Was assessed before being left with other service and taken to hospital. Helimed54 were called to an incident at 14.05pm and on scene at 14.30pm. Left with other service for further care. Our crew worked alongside clinical partner team NEST to safely transfer a young patient from the South West in 37mins. Called to life severe allergic reaction to wasp sting. Medic54 attended an RTC at 18.31pm and were on scene at 18.45pm. The crew treated the injured patient before transferring them to hospital by land. Helimed54 were tasked to a sporting incident at 10.48apm and on scene 11.18am. The crew attended a casualty involved in an RTC before transferring by air to hospital. Patient suffered cardiac arrest following episode of chest pain. Medic53 were called to attend an RTC at 21.05pm and were on scene at 21.20pm. Patient was assessed and left with EMAS crew. Helimed53 were called to an RTC at 15.10pm and were on scene at 15.25pm. Patient was a cyclist who had suffered chest injury. Patient was a cyclist who was assessed and transferred to hospital by road. WMAS present and happy to continue management. This journey by land ambulance would have taken 3hrs 44mins. Was assessed and left with other service for further care. Helimed54 received a call at 09.07am and arrived on scene at 09.19am to a medical emergency. This journey by land ambulance would have taken 2hrs and 41 mins. Assisted EMAS and conveyed patient to hospital by road. The crew assisted EMAS with a complex maternity incident and the patient was then conveyed with TAAS to hospital via land ambulance. Escorted by land to hospital. Helimed54 received a call to an RTC at 10.40am and arrived on scene at 10.55am. This journey by land ambulance would have taken nearly 2hrs. Patient was assessed and advanced skills used for treatment. Helimed54 attended a medical incident at 12.52pm and were on scene at 13.16pm. G-PICU worked alongside SORT to transfer a patient from the South in just 49mins. Assessed patient who had sustained significant injury and require critical care before being conveyed to hospital with TAAS by land ambulance. Helimed53 was tasked to a fall at 13.17pm and on scene at 13.29pm. Critical care given before being conveyed to hospital with TAAS. G-TCAA worked alongside Comet to transfer a patient to the South in just 1hr 2mins. Patient was resuscitated on scene by EMAS crew and our team helped with further treatment to safely transport patient to hospital. Assisted with the sedation and extrication of a patient following cardiac arrest, and conveying to hospital by land ambulance. Attended serious RTC where a patient was conveyed to hospital with TAAS by land ambulance for further care. Helimed53 were called to a medical incident at 15.54pm and were on scene at 16.07pm. Helimed54 were called to an RTC at 15.03pm and on scene at 15.28pm. Medic53 were tasked to an RTC at 17:58 and were on scene at 18:10. Helimed54 attended a sporting trauma at 12.39pm and were on scene at 12.55pm. Attended patient who had sustained head and leg injury after falling from horse. Assessed and treated patient in cardiac arrest. Conveyed to hospital with TAAS for further care. Medic53 were called to a fall at 00.59m and on scene at 1.37am. Assisted ambulance crew with the loading and assessment of patient who fell off horse. Helimed54 were tasked to an agricultural incident at 15.46pm and on scene 16.07pm. The crew treated a patient with a head injury before transferring them by air to an emergency department. Patient assessed and left with the other service. Assessed patient following collision before leaving with other service for further care. Medic54 received a call to an RTC at 22.48pm and were on scene at 22.57pm. G-PICU worked alongside SONET to transfer a patient from the South to a specialist hospital in 39mins. The patient was assessed and left with WMAS for conveyance to hospital. Helimed53 were called to a fall at 16.36pm and on scene at 16.41pm. Helimed53 were called to a sporting incident at 9.40am and were on scene at 9.53am. Patient was resuscitated on scene and then escorted via to land to hospital for further care. The crew supported an EMAS team in managing a fractured leg. Medic53 tasked to an RTC at 19.47pm and on scene at 19.58pm. This journey by land ambulance would have taken 1hr 17mins. Helimed53 were called to attend