He felt him move against his head in response, so he continued. "We're going back to the hospital right now. 61.7K 2.6K 3.9K. But Akaashi knew full well that such a thing wasn't possible with Bokuto's condition. I never meant to drag you into my life". "Awful." Akaashi's asked in a leveled tone. The sky was already black. It took a moment for Bokuto to focus on him. Are you alright?". Akaashi.". Frankly speaking, it had no affect on him in the slightest. I miss you especially, Bokuto. Akaashi relaxed himself against his mattress and closed his eyes, a powerless yawn leaving him. "But I thought you had that nightmare." And the I found you just shattered my heart like just smash it on the floor and step on it why dont you . He flinched and pulled his hand away to stare at the screen. We also all know how Bokuto also gets really depressed (Bokuto's emo mode) in the middle of matches. Suffers panic attacks because of them. He pushed the chair away and found Bokuto's side in bed. It made Akaashi pity him, to say the least. He opened it and pulled one out. He avoided looking at Bokuto altogether. "Were you ever friends with Bokuto?" Bokuto looked exhausted beyond belief, yet there he stood, excited to make his way to the gymnasium. Akaashi stared at his shoes. Akaashi squeezed his hands together to keep them from shaking uncontrollably. Bokuto looked back up and thought for a moment, then nodded. His head rested against the bed, slumped to the side, facing away from Akaashi. But Akaashi knew that this wasn't the case. Akaashi nodded once, and that was all that Bokuto needed to hear before he ran off to retrieve the ball. The sky burned a strong, orange glow as the sun set in the distance. He drew in a deep breath and blinked away the stinging in his eyes. Akaashi never received another message in the remaining hour that he was awake. "Well, I'll be going now.". In another life bokuto x akaashi - Fan art (2) (Not my story all credits goes to LittleLuxray on ao3) Summary : Sleeping didn't come as easy as it used to. He couldn't sleep for about an hour after the text, but ultimately slipped off to sleep. How old is Bokuto and Akaashi? ", "I do, but I don't want to watch it. In dismay, Bokuto sat up in bed and slowly reached around his neck to pull off the warm piece of cloth. Nov 3, 2020 - Read Fan art (2) from the story In another life bokuto x akaashi by bakutosbigbooty with 18,728 reads. ", Akaashi's eyes squinted to the words, and he leaned forward in shock. Bokuto turned his head to catch another look out the window. He was cool to the touch colder than most. ", "Because it's three in the morning and I want to fit some sleep into my schedule. what disease did, bokuto have in another life. "Let's go then. "Is your bed alright?" Akaashi nodded, glad to have made an acquaintance, and would have relaxed into his seat if not for the sudden disembodied voice that startled him soon after Kenma's sentence. It's a little too late for that, Bokuto." With barely an ounce of strength left, Bokuto pulled himself up a tad to get a better look outside. Bokuto stared off in the distance from beyond the net, his face carrying a confused expression. He was happy that he'd admitted those words. Akaashi set his phone down and leaned back slowly, resting the back of his head against his pillow. From: Kuroo (Sent January 31st at 2:25 PM), [Things could be better. Or maybe not brooding, but more along the lines of apathetic. "Close your eyes for the time being." He waved and jogged out, knowing that if he didn't hurry, he'd have to spend several more minutes trying to catch up to a wandering Kenma. With a heavy heart, he spoke. They meet, and they cherish their memories until Bokuto dies. Dreaming.". After what felt like the longest ten seconds of his life, a sudden shudder charged down Akaashi's spine, causing goose bumps to rise on his flesh. Three times, Bokuto jolted awake involuntarily, and three times, he covered his eyes with his forearm and heaved a quiet sigh. During the next day, Akaashi decided to stay home. His laughter died down along with Akaashi's. He quickly got up from the bed and walked off. Several flakes had gathered on the outstretched limb, but they were not quick to melt. It was so weak and feeble, it could barely be heard, but it was there, and Akaashi could hear it, so that was enough for Bokuto. They were fingers. Dissociative Identity Disorder: What Is It, Symptoms & Treatment He felt the need to keep most of his questions at bay. Imagine the looks on their faces when they see me coming in from the outside. He couldn't sleep because of his honest fascination with him. It took him some time to get down what he wanted to say, but after several minutes, he withdrew his hand. Bokuto replied, lifting his head. What sat upon the screen was not what he thought it would be, but rather A simple compliment. Ain't that the horror of it all" He rubbed his chin and stalked his way down the hall. My friend is." Here we are. "I wanted to do s-so many things". For example, I've actually never cried over a manga/anime/book because that's just how I am, but I still say that I cried because that's how I felt at the time even though I didn't literally and physically cry. But on rare occasions, there were times when he'd have no choice but to watch Bokuto fall apart at the hands of his illness, and he hated it. