Graphics are very well done, the whole model is very well done. MD-500E/MD-500MG/Defender II: Had a more elongated nose for streamlining, and an optional 4x blade tail rotor for reduced acoustic signatures. Total flight hours at this point: 00000496 The Kaman SH-2 could extend and increase both shipboard sensor and weapon abilities against different types of enemy units, including submarines, ships, and patrol craft with anti-ship missiles. s/n 67-16304 FAQ | Cobras generally attacked with rockets, preferred for long-range accuracy, switching to the less-accurate chin-mounted machine gun and grenade launcher only if they were far enough away from friendly troops or if the rocketsAH-1s could carry as many as 76 rocketsran out. It is 1/6th scale and very large, has to be at least 3 feet from rotor tip to rotor tip. In air mobile teams, a pilot would fly low while an observer would scan the ground for signs of the enemy force. We got hit by incendiary .51-caliber rounds, and the phosphorus ignited the Cobras hydraulic fluid. You can have all the guns, vests, and radios you want, but you need street smarts or youre going to be dead within an hour.. The Little Birds weaponry is a far cry from the M60 machine gun carried aboard a Loach in Vietnam: AH-6s can carry miniguns, rocket pods, grenade launchers, Hellfire missiles, and air-to-air Stinger missiles. It had a distinct teardrop-shaped fuselage, which made it instantly recognizable, and a cockpit for two crew members, along with two removable seats in the passenger cabin. The OH-6A Loach (for "LOH") would find targets by flying low, "trolling for fire", then marking the target with colored smoke to lead in a Cobra, or Snake, to attack. Unit: DIR SUP / TRAN Flight Hours in Vietnam: 1,400. Multi-Mission Helicopters 6. Infantrymen would also launch an assault from the ground. One of the most dangerous helicopter assignments was a tiny scout helicopter known as the Loach. Officially designated the OH-6 Cayuse, these things were made of thin plexiglass and metal but were expected to fly low over the jungles and grass, looking for enemy forces hiding in the foliage. The OH-6D was an improved version with more advanced electronics and heavier armament. Systems damaged were: COMM SYS, STRUCTURE, INSTRUMENTS, PERSONNEL For most of the war, there was no formal Army training to prepare scout pilots and observers. The type was born from the US Army Light Observation Helicopter (LOH) program (which provided its "Loach" nickname) and ultimately proved an excellent helicopter system seeing only limited service in the inventories of several American allies worldwide. When the Loach debuted in 1966, it broke records for speed, endurance, and rate of climb, all important attributes for a scout helicopter. Kane recalls, The vibrations were so harsh I had to return to base camp at Khe Sanh, seven miles from the Laotian border. [26], During 1972, a pair of heavily modified OH-6As were utilized by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) via Air America for a covert wire-tapping mission. But the Army decided that it would be more prudent to keep the unit in order to be prepared for future contingencies. Read the harrowing story of what happened on that tragic mission. Kiowas, largely relegated to low-threat cargo and liaison missions in Vietnam, were after the war tasked to spot targets from afar and guide Cobras (and later, Boeing AH-64 Apaches) to good firing spots. Sensing its growing battlefield requirements, the US Army then raised the production ceiling to 1,300 units in all. Adopted after the company behind its design deceived the US Army, the Loach helicopter, as it was better known, fast became the primary chopper flown in Vietnam. Operation Honey Badger was canceled after the hostages were released on 20 January 1981, and for a short while, it looked as if the task force would be disbanded and the personnel returned to their former units. During the Vietnam war, the HH-43 Huskie was used for more rescue missions than all other aircraft combined. At peak production, during the Vietnam War, as many as 100 OH-6As were built a month. purchase. AH/MH-6J: US Army Special Operations variant derived from the MD-530MG. These would be used to replace its fleet of Bell H-13 Sioux, a compact first generation rotorcraft. A little gory but thats how close we were. As the Loach flew among the trees, the rear-seat pilot in the Snake circling above kept a close eye on the little scout and the front-seat gunner jotted down whatever the Loach observers radioed. There was one day of initial training, says Bob Moses, who was first trained as a tank crewman and then as infantry before a sudden transition to helicopter door gunner. These choppers were modified for combat rescue missions and had self-sealing fuel tanks, rescue hoist, and in-flight refueling abilities. The Bell AH-1J was also used for various subsequent assaults and military operations conducted by the US Marine Corps. If you happen upon this text anywhere else on the internet or in print, please let us know at MilitaryFactory AT gmail DOT com so that we may take appropriate action against the offender / offending site and continue to protect this original work. During the course of the competition, the Bell submission, the YOH-4, was eliminated as being underpowered (it was powered by the 250shp (186kW) T63-A-5). 