an RTC at 16.02pm and were on scene at 16.26pm. Patient was assessed following a horse riding accident. Helimed53 were called to attend an RTC at 11.35am and were on scene at 11.44am. Working with other services, the crew treated a trapped patient before conveying them to a major trauma unit for further treatment. Patient was extricated from the car and then assessed by our crew before being escorted to hospital by land ambulance. Medic53 were called to a medical incident at 4.40am and on scene at 5.08am. Helimed53 were called to a trauma incident at 15.45pm and on scene at 16.00pm. Critical care was given to unwell patient before being conveyed to hospital. GPICU worked alongside NEST to transfer a patient in just 36mins to a specialist treatment centre. G-PICU worked alongside COMET to transfer a patient to the Midlands in just 48mins. Helimed53 were called to an industrial trauma at 11.36am and on scene at 11.58am. Young patient was assessed and left with EMAS to transfer to hospital. This journey by land ambulance would have taken nearly 3hrs. Attended patient who had collapsed. Assisted EMAS with patient who collapsed at wheel. Helimed54 were called to a burns incident at 9.06am and on scene at 9.22am. Cyclist injured in a fall from bike and transferred by helicopter with TAAS for further care. Helimed53 were tasked to an RTC at 1838 and were on scene at 1851. The crew worked alongside WMAS in attending to a patient before leaving them with WMAS for further treatment. Helimed53 were called to a fall at 9.51am and on scene at 10.00am. Helimed54 were called to a medical incident at 13.33pm and on scene at 13.55pm. Patient had sustained serious injuries and was conveyed to hospital by land ambulance. TAAS were first on scene transferred patient by land. Helimed54 were called to attend a medical incident at 16.02pm and were on scene at 16.12pm. Assessed and treated a cyclist with injury before conveying to hospital by land ambulance. 1098874 Website by StrategiQ, I consent to being contacted by email and the processing of my data in accordance with our. Patient in cardiac arrest was treated and conveyed with TAAS to nearest hospital by land ambulance. Left with other service for further care. Helimed53 were called to attend a sporting incident at 12.01pm and were on scene at 12.14pm. Patient in seizure at workplace and was left with ambulance crew. Assessed patient at equestrian centre before being treated and flown to hospital. Helimed53 were called to a fall at 9.08am and on scene at 9.23am. Helimed54 were requested by EMAS to attend an RTC at 10.38am and were on scene at 11.02am. Medic54 tasked to a medical incident at 1.16pm and on scene at 1.40pm. Patient hit by livestock and sustained a serious laceration to the head. Patient was assessed and left with other services. Attended a patient who had fallen from horse and sustained an open femur fracture. Attended a motorcyclist who was assessed before being transferred to hospital by land. First on scene to assess and provide care of a motorcyclist who was then conveyed by land for further care. Patient was given analgesia and splinting to be transferred to hospital. Provided advanced pain relief and transferred to hospital by helicopter. Attended patient involved in RTC who then suffered a fit shortly after. Left with EMAS for further care. This journey by land ambulance would have taken over 1hr 17mins. Helimed53 was tasked to an RTC at 07.17am and on scene at 07.44am. Medic53 were called to attend a sporting incident at 13.06pm and were on scene at 13.16pm. Helimed54 were called to a medical incident at 18.06pm and on scene at 18.30pm. Called to assist in multi agency response to a patient who had fallen into water who was assessed and left with other service for continued care. Left with other services for further care. Medic53 were tasked to an RTC at 8.48am and on scene 8.59am. Helimed53 were called to a sporting incident at 16.36pm and on scene at 16.46pm. Medic54 received a call at 04.12am and were on the scene at 04.26am. Helimed53 were called to attend an RTC at 13.08pm and were on scene at 13.29pm. G-PICU worked alongside NWTS to transfer a patient to the North in just 34mins. Assessed and treated patient fallen from lorry and sustained head injury. Two patients were treated on scene and handed over to the ambulance crew