnesium. Sign up to get tips for living a healthy lifestyle, with ways to fight inflammation and improve cognitive health, plus the latest advances in preventative medicine, diet and exercise, pain relief, blood pressure and cholesterol management, andmore. She drank half the laxative ending around 6pm. We are huge blot, dont wipe fans here. Will try to follow-up after the procedure. You all can do this! Im having my first one tomorrow. This is in spite of the claim the changes are supposed to make things easier, but that is just my take on it. We recommend you speak with your provider for medical advice. Wasnt hard to drink Almost immediate need to hit the toilet. The prep experience reminded me of a very appropriate statement by Jack Nicholson in The Bucket List Never trust a fart! We appreciate your comment. Store the medicine in a closed container at room temperature, away from heat, moisture, and direct light. Please, talk to your provider about this. The suprep is 2 stages one at 5pm and the 2nd at 1:30am for a 7:30am procedure. (Remember to avoid any liquids with red, orange, and purple dyes as these may look like traces of blood during the colonoscopy and can interfere with getting accurate results.). I recall being in the procedure room and talking with my doctor before things got started. Hi Clairissa, Thank you so much for your comment. Do I drink this all at once? So, my advice for people is, relax, your body knows what to do, let it do it and breathe and have a cool cloth and a fan near by. Have you spoken with your primary doctor about the issue of the opiate induced constipation? Maybe enough time hasnt passed. Its a two step process. Sutab Oral Reviews and User Ratings: Effectiveness, Ease of Use - WebMD I will say, though, it served its purpose. We are so glad you are OK and your appendix was taken out just in time. The last bowel movement occured three hours after the start of the drink. Thursday night its 1 pouch of Prepopik followed by another one 6am Friday. The Best Diets for Cognitive Fitness, is yours absolutely FREE when you sign up to receive Health Alerts from Harvard Medical School. If your fears are based on your last colonoscopy prep, you may be pleasantly surprised by your next one. 8 dulcolax, 8.3 oz miralax and 2 6oz suprep. This made my colonoscopy a horrific experience which could have been avoided with better preparation. Morning dose went down easier. The next morning, I was able to drink the second dose of 32 oz. If your scheduled arrival time is before 11 a.m., start at 8 p.m. the night before your procedure. Did he have any suggestions? When it's your time for a colonoscopy, demand a different prep! In my experience, the split dose colonoscopy prep makes the diarrhea slightly easier to tolerate. 2011;114 (3):495-511. Ok. Those are my random thoughts. Preps may differ from doctor to doctor. SUPREP Colonoscopy Instructions | Sutter Health solution dose for prep 1 (and then the next day's attempt for prep 2. ) Its really nothing to fear. You do not have to purchase the name brand, Generic works just as well. Bowel Preparations: A Review for Community Pharmacists I was diagnosed with Stage 3a rectal cancer and no family history of cancer. I have drank 2 16oz glasses of water. AND if you have the misfortune to have a relative who had colon cancer you can look forward to doing this every 2-5 years. The first go round was awful. Think this is enough prep for tomorrow?? Favorites include: Make sure the skin is completely dry before applying oils. I was up and in the bathroom every hour or two throughout the night. Hi Laura, this is a good question for his doctor. Suprep not going well. Help? - Reddit - Dive into anything Hi Gabriela, Thank you so much for your comment! Also did learn that I could have asked for the prep where you only drink like 2-12oz bottles of a different prep and then sub in your own drinks in between. The makers of the drug need to figure this stuff out and get it together, My advice: have a lot of Depends at the ready (I had some, but ran out), and demand a different prep. Literature shows split-dose preps have better prep quality, tolerance, and a decrease in missed cancers. Normally, I can't down any liquid in that quantity that quickly much less one that tastes as bad as that. Ive had At least 5-6 colonoscopies . Unfortunately, I also have many allergies and am sensitive to the PEG type of protocol, so this product was ordered for me. Ive got most of the health issues you described plus a few