608th Transportation Company (Aircraft Direct Support): Mar 72 We were combat trackers, says Mills. Cobras rolled in and blew the downed aircraft uptaking with it about 15 bad guys standing around it.. In 1965, the concept of helicopter-borne fighting forces was still new and largely untested, and units in Vietnam invented tactics on the spot. They underwent two weeks of qualification training and an additional two weeks of mission training. It was used for transporting personnel, escorting other aircraft and naval vessels, attacking enemy units, and acting as an observation post. We were about ready to call in tactical air support to blow up the wrecked ship when another Cobra took a lot of fire. Since 1968 this helicopter saw combat in Vietnam. The AH/MH Little Birds were lifted by a single C-5 Galaxy, and two C-130 Hercules, along with all support kits for the battalion. As a separate part of the project, armed OH-6As were being developed at Fort Rucker, Alabama. Here are the 24 helicopters used in Vietnam. The Huskie was used by the US Air Force, US Navy, and US Marine Corps. So I engaged the enemy, but didnt make it out of that one. The small-arms protection aircrewmen armor that was introduced in 1966 was a vest with pockets containing composite laminated plates commonly called chicken plates. 2 .50 cal MG pods It served in Granada and Panama during the 1980s, as well as in the . In January 1968 PFC Richard Toops went on to Infantry OCS at Ft. Benning, Ga. graduating in September 1968. This was a Recon mission for Unarmed Recon Under enemy fire this nimble machine had to fly low to the ground, just above the jungle canopy. The Hughes 369 was redesignated the OH-6A "Cayuse" by the U.S. Army. Hughes Tool Company Aircraft Division submitted their Model 369 to fill a US Army requirement for a Light Observation Helicopter capable of performing a number of secondary duties including escort, attack and casualty evacuation duties. As well, its tough frame made it safer than other helicopters during crashes, as its aluminum skin absorbed the energy and the structure protected the crew. Cobras, nicknamed Snakes, flew circles 1,500 feet above the scouts, waiting to pounce on whatever the Loach found. Date: 03/25/1970 The shelf life of a scout pilot was probably six months. 2 Hellfire ATGM All written content, illustrations, and photography are unique to this website (unless where indicated) and not for reuse/reproduction in any form. Setting 23 world records for speed, distance, and altitude, the Hughes Tool Company OH-6 entered service in September of 1966. This helicopter was chosen by the US Army over the proposals of a number of other helicopter manufactures, designated the OH-6A Cayuse, and entered service in 1965. Worthy, the OH-6 Loach and two other air scout helicopter pilots, all decorated, were in Topeka on Saturday night for an event at Forbes Field Airport designed to increase interest and. The observers and gunners had even less experience. 2 M134 7.62-mm 6x barrel, Gatling type twin MG pods Following the lead, we got peppered with rounds. The Loach had a bad vibration, but he made it about half a mile before he had to land. The OH-6A would find targets by flying low, trolling for fire, and lead in a Cobra, or Snake, to attack. The aircraft, dubbed 500P (penetrator) by Hughes, began as an ARPA project, codenamed "Mainstreet", in 1968. Home | You were right in the enemys face with a helicopter and had to know what you were doing, recalls warrant officer Clyde Romero of his 1,100 hours flying scout missions over South Vietnam in 1971. Your email address will not be published. Late in the war, the HH-43 was also deployed for short overland search and rescue missions. This. Even trampled grass was a clue; it meant that enemy troops had passed through the area within eight hours, the time it took for grass to dry upright. The hunter-killer tactic worked well for a few years, but by the time the United States left Vietnam, it was obsolete, says Mills. The Marine Corp used it for the sea-based interdiction of the Ho Chi Minh Trail in 1972. It is the product of many hours of research and work made possible with the help of contributors, veterans, insiders, and topic