for transfer to hospital. Patient in cardiac arrest was treated and conveyed by land ambulance to hospital for further care. Medic54 were called to a sporting trauma at 19.22pm and were on scene at 19.40pm. The crew landed in a field and treated the injured patient before flying them to a major trauma unit. Assessed by crew before leaving with other service. Patient was conveyed with TAAS by land. Helimed53 were called to a fall at 8.56am and on scene at 9.09am. Attended patient injured playing rugby. Left with EMAS for further care. Patient in cardiac arrest was resuscitated on scene and escorted to hospital via land ambulance for continued care. Helimed54 were tasked to a patient who had fallen at 13:53 and were on scene at 14:05. Patient conveyed to hospital by land ambulance. Helimed54 were called to a fall at 11.20am and on scene at 11.45am. This journey by land ambulance would have taken nearly 4 hours. Helimed53 were called to a medical incident at 12.02pm and on scene at 12.16pm. Patient in cardiac arrest was anaethetised and flown to hospital for continued care. G-TCAA worked alongside Embrace to transfer a patient from Carlisle in 45mins to a specialist treatment centre. Helimed53 were called to an RTC at 10.20am and on scene at 10.33am. Patient sustained life threatening burns and transferred to hospital wth TAAS by land ambulance. Helimed53 were called to an RTC at 14.25pm and were on scene at 14.43pm. Helimed54 received a call to an RTC at 7.23am and were on scene at 7.37am. Medic54 were called to an RTC at 21.26pm and on scene at 21.49pm. Assessed and treated a patient who had fallen from ladder. Conveyed to hospital by air. G-PICU worked alongside SORT to transfer a patient to the South in just 7mins. Assisted EMAS with patient assessment and treatment following an off-road collision. Patient fell from height injuring his back. Patient collapsed in cardiac arrest. Critical care delivered and patient escorted to hospital by land ambulance. Attended a medical emergency and assessed patient before leaving with other service. Patient was assessed and left with other service for continued care. Left with other service for further care. Medic54 were called to attend an RTC at 20.46pm and were on scene at 21.07pm. Assessed and treated on scene before handing over to other service for conveyance to hospital. This journey by land ambulance would have taken around 2hs 20mins. Helimed53 were called to attend a trauma at 10.39am and were on scene at 10.48am. Young patient was assessed before being conveyed with TAAS to hospital for further treatment. Conveyed with TAAS to hospital by land ambulance. Patient suffered ankle injury and was flown to hospital. Medic53 were called to attend an RTC at 22.53pm and were on scene at 23.20pm. Conveyed with TAAS by land for further care. Assessed, treated and flew patient by helicopter for critical care. Patient in cardiac arrest was successfully resuscitated by EMAS and our team. Advanced trauma care was provided and the patient was taken by crew to a major trauma unit. Medic54 were tasked to a medical incident at 10.27pm and on scene 10.40pm. The crew assisted WMAS and assessed the patient, who then left with WMAS. This journey by land ambulance would have taken nearly 2hrs. Patent had sustained leg injury and given pain relief and sedation before being flown to hospital. Assisted EMAS crews with patient fallen out of tree and sustained head injury. Left with other service to convey to hospital for further assessment. Patient assessed after falling from ladder. TAAS crew treated and provided pain relief before conveying to hospital by helicopter. Helimed54 were called to attend a fall at 7.52am and were on scene at 8.07am. Left with EMAS for transfer. Helimed54 were called to a medical incident at 19.52pm and on scene at 20.05pm. Cyclist had fallen and sustained head injury. Patient had been struck by a horse and suffered serious injury. Helimed54 were called to a fall at 10.45am and on scene at 11.02am. 4 patients were assessed and treated relief before being taken to hospital by land ambulance. Assessed patient for minor leg injury and left with WMAS to convey to hospital. Medic54 were called to an RTC at 12.54pm and on scene at 13.06pm. Patient had sustained multiple injuries. Helimed53 were called to an RTC at 19.31pm and on scene at 