These concepts of the product-specific rules are introduced in the rules of origin for goods moving between the UK and EU, but you should check the full agreement for relevant definitions. A change to heading 8309 through 8310 from any other heading, including another heading within that group. A change to heading 1905 from any other heading. b. A change to subheading 7019.63 through 7019.66 from any other subheading outside that group, except subheading 7019.61, 7019.62, 7019.69, 7019.72 through 7019.73, 7019.80, and 7019.90. A change to subheading 2836.50 from any other subheading, except from heading 2509, subheading 2517.41 or 2517.49, heading 2521, or subheading 2530.90. A change to hides or skins of heading 4103 which have undergone a tanning (including a pre-tanning) process which is reversible from any other good of heading 4103 or from any other chapter; or. A change to subheading 3502.20 through 3502.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, except for a change to subheading 3502.90 from albumins (including concentrates of two or more whey proteins, containing by weight more than 80 percent whey proteins, calculated on the dry matter), albuminates, and other albumin derivatives of 2852.90. A change to subheading 3006.30 through 3006.60 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, except from subheading 3006.92, 3822.13 or 3825.30. A change to any other good of subheading 7419.20 through 7419.80 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group. A change to subheading 2811.21 from any other subheading. Trade Guide: WTO RoO - International Trade Administration A change to subheading 4302.30 from any other subheading, provided that the change does not result from the assembly of foreign cut fur components. A change to heading 4701 through 4702 from any other heading, including another heading within that group. Read more. A change to heading 2001 through 2007 from any other chapter. A change to heading 0902 through 0903 from any other chapter. A change to subheading 8423.10 through 8423.89 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group. (1) If the good consists of two or more components, a change to subheading 6406.10.77 from any other heading, provided that the change is the result of the good being wholly assembled in a single country, territory, or insular possession. (3) For fabric belts, including belts of braided materials, combined with nontextile components, whether or not reinforced with metal or other material, a change to heading 5910 from any heading, including a change from another good of heading 5910, provided that the change is the result of the good being wholly assembled in a single country, territory, or insular possession. Rules of Origin By CBP Dec. 22-25, 87 FR 68340, Nov. 15, 2022, 102.20 was amended; however, the revisions to entries 2707.10-2707.99 in paragraph (e) of the table, and 6812.99 in paragraph (l) of the table could not be incorporated due to inaccurate amendatory instructions. A change to subheading 2936.21 through 2936.29 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group. This document is available in the following developer friendly formats: Information and documentation can be found in our Has conducted Trainings in VAT Management ,Rules of Origin, Customs Controls, and Valuation. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. A change to subheading 3306.20 from any other subheading, except from Chapter 54. (f) Fungible goods or fungible materials. 3. LockA locked padlock A change to subheading 9018.90 from any other subheading, except from subheading 9001.90 or synthetic rubber classified in heading 4002 when resulting from a simple assembly; or. A change to subheading 2841.80 from any other subheading, except from heading 2611. A change to subheading 2905.31 through 2905.44 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group. We seek to establish rules of origin that ensure that duty rates under an agreement with the EU apply only to goods eligible to receive such treatment and define procedures to apply and enforce such rules. 66, 1202 (General Note 3(i), Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States), 1624, 3592, 4513. (d) Results of origin determination. A change to heading 3210 from any other heading. A change to subheading 9007.91 through 9007.92 from any other heading, except from lenses of heading 9002 when resulting from a simple assembly. CPTPP explained A change to prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores or chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries of subheading 3826.00 from naphthenic acids, their water-insoluble salts, or their esters of subheading 3826.00 or any other subheading, provided that no more than 60 percent by weight of the good classified in this subheading is attributable to one substance or compound, except from other chemical products or preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included, of subheading 3824.71, or 3824.73 through 3824.79; or. Notwithstanding any of the line-by-line rules, the chemical reaction rule may be applied to any good classified in the above chapters. A change to subheading 8510.10 through 8510.30 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group. Appendix to Part 102 - Textile and Apparel Manufacturer Identification. A change to subheading 8507.90 from any other heading. (2) If the good does not consist of two or more component parts, a change to heading 6210 through 6211 from any heading outside that group, except from heading 5007, 5111 through 5113, 5208 through 5212, 5309 through 5311, 5407 through 5408, 5512 through 5516, 5602 through 5603, 5801 through 5806, 5809 through 5811, 5903, 5906 through 5907, 6001 