Ugh ugh ugh. Ere the sun goes down. Why do *we* have to have an ideal? Its never the men. More often than not, his assumption is correct. Find another way to show appreciation to Mothers! When chocolate is handed out, our children end up begging for it but its the one day I wont share. A friend once proposed a thought experiment. 1) Peanut butter sandwiches served with a smile tastes much better than the fanciest meal served with a side of stress. Well, counselor x/counselor y is in charge of May, I dont know what hes doing for sure . Now we have a tradition that during the last ten minutes of priesthood meeting, they gather all the classes from deacons to high priests together in the multi-purpose room and present them with Fat Boy ice cream sandwiches. Im asking this out of genuine curiosity/responsibility for handing stuff out. I figure maybe in the next life I will be someones Heavenly Mother. LDS Mother's Day Gift Ideas: Great Gifts for LDS Women Mother's Day Cupcake Flower Card Mother's Day Gift Ideas: 10 Ways to Show Your Love on Mother's Day Mother's Day Chapstick Idea Mother's Day Questionnaire & Gift Idea Mother's Day Gift Idea: Candy Necklaces Mother's Day Treat Tags Mother's Day gift idea: Candy Flower Bouquets Categories My mother was an ideal, and she is schizophrenic, couldnt cook water without burning the pan, never cleaned a thing in the house while we were children, had rebellious to some degree or another, etc. In the UK, my experience has been that sacrament has at least one talk and often a few. Make sure you understand where that line is. Our current ward celebrates Mothers Day with the obligatory talks. Honest! Isnt it reasonable to think that Abe is trying a little too hard, and might be overcompensating for something? Im sort of hoping that the person before me goes too long and I have to wrap up with my testimony. That bishop that moved his ward away from elaborate gifting was doing the right thing. Sisters would come up to me and express that MD was hard for them also for various reasonsone was abused by her mother while another friend had lost a mother she loved as a teenager so cried all day long. For those who disagreed with my thoughts (above) about our needing ideals to aim at in our lives, I fell upon a quote from C.S. Why in the church is there such a strong, almost secular aversion to motherhood? For the injured interceding, Should we have days for every type of individual? I asked a mother and daughter to sing the main lines, and then I had the . Alece, I also love CS Lewis, and agree that we should look to higher ground in our mortal journey. If So, Should We Pray Out Loud? It isn't in every country so I don't know why it has to be in just a few. Mark, very good advice IMO. Mother's Day Last year I used the last verse of "Teach Me to Walk in the Light" and the song "Teacher/Mother Do You Love Me" for the Mother's Day Primary songs in sacrament meeting. There there is the secular appeal - it causes a pain to those who are not mothers. Is it callender time, number of posts, how irritated the host is with the comments! Kristine, thank you again. Why..thank you! I dont remember all 18 things, but two of them stuck with me, even 15 years later. I have attended other Christian churches enough to realize why it is much less likely that they have painful mothers day talks. I think its terribly sad that growing up Mormon, I never heard anyone make any serious attempt to talk about Heavenly Mother on Mothers Day. I only mentioned Mothers Day once, and I said how much my mom hated the hypocrisy of Mothers Day, and that we should treat women right every day of the year, not give platitudes one day of the year. Or any talk. Even men who are on diets. Ere the sun goes down. Tell the moms that you'll be playing a game with the kids on Mother's Day and that . Yes, the rhetoric has calmed down, but is certainly still present. We know very little about HM and HF really. Never heard it, but I would love somethingalong the lines ofwhat we can learn from Christ and his time with women. I dont recall what the men are given on Fathers Day, but at one time in my ward they gave them nice ball point pens. If it is unique to us, I wonder why we have a corner on the Mothers Day anxiety market. Because school is out in June, Fathers get the bum end of the deal when it comes to recognition. His explanation was not to offend any sister. Im amazed that we arent using the most recent conference materials . Over the years, Ive heard some very good Mothers Day talks, but I have also heard some that were cringe-worthy. Be patient with her imperfections, for she has them. Can anyone say overdone? Sacrament meeting is a time for us to renew our covenants, it is a sacred ordinance. I was asked to speak 3 times on MD during my infertility phase. I've done this in past years but always enjoy the new ideas from the participants here As I plan our Mother's Day Sacrament Meeting, what have been your favorite talk topics for Mother's Day? Talk topics could be: - examples in the scriptures (Eve, Ruth, Naomi, Esther, Sarah, Mary, Sariah, etc), - early Saints (Lucy Mack, Emma, Eliza R Snow, Aurelia Rogers, etc), - influence of (teachers, nurses, aunts, grandmas, etc). all while X sat smugly on the stand. Members