19.45pm. Young patient sustained burns and was assessed before being conveyed to hospital by land ambulance. Crew were requested for pain relief and conveyed to hospital by land ambulance. Medic54 received a call to a cardiac arrest at 2.50am and were on scene at 3.25am. This journey by land ambulance would have taken nearly 2.5 hours. Medic54 were tasked to an RTC involving a motorcyclist at 19.30pm, arriving on scene at 19.55pm. Injuries were assessed on scene before leaving with EMAS. Patient was assessed and transported to hospital by land. Attended patient who had fallen off his pushbike. This journey by land ambulance would have taken over 3hrs. Helimed54 were called to an RTC at 13.33pm and on scene at 13.33pm. Patient sustained dislocated shoulder following fall. EMAS conveyed to hospital for further care. Helimed53 were called to a medical incident at 12.50pm and on scene at 13.02pm. Medic54 were called to a fall at 00.42am and on scene at 1.06am. Patient had fallen from a horse and taken to hospital by EMAS for further care. Patient fell from height and sustained minimal injuries which were treated by land crew. Critical care was provided and the patient and crew was transferred to hospital on blue lights. Helimed54 were called to a medical incident at 9.11am and on scene at 9.28am. Medic54 were tasked to an RTC at 1.45am and were on scene at 2.08am. This journey by road would have taken over 2 hours. Helimed54 were called to attend an RTC at 14.29pm and were on scene at 14.50pm. Working alongside EMAS, the crew assessed the patient before they were conveyed to hospital by land. Medic54 were called to an RTC at 23.35pm and were on scene at 23.52pm. Attended patient in cardiac arrest. This journey by land ambulance would have taken over 1.5hrs. Helimed53 tasked to a medical incident at 11.11am and on scene at 11.24am. Patient sustained multiple injuries after falling from height and was sedated on scene before being land escorted to hospital for continued care. G-TCAA worked alongside Comet to transfer a patient to the Midlands in just 53mins. Analgesia given before being left with the other service to convey to hospital. Assessed by TAAS before being left with other service for transport to hospital. Request for analgesia and sedation before transporting by land ambulance to hospital. Helimed53 were called to a medical incident at 8.12am and on scene at 8.36am. Helimed54 were called to attend an RTC at 00.32am and were on scene at 00.54am. Patient had fallen at home and suffered minor injuries. Helimed54 were called to support EMAS and were on scene within 24 minutes. Medic54 were called to attend a fall at 8.53am and were on scene at 9.15am. The crew worked alongside EMAS in treating a patient before helping to transfer to hospital by land. The protected area wit its medieval architecture is the heart of the city and it is considered to be the best-preserved city centre from the Middle Ages on the northern side of the Alps. Conveyed to hospital with TAAS by land ambulance. Patient had suspected burns and head injury but was assessed for dermatological condition before being left with other service. Medic53 received a call to a medical incident at 13.53pm and were on scene at 14.03pm. Patient had fallen downstairs and assessed before leaving with WMAS for treatment and transfer to hospital. Helimed54 were called to an RTC at 17.49pm and on scene at 18.21pm. Helimed53 were called to a fall at 14.26pm and on scene at 14.40pm. Helimed53 were called to a leisure trauma at 9.12am and on scene at 9.28am. Patient assessed and conveyed to hospital with TAAS by land ambulance. Helimed53 were called to attend a medical incident at 13.42pm and were on scene at 13.55pm. Helimed54 were called to a sporting incident at 12.35pm and were on scene at 12.45pm. Assisted EMAS on scene with a patient who had collapsed, before conveying them to hospital for further care. Young patient was assessed before being left with other service for further care. Critical care was given and patient transferred to hospital. This journey by land ambulance would have taken over 3.5 hours. Conveyed with TAAS to hospital for continued care. Critical care delivered and flown to hospital. Left with EMAS crew for further care. The crew attended and assessed a pedestrian hit by a car. Conveyed by land ambulance to