others, and I have many of the concerns you shared. I have a history of vasovagal episodes so my last prep I was nervous, my prep took 6 hours to kick in so I thought it was going to be easy breezy. I downed first dose at 6 PM and was done three hours later. Im just reminding myself that its 2 days of my life and that itll be over for another 2 years (I need to get every 2 years due to family history and polyps) as hard as it is, I think having cancer treatments would suck more. Drink ALL the liquid in the container and you must drink 2 more 16 ounce containers of water within one hour. Not much but enough to notice. Prior to the procedure, you will do a bowel preparation to clear out the colon. Wore depends in car (did not need though). She suggested gatoraide which is just another version of koolaid. concentrate SUPREP BOWEL PREP- sodium sulfate, potassium - DailyMed How did this prep work for you? I was groggy all afternoon from the meds, but then last night ate a healthy meal and slept great. While the experience is not pleasant, I found it quite tolerable. Dont be scared of this. Here is some info about timing. I divided the mixed solution for both prep bottles of solution in half each time so I could convince myself I could do it. My husband also got almost no sleep due to helping me. I just sat on the toilet shivering and unable to get up do to the lack of control. Havent had to hit the pot yet, but Im sure itll start soon. On prep date, start your prep no later than 10:00 AM so that you wont be sitting on the throne during the night. YES, put it over ice! We hope you receive clear results. I am prepping now with a similar procedure & scheduled for one in the late A.M. tomorrow. This procedure is now the go-to for anything remotely wrong with your insides, AND for everyone over 45 (!!! Wishing you ease in your prep and a clean screen! For me, this prep was so much better than the Gatorade and Miralax Prep. Good luck! Is it not counter-intuitive to take Magnesium Citrate tonight and then eat in the morning before starting my fast? Really? I chugged (tasted like salty lemonade)as fast as possible then rinsed my mouth with water. dose) or two 4.5-oz doses of Suprep (3/4 of the Suprep adult dose) administered orally as a 2- . I started drinking the liquid around 1pm (was instructed to start at 4pm, but I read what others had said here and started early) Ive had nothing but clear liquids since this morning. What is the main difference? You have 30 min to get it down. I had this scheduled once before and cancelled due to anxiety. If the procedure is done with their full consent, without undue pressure and with them having a clear understanding of the benefits, side effects and potential risks, the patient will be less likely to perceive the process as an assault. Seriously Diarrhea Yes, but not out of the ordinary. Zip. From the doctors: nurse: pounding Gatorade or Powerade at the same rate as your prep makes the effluvia rawness almost non-existant. But I followed the advice to eat a low fiber diet for a week, stay really hydrated, and eat lightly in the few days before the prep. Im 55- everything was clean as a whistle (I eat pretty healthy and drink a lot of kefir), and I am good for ten years. Endured significant anxiety in the days leading up to the procedure. You need to wait those 20 min. My insurance didnt cover it, but he gave me a coupon to use at the pharmacy that reduced the price quite a bit. Easiest prep ever. Wondering about the FMS patient. Prep pills are easier to take than some liquid solutions and, in most cases, just as effective . Second dose worked a little quicker and system was clear in about 2 hours. No major adjustment; thats how I eat. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician. The drinking part for me is the worse part, Ive drink 3 cups of 16 ozs, and my colon is cleaned out, its running water now, I would recommend not drink pepsi with it. But cant wait for the day they get a better tasting prep . I wonder if my doctor can give me another option. It also doesnt help that even the most benign of physician visits has turned into a nightmare of incompetencies that cause so much stress Ive developed sudden hypertension. Drink it cold and slow. But I wasnt going to force myself. You do need to be aware that when this stuff hits, you will have trouble making it to the toilet in time. tabs in the morning, took an anti-nausea pill at 3pm, started the nuLytely prep solution at 4pm. I was in and out in one hour! I have