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, Bokuto rubbed the back of his neck. The answer came so much more quickly than Kuroo thought it would. Surely enough, snow was falling, and in chunks too, but this did not grasp Bokuto's attention. He found himself unable to say anything else, figuring that Bokuto wouldn't have anything to say either, but he was wrong. "He turned twenty only three months ago", Akaashi lowered his head. Not only was Bokuto the kind of guy to sneak out when no one was watching, but his condition had quickly begun to worsen without warning. Bokuto power walked ahead, obligating Akaashi to catch up to him with a quickened pace, whether he wanted to or not. With one elbow on the bed, he held his phone so that the both of them could see. He could feel Bokuto's chin rubbing against the top of his head, like it always did. He found it much too difficult to say no to Bokuto, but it had to be done. You? Akaashi? Once Akaashi had left the hospital, he never looked back. He swallowed thickly. Once they'd reached it, Bokuto resumed his usual position and wrapped the thick blanket around himself, then turned away from Akaashi. this is seriously the most depressing thing in the world. It was a reaction that Akaashi was not expecting in the least, but he played off his surprise and only managed an, "I see.". I see." He looked back down at the game screen. Bokuto's answer was delayed. "I just came from there. Are you busy?". The night sky had suddenly become a pale blue, and the warm orange glow of the sun slowly spread across the horizon. He watched Bokuto intently, curious to know what his answer would be. " Is that why you came here? He couldn't find his pulse. Erythritol: Zero-calorie sweetener linked to heart attack, stroke Bokuto flinched hard enough to make the bed shake. Did you see that?!" It was his best and only way to hide his pain. Standing at the side of Bokuto's bed, Akaashi glanced to the open door that led to the hallway. texas rule of civil procedure 99. largest staffing companies in the us 2021; moorabool news editor; romaji practice sentences; menards swing set accessories; what city produces the most nfl players; Pressing his lips into a thin slab of a line, Akaashi shook his head once more. He held his hand up in a "peace sign", and the video ended with him on screen. Bokuto knew this, and now Akaashi did, too. "I'm already in Death row. He looked up, and his gaze found Bokuto's. He almost couldn't find his voice, but when he did, he tried his best to keep it from shaking. Taking the ball in his hands, Akaashi aimed for the approximate location as to where Bokuto would spike the ball. Kuroo spoke to him, and Akaashi listened and often responded. Shifting in his seat, Bokuto pulled himself closer to Akaashi, one hand grasping the blanket that had been given to him. "Yeah, I'm-," He turned his head, "Is there someone in there?" Tried so hard to keep himself together, but he knew he was too weak to pull such a bluff. Kuroo rubbed his elbow, irate, and sighed in defeat. ", Bokuto pulled away to face his smirking friend. He wanted nothing more than to push him away, throw away the forms, and never set foot into that hospital again, but for some strange and irritating reason, Akaashi found it difficult to deny Bokuto. ", "His entire body was relaxed. He made it home without so much as a hello to his parents who sat in the living room. "You will get through this. But ultimately, they would urge him to carry out the task that had been pushed on him, and one way or another, he'd do it. He looked down at Bokuto's phone. He stalked over to the other side of the bed, where he would be able to look at Bokuto's face. He was only a blurred shape now, but Akaashi knew he was still there. Akaashi snorted softly and leaned back in his seat. His mind wouldn't allow him to. "And that's Kenma for you" Kuroo groaned as he repositioned himself in bed, and then he smiled. I was shouting, but no sound came out. "Do you still think that you are the best?" His hands squeezed tightly around the navy blue blanket that enveloped him. Akaashi lifted his head and looked to his side. You don't have to say it now if you don't want to.". He watched the window quietly, paying