through 6006, and 6217, subheading 6307.90, and subheading 9619.00.61 through 9619.00.79, and provided that the change is the result of a fabric-making process. WebThe results reveal that similarity across trade agreements, both at document and chapter or topic-specific provisions (e.g., trade in goods, rules of origin, strong references to sustainable development) may influence and encourage trade. Box 1234, Kowloon, Hong Kong; HKABCCOM1234HON. (1) A new and different article of commerce will usually result from a manufacturing or processing operation if there is a change in: (2) In determining whether merchandise has been subjected to substantial manufacturing or processing operations, the following will be considered: (i) The physical change in the material or article as a result of the manufacturing or processing operations in Israel or in Israel and a foreign territory or country or insular possession of the U.S.; (ii) The time involved in the manufacturing or processing operations in Israel or in Israel and a foreign territory or country or insular possession of the U.S.; (iii) The complexity of the manufacturing or processing operations in Israel or in Israel and a foreign territory or country or insular possession of the U.S.; (iv) The level or degree of skill and/or technology required in the manufacturing or processing operations in Israel or in Israel and a foreign territory or country or insular possession of the U.S.; and. A change to subheading 8544.11 through 8544.70 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, except when resulting from simple assembly. A change to subheading 0910.91 from any other subheading, provided that a single spice ingredient of foreign origin constitutes no more than 60 percent by weight of the good. Except for purposes of determining whether goods originate in Israel or are the growth, product, or manufacture of Israel, and except as otherwise provided for by statute, the provisions of this section will control the determination of the country of origin of imported textile and apparel products for purposes of the Customs laws and the administration of quantitative restrictions. A change to subheading 3004.20 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2941.30 through 2941.90, 3003.20, or 3006.92. guide. Email A change to subheading 2009.11 through 2009.39 from any other chapter. A change to subheading 4014.10 through 4014.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group. A change to wheeled toys designed to be ridden by children or to dolls' carriages or dolls' strollers, parts or accessories thereof from any other chapter, except from heading 8714 when that change is pursuant to General Rule of Interpretation 2(a); or, A change to dolls, whether or not dressed, from any other subheading or from any other good of heading 9503, except from skins for stuffed dolls of heading 9503; or, A change to parts or accessories of dolls representing only human beings from any other heading or from any other good of heading 9503, except from toys representing animals or non-human creatures of heading 9503; or, A change to electric trains, including tracks, signals and other accessories or parts thereof from any other good of heading 9503 or from any other subheading; or, A change to reduced-size (scale) model assembly kits, (excluding electric trains) or to parts or accessories thereof, from any other good of heading 9503 or from any other subheading; or, A change to other construction sets and constructional toys or to parts or accessories thereof from any other good of heading 9503 or from any other subheading; or, A change to toys representing animals or non-human creatures or to parts or accessories thereof from wheeled toys designed to be ridden by children, dolls' carriages, or dolls representing only human beings of heading 9503 or from any other heading; or, A change to toys representing animals or non-human creatures from parts or accessories of toys representing animals or non-human creatures of heading 9503; or, A change to parts or accessories of toys representing animals or non-human creatures from wheeled toys designed to be ridden by children, dolls' carriages, or dolls' strollers of heading 9503 or from any other heading, except from heading 6111 or 6209; or, A change to toy musical instruments and apparatus from any other good of heading 9503 or from any other subheading; or, A change to puzzles from any other good of heading 9503 or from any other subheading; or. Rules of Origin A change to subheading 8468.10 through 8468.80 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group. A change to heading 4816 from any other heading, except from heading 4809. A change to heading 6702 through 6704 from any other heading, including another heading within that group. A change to subheading 4823.61 through 4823.69 from any subheading outside that group; or. When fungible goods of different countries of origin are commingled the country of origin of the goods: (a) Is the countries of origin of those commingled goods; or. For garments and accessories thereof, footwear or headgear of dolls representing only human beings, a change to an assembled good from unassembled components, provided that the change is the result of the good being wholly assembled in a single country, territory, or insular possession. A change to accessory or auxiliary machines which are intended for attachment to an electrostatic photocopier and which do not operate independently of such photocopier from any other good of subheading 8443.99, provided that change is not the result of a simple assembly, or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8443.31 through 8443.32, 8471.60 through 8472.90, 8504.90 or from