hospital. The crew worked alongside EMAS in treating multiple patients before leaving them with EMAS for further treatment. Patient in cardiac arrest was assessed and conveyed to hospital by land. Patient assessed with EMAS and conveyed with TAAS to hospital for continued care. Attended patient in cardiac arrest and assisted in treating before convyeing with TAAS by land ambulance for further care. Hlimed54 were tasked to a fall at 14.30pm and on scene at 14.49pm. Medically unwell patient was assessed and critical care delivered at scene before they were conveyed to hospital with TAAS by land. Left with other service for conveying to hospital. The crew attended to a seriously ill patient before transferring them to hospital by air. Medic53 received a call to an RTC at 02.55am and were on scene at 03.17am. Patient was assessed after suffering accidental burns and was flown to hospital for further care. Attended patient who had fallen and fractured leg. Helimed54 were called to a medical incident at 13.48pm and on scene at 14.01pm. Left with other service for further care. Helimed53 received a call to an RTC at 15.28pm and were on scene at 15.44pm. Patient collapsed from a cardiac arrest and helped by family before the intervention of paramedics and critical care team. Helimed53 were called to a leisure emergency at 17.04pm and on scene at 17.20pm. Patient suffering with chest and abdomen pain, but observations were stable and other service left to continue care. Attended cardiac arrest and patient was conveyed to hospital with TAAS by land ambulance. Assessed a patient who had fallen down some stairs and sustained a head injury. Patient sustained minor injuries and was transported to hospital by EMAS. Assessed motorcyclist hit by car resulting in injury to leg and pelvis. Our crew assisted another service with a patient suffering from agitation due to possible drug use. Attended a patient who'd fallen downstairs. The patient was treated on scene before being taken to hospital for further care. Patient had suffered cardiac arrest and we supported EMAS crew. Medic54 was tasked to an RTC at 21.20pm and on scene at 21.41pm. Helimed54 attended an medical incident at 14.31pm and were on scene at 14.47pm. Offered assistance with assessment and extrication of motocross rider who had sustained leg and hand injuries. Registered in England and Wales as a limited company by guarantee. Medic54 received a call to a fall at 20.14pm and were on scene at 20.27pm. Assessed patient with head injury who needed treatment on scene before being conveyed by land ambulance with TAAS. Helimed54 were called to an RTC at 16.47pm and on scene at 16.52pm. G-PICU worked alongside WATCh to transfer a patient from the South West in 1hr 1min. Assisted EMAS crews with a patient in cardiac arrest on a public footpath. Young patient was assessed on scene and transferred to hospital by land. Patient sustained shoulder injury where analgesia was administered and they were ground assisted to hospital for further care. The crew treated a patient's injuries before flying them to a major trauma unit for further treatment. The crew treated an injured patient before conveying them to a major trauma unit by land. G-TCAA worked alongside SONET to transfer a patient from the South in just 15mins. Assessed patient in cardiac arrest before leaving with other service for further care. Working alongside EMAS, the crew provided trauma care to a patient before transferring them to hospital for further treatment. Patient suffered cardiac arrest following anaphylactic reaction. Assisted EMAS with a patient who had fallen in a rural area. Medic54 received a call at 23.18pm and were on the scene at 23.41pm to assist EMAS with additional pain relief. Attended patient who had sustained injuries from machinery. Medic54 were tasked to a burns incident at 21:07 and were on scene at 21:22. G-PICU worked alongside Embrace to transfer a patient from the South in just 43mins. Attended patient involved in collision. 