specialists. The Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) (formerly Hughes model 369A) OH-6A was designed for use as a military scout during the Vietnam war to meet the US Army's need for an extremely maneuverable light observation helicopter. They chose the OH-6A scout helicopter to fill that role, and it became known as the Little Bird compared to the other aircraft in the task force, the MH-60 and the MH-47. The US military primarily used the OH-6 for observational and reconnaissance purposes. During the Vietnam War Era, different types of helicopters were crucial for providing support for ground forces, scouting locations, and deploying or retrieving soldiers. Following a competitive fly-off and a sealed bidding process, Hughes lost the contract to Bell, resulting in the competing Bell OH-58 Kiowa being produced. The SeaCobra was a twin-engine attack helicopter that was developed from the single-engine AH-1 Cobra helicopter. We do not sell any of the items showcased on this site. Date: 02/08/1969 The Bell OH-58 Kiowa was an entire line of military helicopters with a single engine and a single rotor. Terms and Conditions, Safety Standards Acknowledgement and Consent (SSAC) Search and Rescue Helicopters 5. Nate Shaffer has restored a Hughes OH-6A Cayuse helicopter. The Bell H-13 Sioux was developed as a light-weight single-engine and single-rotor helicopter. A sobering statistic: Out of 1,419 Loaches built, 842 were destroyed in Vietnam, most shot down and many others succumbing to crashes resulting from low-level flying. Helicopter took 1 hits from: This story is a selection from the September issue of Air & Space magazine, Donald Porter The Seasprite was an anti-submarine and anti-surface helicopter that had over-the-horizon targeting facilities. The OH-6A "Cayuse" is a small tactical helicopter flown by units of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment [SOAR]. Armament Shop | [2] Originally designated as the YHO-6A according to the Army's designation system, the aircraft was redesignated as the YOH-6A in 1962 when the Department of Defense created a joint designation system for all aircraft. 13456, "History of Rotorcraft World Records, List of records established by the 'YOH-6A'. They went down in the jungle, and both [members of the crew] survived. In terms of its basic configuration, the Model 369 had an atypical teardrop-shaped fuselage, a feature that led to personnel sometimes referring to it as the "flying egg". He is proud of his service, which involved a great deal of combat, but has concluded that U.S. involvement in Vietnam was a mistake. The OH-6 was largely removed from active U.S. Army service in favor of the Kiowa, but modified versions of the helicopter flew with the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment as the MH-6C Little Bird as late as 2008. While successful in this respect, the Loach helicopter also had a reputation for being easily gunned down. The enemy was moving toward us when a [command and control] ship picked us up. Thats why the majority of pilots who served in Vietnam shared the opinion that, if you were going to crash, it was best to do it in a Loach. Cobras and Loaches, two vastly different aircraft, relied on each other to fight the enemy. Material presented throughout this website is for historical and entertainment value only and should not to be construed as usable for hardware restoration, maintenance, or general operation. In order to reduce their acoustic signature, the helicopters (N351X and N352X) received a four-blade 'scissors' style tail rotor (later incorporated into the Hughes-designed AH-64 Apache), a fifth rotor blade and reshaped rotor tips, a modified exhaust system, and various other performance boosting modifications. Although most combat aircraft in Vietnam aimed for altitudes and speeds that helped them avoid anti-aircraft weapons, U.S. Army crews flying Hughes OH-6A Cayuse helicopters flew low and drew fireto set up the shots for the Bell AH-1G Cobras circling above. The OH-6A could be armed with the M27 armament subsystem, the port (left) side mounting M134 six-barrel 7.62mm minigun or a 40mm grenade launcher on the XM8 armament subsystem. The Chickasaw was a multi-purpose helicopter designed for both the US Army and Air Force. The guidance systems on newer attack helicoptersoften working with or even controlling the cameras of reconnaissance droneshave relegated to history the hunter role in the hunter-killer missions. [24][25] As to indicate the position of concealed enemy ground forces, the observer in the OH-6 would mark the spot using a smoke grenade, assisting other units in effectively firing upon them. As the reserve units have continued to move away from the OH-6 as their primary scout aircraft, military technical support of the aircraft has