have now learned to accept it. This is brilliant, Mark. I can only pray no one will take offense, as I certainly never mean any offense. I would say that since Christ is supposed to be the express image of his Father that we do know quite a bit about the Father. The deacons hand out small potted plants to all women 12+ years, then the sisters eat cake in Relief Society (served up by the RS presidency.). My grandmother is my ideal of both a woman and a mother, but she was married to an alcoholic so I understand if she is not the ideal for others. Thanks for clarifying. My bishop knows where its at, and we always get Dove bars, Milk for those of unrefined taste and Dark for the rest of us. anon, pretty sure hearing about an old guys non-existent sex life is worse. I dont want to hear Sister Becks controversial mothers who know talk, or president bensons talk come home talk. #28 Love the song choice of I Have Work Enough To Do as a tribute. Nice meeting. kc I love me some Pres. The primaries (100 of them? All That in no way shape or form precludes me from looking to Christ/HF/HM for ideals. Questions and Answers about the Sacrament, Remember Jesus Christ during the Sacrament, The Restoration of the Sacrament (Part1: Loss and Christian Reformations), The Restoration of the Sacrament (Part2: A New and Ancient Covenant), Sharing Time: Be Grateful for the Sacrament, Viewpoint: The Sacred Ordinance of the Sacrament, Young Men, Teach about the Sacrament, Brother Beck Says. Just asking. Ive endured (and thats the right word) too many Mothers Days that were awful, meaningless, and unrealistic. In the garden He said, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death (Matthew 26:38). Weve had sermons based on bumper stickers, Willy Wonka, the Grinch, and quite possibly Chicken Soup for the Soul, etc. Someone explain this. You can still give the women the day off. See also What to Expect at Church Services. I think Ill check myself in to a nice bed and breakfast. This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you (Luke 22:1920). Today the sacrament is an ordinance in which Church members partake of bread and water in remembrance of Jesus Christ's atoning sacrifice. However, the restored gospel is true and is a steady guide for us in nagivating the oftimes foggy seas of life. we have never ceased head-shaking about his, well, completely horrific timingand choiceoif topicand general ignorance and intolerance (and sheer bovine stupidity). Thanks, kc! In simple terms his philosophy was that the church is not true because it is madeconsists of people who are imperfect and therefore not always true to all of the ideals taught. Well give you an honest deal! Gag. Im against handing out plants on Mothers Day. Needless to say he was not asked to speak in sacrament meeting for a long, long time. Reading over those messages, it is hard to come up with any form of consensus other than, everyone has a different opinion. How did your Mother's Day Sacrament meeting turnout, Rockpond? What is the trigger to close the thread? Weve gathered this collection to help you study, write talks, and share powerful LDS quotes about mothers. Im not going tomorrow. I found out the hard way after a long list of them declined to give the talk. It will easily demonstrate the weaknesses in the position: The logic is faulty. My kids are too old for primary and dont go to church anyway (and my mother died when my youngest was 2 yrs old), so I have no reason to go and hear all about how perfect someone else is, or that I should have been perfect, or the lie that all of us mothers are perfect. How about honoring our mothers by not just focusing on what they do or have done for us (guilt trip for those that feel they never do enough) but focus on ways the members can help their mothers throughout each stage of their life. I accidently hit the quote button and so nothing is guys can fill in the blank.. My wife and I will be on an Alaska Cruise. For sacrament meeting, we can give the men a sternly worded warning about the danger of tehpernogriffiez. Glad as I can be I guess plants are pretty and mothers are pretty. My mother died just a little less than a year ago, and I find that I never appreciated Mothers Day at all until now that my mother is gone. " Cogito! I was honored to have known her, and to have been able to claim her as my own. No love in mortality comes closer to approximating the pure love of Jesus Christ than the selfless love a devoted mother has for her child.. The Primary president asked him, as Chorister, to write a new song for the kids to sing in sacrament meeting on Mother's Day. My preference is for a talk focusing on women of the scriptures. Make it different, and they will see you are trying. I also really like Kristenes suggestion and everything like unto it as EOR suggested. Speakers arent assigned to talk on mothers day, there is no gift, no refreshments, no day off from primary. So this year we are setting up tables and chairs in the gym, hauling in meat and cheese and veggies and chocolate, and the Bishop will talk for five minutes and then we will let everybody socialize while I play the tuba for the entire primary. Daughters of God I do think it is easy to understand my point and I appreciate it when others