scope scheduled for the 26th. Forgot to mention that about 4-5 days prior, I had removed the no-no foods from my diet like nuts and raw veggies but I did accidentally eat one slice of tomato that had seeds in it about 3 days prior to the procedure. I want to thank everyone for the encouraging tips. If the doctor removed colon polyps, or any signs of cancer, it may take a few days, up to a few weeks, before biopsy results come in. Thank you. Again, around 45 min later the bathroom usage went up. Research indicates that a split dose prep usually leads to a better cleanse. NEVER AGAIN! Next morning: repeat both steps using the second bottle. Someone asked the other day about experience with no sedation. Read More Read Less, NEVER AGAIN! Last year I did the cologuard test at home which was negative. I have an upcoming colonoscopy. The procedures at 1pm so I imagine that will be my last drink. I bought crystal light to add, but didnt need to use it. They gave me a sedative and I was able to watch the procedure on the monitor. Im not in great shape right onw, either physically nor emotionally, and there would be no one to attend to me, or help me keep my perspective, either before or after ANY procedure. We all have no stomach. So much better than that nasty prep I had years ago. I did not eat any solid foods, as instructed. Im a 60 year old man that went of my first colonoscopy last Tuesday. I was afraid at first reading what people are saying how awful the taste would be but guessing Miralax is easier to consume?!? To clarify I have completed all the prep juice as it were so Im not slacking. was scheduled for 11am the next day- the only problem was that my veins were hard to find because I was a little dehydrated from not drinking after midnight. Here this costs the equivalent of 20 dollars. I drank them as soon as I could and certainly well before that 1 hour mark. Other than the disgusting taste of the Suprep (two doses, second was harder to take), the process was seamless. To the point where I would stand up thinking it was over and have to sit back down. Also had bone broth for some of my liquid throughout prep. I feel great and am so glad I did it. I had to cancel the test. And then read it over again a few days before you are scheduled to begin prep, so you dont have last minute questions. They gave me some kind of amnesia drug. No waking at night except to get rid of all that water I had to drink. In the meantime, I applied Desitin in the proper place (due to advice from this page). Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Im curious though, no-one Ive talked to had to go through as many days of liquid diet, or 2 days of Miralax prior to the prep day. I have the 10 oz bottle. I finished it in 10 minutes. Definitely glad I brought baby wipes! Colonoscopy Prep: 9 Expert Tips for the Night Before Good luck! Not only does it cause nausea and acid reflux, vomiting and pure miserybut AFTER the procedure (which is painless and most folks are asleep anyhow), you can have up to 5 days of miserable cramping, stomach aches, acid reflux and so on. Hydrated with a liter of water before taking suprep. Thank you! PDF SUPREP BOWEL PREP How to prepare for your Colonoscopy NOTE - RMG It is not uncommon for patients to feel nauseous and even vomit while taking Suprep or other bowel cleansing preparations including Coloprep. DO NOT STRAY far from the toilet. "Suprep did what it was supposed to do effectively and efficiently. I was also concerned with drinking 32 oz. Can I mix Suprep with Gatorade instead of water? Last time I was so hungry, so this time I am trying to have a snack every few hours and also drink both regular and sparking water (I read somewhere the bubbles help stave off hunger.). I would bite into a piece after each drink and it took away any bad taste in my mouth from the prep drink. You time them out 2 minutes apart. Taking the prep with cold water is much better! I am scheduled Tomorrow at 8 am. dont minimize this! Tomorrow (8/10/2020) I will be having both upper and lower GI checked out. Hi Hilda, Thank you so much for taking time to post such an important comment. On a final note I was gassy for days. LOL ! Use the provided cup to mix with Gatorade , Ginger Ale, or Sprite . The no-sedation option is definitely something Ill be doing in the future. Also I didnt hate the drink as much as everyone else. Your prep will be much easier if you adjust your diet and watch what you eat a few days before you start the prep. fun, I am sad thinking