What are your thoughts regarding north nodes in synastry? The IC conjunct the NN-the IC person will give deep emotional support to the NN person, which will help the NN reach his dreams. Posts: 16From: ChicagoRegistered: Nov 2014. This is a great article. Your email address will not be published. his lilith conjunct my juno 1 degree, 5 degress away from his chiron/SN conjunction to my moon What do make of It? This video is about Nodes in synastry. I guess fate intervened. . But I wonder how it plays out. Medusa conj the NN- the person will have been betrayed by woman but hate men. (I have NN in Gemini in the 7th and SN in Sadge in the 1st). I have some questions. If you can take this, so be it, but be aware that the relationship WILL bring the flavor of Saturn to it. What about Priapus conjunct NN in synastry? Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. Have no experience with square moon. Is it bad? I figured that. That wont change. So I kind of feel like when I am the planet or angle person aspecting their NN I WANT to pursue the relationship and have something develop with them while when they aspect my north node, I don't feel that attached Posts: 949From: the atmanRegistered: Mar 2012. With Saturn, it may not because Saturn rewards time and maturity. Ive read in lots of places on the internet that Venus conj NN in synastry doesnt last, as it is out of the NN comfort zone. They have a strong will, behave in an assertive and direct way, and they might even be belligerent. He was extremely violent and abusive. If YOUR Nessus conj his Moon, you would be the abuser and he would not fight back, Abigail.Interesting about space but I can see how you are not as close with a square in synastry, Oh sorry i forgot.. i also have experiences with moon square moon very nasty! Jupiter and Lilith conjunct in the synastry chart. This theme will be brought by the person to the relationship. I just found that I have Sado conjunct my Sun (exact) .. all this in Taurus 3H opposite Pluto but trine Neptune/Uranus, Moon and AC. I have an exact NN degree conjunction with someone who Im with right now. Lilith has a colourful history. However, if it is, it will show up. I couldn't take it anymore and drifted out of the friendship. his jupiter conjunct my chiron, and his jupiter making very tight trine to my sun But cant stop thinking abt him. Posts: 1167From: New York, New York, USARegistered: Nov 2014. Anytime I have even felt that he is even remotely trying to show me up in some way indirectly, I get extremely revengeful and give it back to him in spades , in a similar way . And he would call me mama and we would talk baby talk, or he would talk baby talk and I would be mama. In the case of Nessus and Sado, I do not care how nice the person appears. his chiron conjunct my moon I met this really awesome person, and I found out our moons are squaring each other. Reddit is pretty cool as an app and I really recommend the subreddit r/astrology ! Just adore him and he devastated me. Hello, What if two people have their North Nodes in conjunction? Nessus I feel was the abuse of my mother and my father was my rock. This caught my attention. Also includes all about Chiron the healer, Lilith the rebel, Ceres the abundance nurturer, Pallas the justice warrior . At the best, its accepting eachothers differences / values or beeing in harmony. It can make you feel too criticized. In the past, I might not have disagreed with this, however, based on some of the recent experiences I've had, I don't think it's ENTIRELY correct that is someone conjuncts your SN they are draining you and you are staying around them because it's comfortable. thank you so much, I dont use trines to the vertex, only conjunctions, my Friend, him sedna 817 taurus Neither of us would put up with that foolishness. To be very honest, I would not want a synastry with that much Saturn. I know a guy who has his Psyche and Saturn in scorpio conjunct my North Node. That means a great deal to me! We are a typical married couple with occasional issues, but we are really quite happy together. I tried looking all over the Internet for answers based on this question but I could never find an answer. I don't actually like him and I'm mostly avoiding him. I was in a many years long abusive relationship with a psychopath, who recurrently terrorized me, and (purposely) nearly killed me. Please tell. not the NN person. Bringing Lilith into the equation is a definite learning opportunity, no matter how you slice it. It would be much better cuz Valentine is the best form of love and this person would explode with that and that would be amazing! The NN in synastry is amazing. North Node trine Jupiter ( 6.32 ) I never heard star crossed lovers with the NN.The squares would make it hard for each person to help the other find his purpose BUT these are not huge, huge aspects if the rest of the chart is good, such as the Moons. You don't need to BELIEVE in Jesus to come here and/or to contact me. I know how it feels to have Pluto conjunct NN. This post has been getting so much traction. North Node conjunction Venus If it is a romantic relationship, sex has an addictive quality. What was that scenario like if you know? Idk what to do. However, Nessus will usually win. we also have a double chiron moon conjunction. Alas, such is life and such is denial. Check this out and let me know. North Node represents what your soul wants to accomplish and learn moving . I much prefer Mars conjunct SN. we were almost always together. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop www.infopop.com 2000 And their Nessus in opposition to my sun. I feel soo badd. How differently would this playa out? on Tumblr Pluto conj the NN there will be all kinds of primal passion. I do think Jesus can overcome everything but only Him and a relationship with Him Abby. However, he does require me to learn and think in a different way when I'm around him. i dont listen to my feelings but to their energy. You are good thats exactly what I suspect.. With obsession, both will be obsessed. But with North Node, while it IS scary and like unknown territory, it feels.. The north node conjunct north node in synastry (or the south node conjunct south node) suggests that you are probably of the same age. Which is also trine his NN. Ive certainly been with men MUCH more critical/abusive than that. i have these synastry aspect with my guy friend. Then, it would not matter much. This aspect can make for heated passion. Someone in my family has this with me. You will want to be abusive to him, but he will fight back. Thwart the purposes of the other BUT you cant say this overall from this one aspect, I am interested in the Neptune NN conjunction in Synastry and how this could present. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. If a person has God, that person can adapt to most situations. I cant say in stone who is the most obsessed. There will be a child to child kind of wonderful feeling between you. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/3832/1bx.gif. You may have the goal of making money and living in a big house. Juno conj the NNthe person will bring you all the best traits of a loyal wife, Vesta conj the NNthe person will bring you devotion, Pallas conj the NNthe person will bring you wisdom, Uranus conj the NNthe relationship will have a lot of ups and downs in strange ways. Number 157 I think, Its in my 6H (10 deg Cancer) square my mothers Lilith, inconjunct my own Lilith and sextile my Venus. I honestly dont think its fair. His Jupiter conj my SN - we are close friends. He's like a drug to me.. My true oscaliling Lilith is conjunct his moon.Idk what it means. 4) if trine or sextile is exact, will it be felt as strong as conjunct? The Mercury brings the mind/intellect/communication to the NN person. I am hoping you will say that the orbs are too far apart for it to matter. Re: the question, just above, about Mars conjunct NN synastry. Venus conjunct my SN - They seem to fall for me -even a gay guy with this placement! Also includes all about Chiron the healer, Lilith the rebel, Ceres the abundance nurturer, Pallas the justice warrior, Juno the attraction power, Vesta the perfectionist, Pholus the catalyst for change and Eros the passionate love. Every synastry and energy between two people is unique to them. I was the Moon with a female. Sedna does seem to play out. Were still friends. In synastry, Lilith is definitely like pluto, i noticed, lots of obsession, control, jealousy,revenge but on a POSITIVE note Lilith can bring an amazing profound connection that is unexplainable between two people, like a sort of fascination. If you dont do the chart, trust yourself. trine merc., sun trine sun, venus sextile venus, venus trine mars, asc sextile moon double whammy, asc. That would be my take on it. How would you interpret this honey? Some are quite capable of doing their own thing. I have an article on the North Node in Synastry. If the Sedna were conjunct the NN, then the Sedna person would bring betrayal to the NN person in some way. I see I can definetely see this and the dynamic tension will always be present as I can understand where your coming from with this. PS. Nodal/House Overlays in Synastry: Activating the Karmic Path NN opposing the MC would be his goals being at cross purposes with your career. I do not change my mind based on harassment,as you know. I have my saturn and descendant conjunct his north node, sun and mercury. I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. The Ascendant conjunct the NNthe Ascendant person will help the NN person reach his dreams. Your email address will not be published. It is an intimate connection, no doubt; neither are planetary energies, and both are derived from the moon (unless we're discussing asteroid Lilith..). You have to be honest or life is not worthwhile. Thank you ! With North Node, me being the planet person, it usually goes well but again, if it feels like they're too far away from their NN, I don't like being around them for long, cause it's like my energy is being drained. and now i know if im dealing with Nessus energy, nemesis, or sado. Orchus conj the NNThe Orchus person would make the relationship about a journey of overcoming. The nodal axis represents our life's path: the South Node represents "where we've been," while the North Node represents "where we're going." Squares to this axis in synastry indicate an instant feeling of familiarity and attraction to one another. So what would it mean if my NN is conjuct someone elses NN to the exact degree in scorpio? Like, 3 degree conjunction=0.02 degree trine/sextile. xx. She thinks that Im a stinking primitive who needs to use mens deodorant. habits in this life. Basically I interprete that as that Lilith does indeed have very strong feelings and desires, but that even in the case she should be . My first boyfriend was a Cancer, too. negative: yikes.with this, there is likely to be a huge conflict in what the moon person needs to feel comfort and what the lilith person is willing to give. I have a question for you Amiann, with regard for NN. How awesome! People born during the same few months have their north node conjunct with each other, so this is not . Maybe, you should have a professional reading with someone so they can look at the entire chart. NN conjunct happens when