5 patients managed by WMAS with 1 person requiring critical care and transported to hospital with TAAS crew. The crew worked alongside EMAS and treated a single patient before transferring them to a major trauma unit. Helimed54 were called to a fall at 14.13pm and on scene at 14.26pm. Medic53 were called to an RTC at 5.51am and on scene at 6.22am. Helimed53 were called to a RTC at 15.44pm and on scene at 15.54pm. Attended and assessed cyclist who'd been involved in a collision with a car and sustained pelvic injuries. Helimed54 were tasked to a sporting incident at 13.21pm and on scene at 13.38pm. Helimed54 received a call to a sports related incident at 13.57pm and arrived on scene at 14.21pm. Stable on assessment and left with other service for further care. Patient was assessed and left with other services for further care. Helimed54 were called to an RTC at 15.44pm and on scene at 15.57pm. Medic53 were called to an RTC at 6.56am and on scene at 7.20am. Patient fell from height and sustained abdomen and shoulder injuries. Helimed54 were called to attend an RTC at 15.39pm and were on scene at 16.04pm. Patient was treated on scene and escorted to hospital by land ambulance with our crew. TAAS were first on scene to assess the patient before being conveyed to hospital with EMAS for further care. Patient in cardiac arrest was resuscitated and transferred by land to hospital for further care. Helimed53 were called to an RTC at 13.00pm and on scene at 13.19pm. The crew treated a head injury before transferring the patient to hospital by land. Assisted EMAS with a patient who sustained broken limbs following collision before leaving with ambulance crews to transfer to hospital. Helimed53 received a call to an RTC incident at 8.29am and were on scene at 8.39am. Patient suffered injury to right leg and was conveyed with TAAS to hospital for further care. Worked alongside EMAS and Derby MRT to assist a walker who'd fallen down river embankment. Patient sustained head injury and was assessed and anaesthetised before being conveyed by land for continued care. Helimed54 were called to attend a sporting incident at 12.00pm and were on scene at 12.26pm. Patient was assessed after sustaining injury following equestrian incident, before leaving with other service for further care. Helimed53 were called to a medical incident at 17.32pm and on scene at 17.40pm. Helimed53 received a call to a medical emergency at 09.09am and were on scene at 09.25am. G-PICU worked to transfer a patient from the Isle of Wight to a specialist hospital in 19 minutes. Conveyed with TAAS to hospital by land ambulance. Handed over to EMAS crew for further care. Helimed53 were called to a fall at 14.19pm and on scene at 14.22pm. Helimed54 were called to a fall at 19.29pm and on scene at 19.48pm. Helimed53 were called to a sporting incident at 10.11am and on scene at 10.26am. Critical care delivered and patient conveyed with TAAS by land to hospital for further care. Patient provided analgesia before being escorted to hospital by land ambulance. Left with EMAs for further care. Assisted with assessment and treatment of a patient who had fallen from height. Patient sustained multiple injuries and was conveyed by land to the hospital for further care. Patient fully recovered and handed over to WMAS for further care. Series RTC. Helimed54 were tasked to an incident at 4.40pm and were on scene at 5.10pm. Assisted EMAS with patient that had possible cardiac chest pains. G-TCAA worked alongside STRS to transfer a patient to the East in just 52mins. The same journey by road would have taken 2hrs and 20mins. Patient was assessed and transported to hospital by land. The crew assisted EMAS with care of patient before they were taken to hospital by EMAS. Patient was assessed and transferred to hospital by land crews after suffering facial burns. Attended a call for patient who sustained facial injuries following a fall. TAAS attended patient in cardiac arrest where advanced skills were used before conveying the patient to hospital by land ambulance. Medic54 were called to an RTC at 17.55pm and on scene at 18.29pm. Patient involved in collision was in cardiac arrest and given pre-hospital anaesthetic before being flown to hospital for further care. Patient was resuscitated on scene and handed over to crew. Medic54 were called to a medical incident at 1.04am and on scene at 1.13am. Medic53 were called to an incident at 21.09pm and on scene at 21.36pm. Patient had been involved in horseriding injury and was assessed before being handed over to EMAS. Helimed54 were tasked to a medical incident at 09.15 and were on scene at 09.31.
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