dwindled. The small "egg-shaped" design and simplified rotorhead incorporated four rotor blades of constant chord, made of bonded light alloy. [2] The pilot was provisioned with excellent external visibility via its large plexiglass windscreen, while its four-bladed fully-articulated main rotor meant it was considerably more agile than the preceding H-13 Sioux. On the night of 56 December 1972, the remaining helicopter deployed a wiretap near Vinh, Vietnam; useful information provided from this wiretap was acted on by the United States on several occasions, such as during the Linebacker II campaign and Paris Peace Talks. I was used to getting up close and personal with the enemy.. Vietnams mountainous terrain stressed the underpowered, obsolete helicopters to their limits: They could neither fly fast enough to escape enemy fire nor carry enough armament to pose a meaningful threat. During 1967, following price escalations for the OH-6, the U.S. Army reopened the programme to bids for as many as 2,700 additional airframes beyond the 1,300 OH-6s already contracted. Samantha Franco is a Freelance Content Writer who received her Bachelor of Arts degree in history from the University of Guelph, and her Master of Arts degree in history from the University of Western Ontario. The US Army charged Hughes for 714 units with the serial production contract formally announced in May of 1965. Provision for packaged armament on port side, including an XM-27 7.62mm (0.300in) machine-gun with 2,000 - 4,000 rounds of ammunition; or an XM-75 grenade launcher, Aircraft of comparable role, configuration, and era, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment and Task Force 160, List of military aircraft of the United States, Hearings on military posture and H.R. which many are taken will be available from our shop to I was just out of flight school when I went to Vietnam. He flew Loaches for the next 11 months, and today is an accountant in Seattle. The helicopter was designed around their earlier model 269/300 making use of monocoque steel tube construction techniques, allowing a strong and compact fuselage. Modifications were also made to the rotor assembly by way of a five blade main rotor which increased stability. Loach and Cobra crews lived together, and schedulers generally paired the teams with the partners they requested, though given the high turnover rate, that wasnt always possible. The helicopter Continued Flight. The helicopter was inducted as the OH-6 "Cayuse" and would eventually take on the in-the-field nickname of "Loach" in reference to its "LOH" origins. Systems damaged were: FUEL SYS [27] During June 1972, they were deployed to a secret base in southern Laos (PS-44), where one of the helicopters was heavily damaged during a training mission late in the summer. OH-6A/MD-530F Super Cayuse/Lifter: Upgraded engine to a 425-shp Allison 250- C30 turboshaft, and avionics in 1988 for the US Army. The Hughes OH-6 "Cayuse" (popularly recognized as the "Loach") was a revolutionary light helicopter mount primarily in service with the United States Army and saw combat service during the Vietnam War (1955-1975). It was mostly used as a transport chopper, but it could also deliver supplies to troops. [10][self-published source][11], Due to price escalations for both the OH-6 and spare components, the U.S. Army opted to reopen bids for the programme in 1967. The light observation helicopter OH-6 Cayuse, or Loach (based on the LOH acronym), was a Vietnam-era helicopter designed with speed and maneuverability in mind. The Gyrodyne company built the Gyrodyne QH-50 DASH (Drone Anti-Submarine Helicopter) to combat submarines from a distance. Lt. Col. The Sea Knight is a medium left-tandem rotor helicopter used for transport. The Bell UH-1B/C was modified from the UH-1A Cobra to include a set of machine guns for attacking ground targets. . An author of aviation books, his latest is Howards Whirlybirds. Even when this helicopter was shot down, it refused to crack. Typically missions were flown during the daylight, starting at dawn; common roles included the clearance of landing zones and general intelligence/observation flights. In the event of a crash the tailboom and engine separate from the egg-like . Armed with a 40mm grenade launcher in a nose turret, and two 19-tube 2.75 inch rocket launchers, the "OH-6C" was ready to take on anything. The CH-53 Tarhe was another heavy-lift helicopter designed to transport and recover downed aircraft. 