people are born close in time and Welcome, my Friend. Any relationship is all about hearts. I haven't used Lilith in Synastry because sometimes with two charts there is already alot to deal with. I don't know, more exciting I guess. Lilith Conjunct South Node - What does it mean???? - Lindaland Lilith conjunct Moon synastry: With the Lilith conjunct moon synastry placement, the Lilith person often triggers the moon person's emotional wounds. She said that I have no common sense and attacks me lots of times. Required fields are marked *. No, but I have seen enough other asteroids play out to speculate. my pluto (5th house ruler) conjuncts his north node and his venus 2 degress! does these aspects show a positive relationship? Both their natal Sado and Sun/Nessus exact conjunction, oppose my natal moon, in a sandwiching effect. Lol I feel very comfortable around them - like they get me on an emotional level. My readers are very valued to me! on this post. I feel like asteroids dont get enough love yet but more and more people are interested .. Wow Thanks. Do I have to give him up? Moon-South Node: this is an aspect which can guarantee a very deep emotional relationship. Is it possible to interpret mars conjuncting NN in synastry as a possibilty that mars person will kill NN person? This person s purpose is in life with your career and you feel very comfortable with each other like old friends. A variation of planets/L. Moon conj the NNthe person will bring you his heart. I think he attracts sadists to him. Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths. Might have something to do with it. I don't know how long he will be around (possibly not for long), but it has been interesting. I am thinking now of the North Node as a point which can be stimulated in infinite ways, all lending to the essential learning and growth of the North Node party. xoxo. http://i1282.photobucket.com/albums/a528/ftoc57/astro_61gw_01_30_ama_mr_funny6913713738_zps7da101d5.gif, I meant to put it on my Forum lol Go on the front page of my website and you will see the icon for my Forum. If I dont come, please dont take it personally. Proserpina conj the NNThe Proserpina Person would bring some kind of rite of passage from innocence into some form of corruption to the NN person. Lilith has been a sexual planet from my personal experiences (along with the experience of others). I have Venus conjunct Nessus in synastry with someone I am having a very long term affair with. Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. She's the only person I've been close to for years and years.My natal Venus is conj my NN as well though - so that might be why. Maybe it's an opportunity for NN to learn how the world might demonize their NN's energy, how to be it anyway? I feel my own Lilith this way too- identifying, magnifying, naming, I feel my own Lilith this way too- identifying, magnifying, naming[/B][/QUOTE]. It was really helpful. On our second date I felt like I knew him, like from a past life or something. Eris conj Eris could be due to people being born close in time. If they have been off track in their life or in the direction that their soul wants to go, an encounter, this connection, this relationship will highlight that for them. 3 degree orb in Leo, I have my Gemini moon conjunct Gemini mars with a man and it wasnt all that bad but definitely got to be oppressive with his constant texting and telling me what I need to do with my life. What are your thoughts regarding north nodes in synastry? Most astrologers will issue serious cautions against pursuing a relationship with a Mars conjunct NN synastry. What about Eris conjunct Eris, and Eris square NN in synastry ? Medusa conj the SN would have been abuse at the hands of a woman in his life such that he was comfortable with that pattern. I am sorry, Kelly Other times she can be a pain. I have never said that before or felt that way before and I dont know what prompted me to say that or feel that way but I did. YOU are the most important person to me. Lilith conjunct South Node in synastry reveals a past life connection with the following possible themes: sexuality, taboo, controversy, experiences of psychological separation or isolation etc. I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. my venus and mars sextiles his mars and venus His Lilith is conjunct my south node and my eros is conjunct his south node. Person A, has their natal Sado (At 27 degrees) conj their Uranus at 27 degrees Leo, and their natal Nessus squaring at 27 degrees Taurus. Watch and wait it out. Is that mutual? The nessus vesta conjuct is also oppsite this persons Amor (in his SN).. Psyche is soul. Like his nessus is conjunct my chiron so idk. Well, I bet you are not shocked in a way cuz you must have struggled with sadism. North Node conjunction Eros Am I being silly Im just so in love with him. You don't need to BELIEVE in Jesus to come here and/or to contact me. We have a nice connection and get each other. I will link it at the end. My 5th house Lilith (I),h21, is trine my ascendant exact opposite my pholus in the 11th house. Moon opposite moon and lilith opposite lilith. quote: Originally posted by yungang_grotto: Also I think maybe Lilith's attraction to the North Node person when they're expressing their NN in a healthy way would be extremely powerful, but there would also be an element of repulsion, perhaps equally powerful. we are not slaves to astrology. I have Nessus in Taurus forming a grand trine with my moon and sun. Mars Conjunct North Node Synastry (Opposition South Node) If you have the Mars conjunct North North synastry aspect, you also have the Mars opposition South Node aspect.