understand my position. What does that say about us as a people? Please know that it is worth it then, now, and forever.. Many times, it seems bishoprics want to put women on a pedestal for a day, while trying not to offend anyone. Rockpond, is this separate from a Primary Program? I also choose to focus on the women in the scriptures like #30 has mentioned. It was a one day break from the 40 day Lent cycle to give a feast in honor of Mom with cakes and flowers and her grown children visiting from afar. Somehow those who are not mothers are incapable of celebrating motherhood and thus it is painful for them and thus no one should celebrate motherhood as a church. (Just what mothers need on an already stressful day . . The worst talk I ever heard came from a woman who described how her mother used to sit by her during piano lessons. Ere the sun goes down, The first consideration is that you, the speaker, need to begin with your audience in mind. I know of no better answer to [the] foul practices that confront our young people than the teachings of a mother, given in love with an unmistakable warning.. This ordinance is an essential part of worship and spiritual development. I cant remember the last time I heard a bad sacrament meeting talk, period. An ideal is fine to have in your own life, but imo it is dangerous to attempt to have one for a worldwide religious organization. MD is a day I prefer to play hookey, especially now that my mother is currently lost in alzheimers disease. It isnt uncommon for LDS women to be dealing with some combination of the following factors: a difficult marriage, no marriage, no children, difficult children, health problems, loss of faith. Mark, This post was positively Uchtdorfian! As always, Kurt, I was happy to give you a hand with this! But from my description, it sounds like the typical platitudinous MD talk. Since my mom has unacknowledged mental health issues, this is my oldest sister and a lady in L.A. who I still keep in contact with. LDS Mom Launches Exciting New Party Game. However, I am concerned about the implications of a people where the female population dislikes the concept of motherhood or at least dislikes it enough that they do not want to celebrate Mother's Day. It was both simple and profound. I meant to type rebellious children in #90. Check out our selection of LDS church programs for baptisms, church activities, and sacrament meetings. Evry idle whisper stilling Ere the sun goes down: Im asking this out of genuine curiosity/responsibility for handing stuff out. For those in Europe, is Mothers Day celebrated to the same awful-gut-wrenching extent? The perfect hymn for Mothers Day Sacrament meeting. It worked well in my ward, I think. Great, and I was just asked to talk on Sunday, I guess I will be very careful. In return, the Lord renews the promised remission of sin and enables Church members to always have his Spirit to be with them (Doctrine and Covenants 20:77). Very useful counsel, Mark. It was a powerful meeting and very real. Im grateful for it. (Although I love the song idea for the Primary #65) Marys life is always appropriate, Lucy Mack Smith, Hannah & Samuel, etc. Were here to help! What does that say about us as a people? Required fields are marked *. I think we should dispense with handing out things and tell everyone weve made a donation to a local womens shelter or program for mothers in need. Gospel Q&A: How Can I Find and Foster Celestial Love? I must speak the loving word, I dont go to be honored or get a gift. We go to church to grow closer to the Savior, not to get treats or recognition. The broken bread is a reminder of His body and His physical sufferingespecially His suffering on the cross. Listen to her. This change wasnt well-received as it occurred without any advance notice. 3rd hour had all of the PRI & YW leaders including the YW themselves in RS with homemade lemon cakes from the teacher. Those who are solely focused on their own selfish desires? Home & Family. Identifying ideals is somehow so treacherous for the psyches of women that that must never be mentioned? Nothanks to my back problems got to fly non-stop from Atlanta to Seattle. May 6, 2017 Ours, like most, has its strengths and its weaknesses. Thats why youve been my cyber-crush for years. We can only celebrate the nonentity because we are afraid of hurting those who are not being celebrated "today". Just pass out the chocolates and let all the women go to a park where buckets of KFC, potato salad and slaw are in abundance and/or veggie pizza and cheesecake. Your email address will not be published. But I still think the Dove bars our bishop chooses rock the holiday. Yea like all of you My Mother sucked too. It seems sometimes that activity organizers believe somehow that no one will participate if not bribed by pizza, pop, potato chips or pie. Could someone remind of what the day is for after all? To find a ward near you, try the Meetinghouse Locator, which will also provide sacrament meeting times, driving directions, and contact information. Based on the comments it seems to be prevalent everywhere in the US church. One of my favorite talks ever wasnt a Mothers Day talk but was given by a mother talking about mothering (we were on vacation, so didnt know the woman