of my 56 year old nephew jusr diagnosed with advanced colon cancer who never had a colonoscopy. By 5:30 PM the Dulcalax was working in earnest, so I started drinking colyte ( chilled and mixed with two packets of Crystal light) at the rate of 8 oz every 15 minutes. no veggies or whole grains). Drank the rest of prep at 10:30pm. Suprep Bowel Prep Kit: Uses, How it works, Dosage, Side Effects, Coloprep Bowel Preparation Kit: How To Use, Side Effects. Woke up twice to pee and only once had a bit extra clean-out material. We recommend taking the second . You should follow the directions exactly as prescribed by your provider. The second dose, taken approximately 5 hours before the procedure, minimizes the buildup of thick intestinal secretions in the colon, resulting in improved polyp detection. The diet is only for one day of your life! I feel like I am already as cleaned out as any one can be. We hope you had a clean and clear colonoscopy result. Suprep Coupons and Discounts: Get the Best Price for Suprep using This I find that if a take some of the prep then suck on a Lemon right after dont get the seeds .It helps me so much ! It's a 2-dose regimen that's used to clean out your colon before a colonoscopy. The newer preps are often lower in volume and divided into two doses, the first taken the night before and the second six hours prior to your procedure. Doctors act like a colonoscopy is no big deal but they are wrong. I had a gallon to drink (3/4 that night, 1/4 in the morning), with lemon flavoring. Its a great taste. I am about to go in for my 9th colonoscopy since 2000 having found a small cancerous polyp and had it removed by colon resection back in 2002. I thought this prep was the worst. My advice just get it over with. Do not drink anything red or purple. Hot chicken broth, jello It was easy, no ill effects. Would I have to cancel and start all over again? As suggested above definitely get some Vaseline or other type of cream for your backdoor lol. Id rather have TEN root canals than a colonoscopy prep. Im afraid that so many solutions will cause the anal fissure to start bleeding again. You need to wait those 20 min. I wish I could offer some helpful advice but the one time I did suprep it went disastrously bad and I heaved the second dose up within moments after downing it. Im a tiny woman. Zero. Thousands of people die or are injured by this test every year I have read stats as high as one in every thousand people die I made a deal with my doctor. It had been 6 or 7 years since he had a colonoscopy and he was in a nursing facility for rehab for losing a foot due to diabetes. To be honest, I would have preferred to remember since I was awake. My husband also got almost no sleep due to helping me. Unfortunately, I also have many allergies and am sensitive to the PEG type of protocol, so this product was ordered for me. Breathe through your mouth if you have but dont let go of your nose. Six hours prior to your arrival for your procedure, begin drinking the second dose of Suprep. Im finding it hard to plan what meals to prep. The laxative started working about 40 minutes after my first dose. The best advice I give family and friends during the prep stage is to apply Desitin or Boudreauxs Butt Paste to the area prior to beginning prep and to reapply several times. I called an advice nurse from kaiser and asked her if I had to finish it all. By the time people see signs and symptoms, typically, theres already a problem. It was time for my colonoscopy and I was worried that I had to redo it because I only drank less than half a gallon of the horrible laxative. Your Satans butt comment is really funny and relatable! I put the prep drink in my large Tervis Tumbler with a straw. At the 2nd appt, he could only remove one and had to leave the 2nd for later as it was too close to the first. I drank 2 cups in 40 mins and I had horrible nausea. Ask your GI for options. She did not. Any Moms out there compared to childbirth this is a walk in the park. From then until about 3:0. 