2 M75 40-mm grenade launchers In photo #2 you can see the nice graphics. When Chuck Gross left for Vietnam in 1970, he was a nineteen-year-old army helicopter pilot fresh out of flight school. The OH-6A Cayuse was quite effective when teamed with the AH-1G Cobra attack helicopter as part of what were known as Pink Teams. This simple design made maintenance easy, while the choppers 26-foot rotor made it much easier to maneuver in tight landing zones. Instead of disbanding Task Force 158, the military opted to turn it into the 160th Aviation Battalion. Fitted with 1x 253-shp Allison T63-A-5A turboshaft, 4 bladed main rotor, and an offset "V" tail. The Army purchased this helicopter 0968 [6], During May 1965, the U.S. Army awarded a production contract to Hughes; this initial order for 714 rotorcraft was subsequently increased to 1,300 along with an option for another 114. Two (2) Crew: one Pilot, one Observer/Doorgunner. The OH-6 was also exported as the Model 500 Defender. Though Cobra pilots were trained Stateside, most Loach pilots didnt take control of OH-6s until arriving in Vietnam. It can cruise at speeds of 150 mph. The Loach-derived MD-500 and other civilian variants still roll off the assembly lines at MD Helicopters, Inc., while Boeing produces an upgraded variant, the AH-6 Little Bird, for military forces (including an autonomous drone version). contact us here and we will remove the The Cobra is a single-engine attack helicopter produced by Bell Helicopter as a primary attack helicopter in the Vietnam War for aerial assaults or as air cavalry. A total of five prototypes were built, all of which were powered by a single Allison T63-A-5A turboshaft engine, capable of producing 252shp (188kW). He recalls: 360 degrees around you was enemy territory, and the ability to work with American and [South Vietnamese] units on the ground really required aviation to be able to look eye to eye to tell the good guys from the bad guys. Loach-Cobra pairings were sent out more and more frequently, until their main role was to gather general intelligence rather than prepare landing zones. The prototype first flew in early 1963, and production began two years later. Underneath, a fixed twin-skid undercarriage was supported at two separate points. [22][23] Prior to the arrival of the AH-1, "hunter-killer" teams often relied on the firepower from armed models of the Bell UH-1 Iroquois utility helicopter. The OH-6A made its first flight in 1963. Jim Kanes Vietnam tour abruptly ended one day in February 1971. In her spare time, Samantha enjoys reading, knitting, and hanging out with her dog, Chowder! They were usually joined by Cobra gunships either in hunter-killer teams where the Loach hunted and the Cobra killed or in air mobile cavalry units where both airframes supported cavalry and infantrymen on the ground. Army units this aircraft deployed with in Vietnam: The helicopter was hit in the Left Side The Hughes OH-6 Cayuse is a single-engine light helicopter that was designed and produced by the American aerospace company Hughes Helicopters. Its effectiveness in battle allowed it to quickly replace the Bell H-13 Siouxs being operated in the country. The Korean War proved the necessity for such rotorcraft, particularly in regard to search and rescue operations. Hughes developed the Model 369 as a prototype for the U.S. Army in the early 1960s. Accordingly, the U.S. Army's fixed-wing airplane, the Cessna O-1 Bird Dog, which was utilized for artillery observation and reconnaissance flights, would be replaced by the incoming OH-6A. Up against Fairchild Hiller, Hughes Tool Company purposely undervalued its cost estimates, earning the company favor and the contract. The Hughes OH-6 Cayuse (nicknamed "Loach", after the requirement acronym LOHLight Observation Helicopter) is a single-engine light helicopter with a four-bladed main rotor used for personnel transport, escort and attack missions, and observation. His three tours to Vietnam included death-defying scouting missions piloting his Hughes OH-6 light observation helicopter (or Loach) as well as gunship runs inside his AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter.. Cozzalio was also involved in nine aircraft mishaps; he was shot down six times and suffered three hard landings. The Raven was used as a scouting helicopter during the early phases of the war, before it was eventually replaced by the Cayuse in early 1986. Served in Vietnam War during 1968 and 1970-1972 It was the same for Jim. Hughes developed the Model 369 as a prototype for the U.S. Army in the early 1960s. The United States deployed all types of helicopter, ranging from massive troop transport choppers, to smaller multipurpose and attack helicopters, and even helicopter drones. Light Observation Helicopter (LOH) program, The US Air Force Panicked When Its Top-Secret Stealth Fighter Crashed Into the California Wilderness. The OH-6 Cayuse was built with a rugged structure covered in light aluminum. Hughes, without informing Real, raised the bid by $3,000, and thus lost the contract to Bell. Moore served as an Army OH-6A Loach scout in IV