heading 8473 or from other units of ADP machines of subheading 8517.62 through 8517.69 or heading 8528 when that change is the result of a simple assembly; or, A change to parts or accessories of printers of subheading 8443.31 or 8443.32 from any other heading except from heading 8414, 8501, 8504, 8534, 8541, or 8542 when resulting from a simple assembly, or from heading 8473 or subheading 8517.70; or, A change to parts of facsimile machines from any other good of subheading 8443.99 or from any other subheading, except from parts for teleprinters, including teletypewriters, of subheading 8443.99 or from heading 8517; or, A change to parts for teleprinters, including teletypewriters, from any other good of subheading 8443.99 or any other subheading, except from parts of facsimile machines of subheading 8443.99 or from heading 8517; or. (2) If the good does not consist of two or more components, a change to heading 6502 from any other heading, except from heading 5007, 5111 through 5113, 5208 through 5212, 5407 through 5408, 5512 through 5516, 5602 through 5603, 5608, 5801 through 5804, 5806, 5808 through 5810, 5903, 5906 through 5907, and 6001 through 6006, and provided that the change is the result of a fabric-making process. A change to subheading 4016.10 through 4016.99 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group. A change to subheading 8401.20 from any other subheading; or. Determining whether the foreign content meets the ROO. For imports to the UK, this will be the UK Global Tariff. A change to airbags or to other parts of tractors suitable for agricultural use, airbags or to other parts of other tractors (except road tractors), other airbags, or to other parts or accessories from inflators or modules for airbags of subheading 8708.95 or from any other subheading, except from parts or accessories of the goods of subheading 8708.40, 8708.50, 8708.80, 8708.91, 8708.92, 8708.94, or 8708.99. A change to aldrin (ISO), chlordane (ISO) or heptachlor (ISO) of subheading 2903.82 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2903.83 through 2903.89; or, A change to any other good of subheading 2903.83 through 2903.89 from any other subheading outside that group, except from subheading 2903.82; or. (a) Textile or apparel product manufacturer identification. If you have questions or comments regarding a published document please A foreign material shall not be considered to have undergone an applicable change in tariff classification specified in 102.20 or 102.21 or to have met any other applicable requirements of those sections merely by reason of one or more of the following: (c) Simple packing, repacking or retail packaging without more than minor processing; (d) Mere dilution with water or another substance that does not materially alter the characteristics of the material; or. A change to subheading 9003.11 through 9003.19 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, except from subheading 9003.90 if the temples or fronts are not domestic materials. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS This new index quantifies the trade restrictions A change to subheading 9030.32 from any other subheading, except from non-cathode ray tube oscilloscopes or oscillographs of subheading 9030.20, or from subheading 9030.82 or 9030.84. This does not apply for goods exported from Great Britain to the EU. A change to subheading 2840.11 through 2840.20 from any other subheading outside that group, except from subheading 2528.10. A change to heading 8473 from any other heading, except from heading 8414, 8501, 8504, 8534, 8541, or 8542 when resulting from a simple assembly. A change to subheading 9018.41 through 9018.50 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group. will bring you to those results. WebRules of origin. A change to a mixture of subheading 3808.93 from any other subheading, provided that the mixture is made from two or more active ingredients and a domestic active ingredient constitutes no less than 40 percent by weight of the total active ingredients. A change to multichips of subheading 8542.31 through 8542.39 from any other good of subheading 8542.31 through 8542.39 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8523.52 or 8543.70; or, A change to a mounted chip, die or wafer classified in heading 8541 or 8542 from an unmounted chip, die, or wafer classified in heading 8541 or 8542; or, A change to a programmed read only memory (ROM) chip from an unprogrammed programmable read only memory (PROM) chip; or. This article is part of "A Basic Guide to Exporting", provided by the U.S. Commercial Service, to assist companies in exporting. A change to subheading 2404.92 through 2404.99 from any other subheading, provided that no more than 60 percent by weight of the good classified in this subheading is attributable to one substance, except from subheading 3824.99. A change to subheading 3105.90 from any other chapter, except from subheading 2834.21. A change to insecticides from any other subheading, except from vegetable saps or extracts of pyrethrum or of the roots of plants containing rotenone of subheading 1302.19 or from subheading 3808.61 through 3808.91 or from any insecticide classified in Chapter 28 or 29; or, A change to fungicides from any other subheading, except from fungicides classified in Chapter 28 or 29 or from subheading 3808.92; or, A change to herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators from any other subheading, except from herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators classified in Chapter 28 or 29 or from subheading 3808.93; or, A change to a mixture of herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators from any other subheading, provided