5pm suppose to drink 4 litres of Peglyte (1 glass every 10 minutes) YEAH RIGHT! I am not going to soft sell this product, it is VERY difficult to swallow and I had to fight with myself to keep it down. Follow the instructions with the Miralax, and I would not taste it. Once you get it down, the prep starts working pretty quickly. My biggest concern is the anaesthesia. I have acid reflux to boot so it wanted to come up. Did you suffer a flare or any other Fibromyalgia problems after your test? It sounds most helpful. Prepared ice water #2 and went directly to the bathroom for another colon blow. Nausea. Not something I will order in a restaurant but the cherry taste was very palatable and I downed the 1st dose with a straw at once. Then two 16oz servings of water within the hour. I thought I did something wrong because I kept waiting for some violent explosion or something but Gods honest truth having the Norovirus was 50 xs worse than this colon prep. It took me about 35 minutes to drink all 16 oz's. With my depends on placed a towel on the bed just in case and went to bed. You should avoid red meat, "heavy" foods, fried foods, fiber-filled foods and anything that is red. They ended up using the one in my arm and not my hand. Colonoscopy Prep: 9 Expert Tips for the Night Before, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window). 1st day Monday- light breakfast then 2 entire bottles of magnesium citrate at separate times, liquid diet until colonoscopy on Wednesday afternoon at 3:15 pm. I definitely recommend eating jello when you are starving. Mercy!! This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Suggestions? I stocked up on broths, jello, white grape juice, lemon Italian ice and green tea and treated myself to some new books, and I organized my prep. . I followed Kaisers suggestions for the three days before. Needless to say I was happy I drank propel to stay hydrated when I started the prep. Whether you plan to be on your phone, laptop, or tablet, find your chargers before your laxative kicks in. I drank the 1st half in about two hours this evening. Ask your pharmacist for a copy if you do not have one. Any advice? First off thank you all for your comments it really helped me prepare for my first colonoscopy today at the age of 20. Of lemonade to mix with the prep liquid. Guess that means no colonoscopy for me. Suprep w water guzzled w ice. Its easy to get down and the finish time is early enough to get a good nights rest before the colonoscopy. I was very nervous about the prep because my hemorrhoidal tissue is easily irritated and often I deal with external hemorrhoids, including thrombosed ones. The quantity bothered me more than the taste. 3 Ways to Drink SUPREP Without Throwing Up - wikiHow I have a big family history, great grand mother, my grandfather died from colon cancer that spread everywhere, two uncles, the one uncle is currently going on hospice finding it has spread to his liver. Thanks for that, really appreciate the information! My first colonoscopy prep was recommended to me by a very nice lady I met on an IBS friends board on the internet. I soiled multiple pairs of underpants and will be throwing them away. Heres what they said: Eating smaller portions and low-fiber foods a few days before you plan to do colonoscopy prep can help the evening go smoothly. Im not thirsty and forcing myself to drink is difficult. Now me and my two daughters have to get our colon checked often. Take 4 tablets of bisacodyl (Dulcolax) around 3.00-4.00PM. Of lemonade to mix with the prep liquid. Six hours before your appointment: Drink the second dose of the prep. I hope this info is helpful to someone. I thought they hadnt started when I woke up and was blown away when the nurse said were all done.. (I want some of the that drug to take home!!) I have IBS. I started prep at 6PM evening before my procedure and was in bed and sleeping by 9:30 or so. Tastes better too. BUT lets reinforce the importance of colonoscopies and the importance of preps so that the doctors can get as clear and clean a view as possible. Prep: Sodium sulfate, potassium sulfate, and magnesium sulfate (Suprep).How to take it: Two 12-ounce doses, each followed by a quart of water. Im a tiny woman. The lemonade made it possible to get it all drank without throwing it up. Now, it's on to the procedure. So if youre worried about feeling sick to your stomach, do make ginger tea and have it in the bathroom with you while you do your prep. SUTAB includes 24 tablets that must be taken before the colonoscopy. NEVER has the prep caused me to lose all control, feel nauseous, and be up all night. But never again. He has had colonoscopies each year for the past three years, and he hates the prep every time he has to do it. Raise Awareness. Some people sleep when they give them their medicine , i was awake and watched it on the screen what they were doing. But as soon as I felt empty and laid down, it was not ten minutes before I was back in the bathroom.