Corps, South Vietnam, 1968-1969: Fort Apache, Vihn Long Province. MD-500MD/Scout and TOW Defender: Improved military version of the model 500 with 5 main rotor blades, 375-shp Allison 250-C20B turboshaft engine, and T-tail. In 1966 it entered military service with the US Army. Disclaimer Photographs It was pretty hairy, and we got the hell out of there. But Boucher got a rush from the missions, and stayed six months beyond what was required of a draftee. The LOH program opened the floor to several companies to come up with their own designs. South Vietnam However, the U.S. Army subsequently chose to include Hughes's Model 369 for further consideration as well. Most of our engagements [we] were 25 to 50 feet [away] when we opened up on [the Viet Cong], Mills continues. [8][9] It was reported that Howard Hughes had directed his company to submit a bid at a price beneath the actual production cost of the helicopter in order to secure this order. a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization EIN 45-4703737We Fly for Our Veterans!. 2 Stinger AAM. They were famous for being shot down or crashing in combat. I had another lead that went through 150 feet of trees, and they survived., Shafer himself had brushes with disaster, and his luck nearly ran out on a mission west of Dak To, near the border with Laos. Vietnam following a morning mission with the 11th Special Forces (SF) at Long Than North, South Vietnam. This eventually gave way to the loach nickname, and was intended to provide the US military with a light-class, rotary-wing craft that could fulfill a number of purposes: search and rescue, close air support, MEDEVAC, observation, transport, reconnaissance and attack roles. The "OH-6C" was the creation of the Maintenance Section of The Real Cav, B Troop 7/17th Air Cavalry Squadron, which was stationed near Pleiku in early 1972. The North Vietnamese deployed hundreds of the missiles, and from then on, both hunter and killer tried to stay well hidden. Reportedly, 964 out of the 1,422 OH-6As produced for the U.S. Army were destroyed in Vietnam alone. It never flew again. "Pink teams" of scout and attack helicopters, such as OH-6 "Loach" or OH-58 Kiowa scout helicopters and the AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter during the Vietnam War; In anti-submarine warfare an Maritime patrol aircraft may be employed as "hunter", with surface ships such as destroyers as killers. Cookie Settings, pilot. If you would like 60th Assault Helicopter Company: Mar 72 Jun 72, Information on U.S. Army helicopter OH-6A tail number 67-16304 Some crews argued that the Kiowa was nowhere near as nimble as the OH-6, however, the transition proceeded while scouting doctrine was changed to emphasis operations from greater distances. Its first overseas deployment, as well as into frontline combat, was the Vietnam War. Tough Mission LOACH Chopper Vietnam - YouTube 0:00 / 5:15 Intro Tough Mission LOACH Chopper Vietnam Chopperguy 15.4K subscribers Subscribe 1.1K 53K views 1 year ago We fly with Low Level. History | The Cobra was fast and deadly. On top of this, Fairchild Hiller lodged a formal complaint over Hughes Tool Companys deceitful tactics to earn the original contract. In the event of a crash the tailboom and engine separate from the egg-like cabin, improving the survival chances of the crew and passengers. Table of Contents 1. See Also: How Much Does a Huey Helicopter Cost? Today, the Little Birds in use by special operations are MH-6Ms derived from a similar but more powerful helicopter. Overtop of the fuselage was the OH-6s single engine, attached to a four-blade main rotor assembly. Kanes commanding officer flew his command-and-control Huey to the ravine where Kane and Casher huddled. The helicopter was hit in the Cockpit Once enemy positions opened fire at the Cayuse, they were destroyed by the mighty firepower of escorting Cobras. Light Attack Helicopters 3. In Vietnam, These Helicopter Scouts Saw Combat Up Close Cobras and Loaches, two vastly different aircraft, relied on each other to fight the enemy. OH-58 "Kiowa" light observation / scout platform. I spent more time with them., Kids Start Forgetting Early Childhood Around Age 7, Archaeologists Discover Wooden Spikes Described by Julius Caesar, Artificial Sweetener Tied to Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke, Study Finds, 5,000-Year-Old Tavern With Food Still Inside Discovered in Iraq, The Surprisingly Scientific Roots of Monkey Bars. 2 M260 2.75-in Hydra 70 rocket pods (7 or 12 each) Your email address will not be published. Primarily, it was used by the Marine Corp to transport personnel and cargo. The task force, which had been designated as Task Force 158, was soon formed into the 160th Aviation Battalion.
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