that the mixture is made from two or more active ingredients and a domestic active ingredient constitutes no less than 40 percent by weight of the total active ingredients; or, A change to disinfectants from any other subheading, except from subheading 3808.94; or, A change to any other good of subheading 3808.52 through 3808.59 from any other good of subheading 3808.52 through 3808.59 or from any other subheading, except from rodenticides and other pesticides classified in Chapter 28 or 29 or from subheading 3808.99; or. Release of the product from CBP custody will be denied until a determination of the country of origin is made based upon the information provided or the best information available. Must meet the appropriate Rule of Origin pertaining to specific products and the specific FTA. (2) For embroidered badges, emblems, insignia, and the like, comprised of multiple components, the country of origin is the place of assembly, provided that the change is the result of the good being wholly assembled in a single country, territory, or insular possession. A change to subheading 8716.10 through 8716.80 from any other heading, or from subheading 8716.90 except when that change is pursuant to General Rule of Interpretation 2(a). A change to heading 2805 from any other heading. A change to any of the following goods classified in heading 7806 from materials also classified in heading 7806: tubes except from pipes; pipes except from tubes; tube or pipe fittings except from tubes or pipes; cables/stranded wire/plaited bands; or, A change to lead bars, rods, profiles, or wire of heading 7806 from any other good of heading 7806 or from any other heading; or. A change to subheading 9507.90 from any other subheading, except from heading 5004 through 5006, 5404, 5406, or 5603, or from subheading 5402.11 through 5402.49. A change to heading 7117 through 7118 from any other heading, including another heading within that group. or existing codification. A lock ( A change to subheading 2806.10 through 2806.20 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group. [CBP Dec. 05-32, 70 FR 58015, Oct. 5, 2005, as amended at CBP Dec. 11-09, 76 FR 14584, Mar. S.A. Smith would yield DRSA, and Shavings B L Inc. would yield SHABL. The English words a, an, and, of, and the in the manufacturer's name are to be ignored. To export tariff-free under the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, goods must meet the UK-EU preferential rules of origin. A change to cloth, grill or netting of copper wire or to expanded metal of copper of subheading 7419.80 from any other good of subheading 7419.80 or from any other subheading; or, A change to any other good of subheading 7419.80 from cloth, grill or netting of copper wire or expanded metal of copper of subheading 7419.80; or, A change to copper springs of subheading 7419.80 from any other good of subheading 7419.80 or from any other subheading; or, A change to any other good of subheading 7419.80 from copper springs of subheading 7419.80; or. A change to subheading 2404.12 from any other subheading, provided that no more than 60 percent by weight of the good classified in this subheading is attributable to one substance or compound, except from subheading 3824.99. A change to heading 2908 from any other heading. (1) Except for fabric of wool or of fine animal hair, a change from greige fabric of subheading 5911.40 to finished fabric of subheading 5911.40 by both dyeing and printing when accompanied by two or more of the following finishing operations: bleaching, shrinking, fulling, napping, decating, permanent stiffening, weighting, permanent embossing, or moireing; or. A change to subheading 8516.90 from any other heading. A change to subheading 2835.26 from any other subheading, except from heading 2510. Otherwise, all of the MIDs from Macau would be the same, using FABDE, which is incorrect. Official websites use .gov Rule of Origin. A change to heading 2518 through 2530 from any other heading, including another heading within that group. A change to subheading 6814.90 from any other heading. Comments to this paper are welcome within 60 days from the date of posting. A change to subheading 9011.10 through 9011.80 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group. A change to subheading 9507.10 through 9507.30 from any other chapter. The agreement also establishes clear rules that help create a consistent, A change to subheading 9111.10 through 9111.80 from any other subheading outside that group, except from subheading 9111.90 when that change is pursuant to General Rule of Interpretation 2(a). - U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security; Department of the Treasury, A change to chromium sulphate of subheading 2833.29 from any other good of subheading 2833.29 or from any other subheading; or, A change to zinc sulphate of subheading 2833.29 from any other good of subheading 2833.29 or from any other subheading; or. (a) Requirements for settlement agreements. Chapter 3 of title 5, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new section: 307. (2) If the country of origin cannot be determined under (1) above, a change to heading 5905 from any other heading, except from heading 5007, 5111 through 5113, 5208 through 5212, 5309 through 5311, 5407 through 5408, 5512 through 5516, 5603, 5803, 5806, 5808, and 6002 through 6006, and provided that the change is the result of a fabric-making process. Official websites use .gov A change to subheading 3823.19 from any other subheading. A change to subheading 2915.39 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3301.90. The laws, regulations, or procedures of Japan further specify how importers should comply with requests for additional information for products seeking preferential treatment. A change to water-jet cutting machines of subheading 8456.50 from any other good of subheading 8456.40 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 8479.89 or from subheading 8486.10 through 8486.40. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. [CBP Dec. 05-32, 70 FR 58013, Oct. 5, 2005, as amended at CBP Dec. 11-09, 76 FR 14584, Mar. A change to heading 3507 from any other heading. WebLast Published: 10/20/2016. A lock ( A locked padlock ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. (3) For any other good, if the good consists of two or more components, a change to goods of subheading 6505.00, other than hair-nets, from any other heading, provided that the change is the result of the good being wholly assembled in a single country, territory, or insular possession. (1) Except for waste, a change to heading 5301 through 5305 from any other chapter. A change to subheading 3006.70 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3006.92 or 3825.30, and provided no more than 60 percent by weight of the good classified in this subheading is attributable to one substance or compound. A change to bismuth carbonate of subheading 2836.99 from commercial ammonium carbonate or other ammonium carbonates or from lead carbonates of subheading 2836.99 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 2617.90; or, A change to commercial ammonium carbonate or to other ammonium carbonates of subheading 2836.99 from any other good of subheading 2836.99 or from any other subheading; or, A change to lead carbonates of subheading 2836.99 from any other good of subheading 2836.99 or from any other subheading, except from heading 2607; or. For example, one cannot simply combine or repackage his/her products to fulfill this requirement. A change to subheading 8414.10 through 8414.80 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group. Rules of Origin The MID may be up to 15 characters in length, with no spaces inserted between the characters. A change to subheading 7507.11 through 7508.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group. (2) If the country of origin cannot be determined under (1) above, a change to heading 5801 through 5803 from any other heading, including a heading within that group, except from heading 5007, 5111 through 5113, 5208 through 5212, 5309 through 5311, 5407 through 5408, 5512 through 5516, and 6002 through 6006, and provided that the change is the result of a fabric-making process. A change to subheading 9608.50 from any other heading. For example, 11455 Main Street, Suite 9999 would yield 1145. A suite number or a post office box is to be used if it contains the largest number. A change to subheading 9003.11 through 9003.19 from any other heading; or. A change to subheading 8453.10 through 8453.80 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group. A change to subheading 7019.61 from any other subheading, except subheading 7019.72 through 7019.73. A change to subheading 4202.11 from any other heading. Minor processing means the following: (1) Mere dilution with water or another substance that does not materially alter the characteristics of the good; (2) Cleaning, including removal of rust, grease, paint, or other coatings; (3) Application of preservative or decorative coatings, including lubricants, protective encapsulation, preservative or decorative paint, or metallic coatings; (4) Trimming, filing or cutting off small amounts of excess materials; (5) Unloading, reloading or any other operation necessary to maintain the good in good condition; (6) Putting up in measured doses, packing, repacking, packaging, repackaging; (7) Testing, marking, sorting, or grading; (8) Ornamental or finishing operations incidental to textile good production designed to enhance the marketing appeal or the ease of care of the product, such as dyeing and printing, embroidery and appliques, pleating, hemstitching, stone or acid washing, permanent pressing, or the attachment of accessories notions, findings and trimmings; or. A change to heading 2931 from any other heading. C. COMPANY, 55-5 Hung To Road, P.O. A change to subheading 3006.93 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3003.90 or 3006.92, and provided that the domestic content of the therapeutic or prophylactic component is no less than 40 percent by weight of the total therapeutic or prophylactic content; or, A change to a good of subheading 3006.93, from any other subheading, except from Chapter 4, Chapter 17, heading 2009, subheading 1901.90, subheading 2202.91 or subheading 2202.99; or. A change to heading 3101 from any other heading, except from subheading 2301.20 or from powders and meals of subheading 0506.90, heading 0508, or subheading 0511.91 or 0511.99. rules 102.24 Entry of textile or apparel products. A change to heading 9016 from any other heading. A change to heading 9610 through 9612 from any other heading, including another heading within that group. Email 1-Get Paid and Finance Your Export Transaction: Export Financing, 1-Get Paid and Finance Your Export Transactions: Methods of Payment. A change to subheading 9606.10 from any other heading. A change to subheading 9014.90 from any other heading. A change to heading 8529 from any other heading. (a) The country of origin of a good is the country in which: (1) The good is wholly obtained or produced; (2) The good is produced exclusively from domestic materials; or. WebRules of Origin and Origin Procedures; Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures; Services and Finance Industries ITAC 10 Report; Small and Minority Business ITAC 11 Report;
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