speaking). :( Everyone can just disregard parts that may sound harshor disregard the comment altogether I reckon. She never got her kids back and they never forgave her, and she died of some incurable stress induced disease. Those who are not disciples of Christ or do not have faith will find it painful to see the faith of others; thus no one should celebrate Christmas openly. Avoid speaking of angel mothers. Because disciples can be wayward in their faith we should not celebrate Christmas because it causes too much pain in those who remain more faithful. At one point they cut down a tree and paraded it into town to symbolize the mother of the Gods (Asherah, anyone?). Finally, Elder Holland offers his thanks to mothers around the world. Nuts. Thank you for being the kind of people you are and doing the things you do. Really perfect for MD! President Eyringonce said that when he meets somebody for the first time, he assumes that person is struggling mightily with an intractable problem, and cannot see any possible solution. We've gathered five inspiring gifts for Latter-day Saint women to help them feel cherished and celebrated. Talking to other grownups while nice doesnt belong in 3rd hour. He had returned from his mission and married (as did I), and he was asked to give the main Mothers Day talk. Most seemed to realize bishoprics are trying and they appreciate any effort. Women focused or mainly about Christ too. Elder Ballard lists three ways mothers can do that; first, is realizing joy comes in moments, second is to not overschedule children, and third, to find time to cultivate talents and interests. It is good to share personal stories, but be aware that your own family might be abit stranger than you think. Focus on womanhood and examples of strong women, not on a perfect homemaker mother. Just to be clear - I meant 'written/given' by women (aka musical number "O My Father" written by Eliza R Snow, conf talk by Reeve/Oscarson/Okazaki). But shes never experienced the horrors I have where the local ward nut case talks about how his wife isnt putting out thanks to menopause. Below, youll find an excerpt from each talk and a link to the full text. Theyre all very good, and not being critical, but Hallmark w/ scripture would seem to be one way to describe the style of Pres. Which isnt necessarily a bad thing. I had some ideas but didn't want to repeat anything that had already been done from the Primary. Which meeting do you think would be more meaningful to the participants? But in Argentina, where Mothers Day is in October, they also tended to recognize International Womens Day (March 8) even in church (in addition to a wide variety of other holidays Childrens Day, Grandparents Day, etc.). May 2011 was the best mothers day sacrament mtg Ive ever attended. Alece, Especially for those women that aren't mothersbut, a big but, these women are mothers to villages, pets, and extended family all the time! I did live in one ward where the mothers always got plants but the fathers always got cookies. President Hinckley directly addresses mothers in this talk, commending them for the wonderful thing they have done by becoming mothers, but offering insights on their greatest challenge: to be able to answer the question How well have my children done? with happiness. By I know my own mother dislikes being called a good mother because she feels so awful about how she raised us from her perspective. . And dont even get me started on the Are We Not All Mothers tripe. It might be that it was a holiday originally conceived by the US Socialist Party and propagated by the Soviets. At the end of the survey there was a comments box where individuals could leave specific feedback to bishoprics that organize Mothers Day. In the mean time, please, PLEASE, dont go hunting the sisters. Did they not have mothers? Still, I think the flak about Sister Becks talk is nonsense. Father's Day Talk in Sacrament Meeting June 21, 2009. He also discussed the importance of placing motherhood first in our lives but not allowing the pressures of motherhood to sap us of joy. Its always the wives. Christmas is not a universal holiday and thus we should not celebrate one day a year, We focus on Christ every day and every Sunday so there is no need to celebrate on Christmas. 30 Inspiring LDS Quotes About Mothers & Motherhood, Church Leaders Honor Mothers Over the Holiday Weekend, Church Releases Tribute to Mothers, You Are Enough, FREE Happy Mothers Day Coloring Page Printable, The Family is a Divine Blessing | 6 March 2023, Come Follow Me Recap Thy Faith Hath Saved Thee | 5 March 2023, Miracles Come Through Fasting | 4 March 2023, Young Latter-day Saint Missionary Passes Away in Georgia, 5 Things You Didnt Know About the Day the LDS Church Was Organized. If you personally need one, thats fine, but not everyone needs a model for something that is experienced differently by everyone. Use Mothers Day as an example of how a saint can use a tradition of men as an acceptable way to express Gods love and promulgate the Gospel. The Barker Brothers' Projects These videos were created for Latter-day Saint parents and allies to voice their love for their LGBT brothers and sisters, sons and daughters.
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