no mind to his visitor, or so Akaashi thought. He returned Bokuto's gaze, then looked down quickly afterwards. Do something Akaashi closed his mouth and swallowed. I'm trying to detach myself. He pushed his negative thoughts aside and sat himself down in bed, right next to Bokuto. "Yes?" He kept his weary yellow eyes on Akaashi, waiting for him to nod. You shouldn't be-". The familiar voice made Akaashi's throat tighten. He exerted more force into his arms, getting Bokuto to take a step back. Akaashi looked down the hall. Sucking his teeth, Bokuto pulled the blanket up to just beneath his chin. Bokuto closed his eyes after that, one hand resting on the side of his head. Sleeping didn't come as easy as it used to. A hand reached up to push through his own messy locks. He only looked like a tall, thin, black mass now as he stood near the stairway. ], [No, more like the clichd kind, where you sit up in bed in a cold sweat. "Do you want to watch a movie?". There was something strange about the excitement in his tone. He looked at Akaashi with heavy lidded eyes. i also really appreciated their dialogue and certain scenes they had together (when they play volleyball + when he sneaks out to visit + seeing the snow + "you are beautiful" through the notes app). He felt as if all the air had been squeezed out of his body by the words that Bokuto had spoken. He found it strange, how Bokuto was the one . He looked up, gazed at Akaashi past his bleached blonde bangs, and straightened his back in the slightest way possible. "I can barely keep my eyes open by day, and can barely keep them closed by night." "So I guess I am pretty good at being funny. "By sneaking out! 3) Akaashi died in the end, and meets Bokuto in the afterlife. Akaashi was at a loss for words. They go back a couple of years.". "Oh- you can move." Those yellow eyes examined everything, adamant with taking all of it in. He faked a smile. Above, the clouds were dense, and they gathered quickly, casting a dark shroud over Akaashi's path. Bokuto's words haunted him, and they repeated themselves over and over in his mind. Imagine their faces when they notice I'm not even in my room." 2) After Akaashi fell asleep, he somehow transported to an alternate universe where Bokuto is alive. He stretched and stifled a yawn, pushed a hand through the mess that was his hair, and relaxed his head against Akaashi's shoulder. That had been the fifth time that month where Akaashi had to tear himself out of another nightmare. Two hours had passed since their last words towards each other, yet Akaashi still lay awake in bed. What?" [Uh, sure. what disease did, bokuto have in another life Bokuto plopped onto the mattress right after those words, bumping his head against Akaashi's shoulder. Bokuto looked down at Akaashi's hand. ", Akaashi watched him carefully. He knit his fingers together and kept his eyes down, anticipating when the first boom of thunder would sound. The disappointment in his voice was clear. "Setting an alarm for six AM." I cried several times while typing it, actually. Sarayu Suni - In Another Life: Akaashi's POV Lyrics - Genius Things could be worse. "He's here? Akaashi could feel a weak, ailing arm pull itself up to rest upon his shoulder. You never miss a day Don't your parents ever ask why you come here so much? Which makes this review sound negative, BUT!! He tossed the navy blue one to Bokuto, remembering how fond he was of it the last time he'd come over. Slipping his head down to Bokuto's chest, Akaashi leaned against his frail frame. Akaashi didn't know why he had this effect on him, but he did, and that was all that mattered to him. Bokuto didn't allow him to finish his sentence as he embraced Akaashi suddenly. It was a surreal feeling, one that he could never in one million years describe. Akaashi shifted to the side to give his visitor more room. i dont normally include fanfics but i read this one months ago and every time i remember it, i sob uncontrollably so i felt like it deserved a place on my profile, T-T. Is it weird to say that this is my comfort fic?? The drastic weight loss was awful enough, but as if to add insult to injury, Bokuto's worsening condition also made it increasingly difficult for him to walk, move, and speak. "I wonder if Bokuto knows about all of this." "I don't want you to visit me anymore. He touched his forehead to Bokuto's shoulder, which only earned a laugh from him. Despite this, Bokuto was still close enough for their arms to touch. His eyes locked onto Bokuto's. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. [Yeah! He'd never heard of that disease before. In time, Kuroo and Kenma found that it was time for them to make their way back home. Akaashi almost smiled back, and he would have, too, if it hadn't been for the thunder that sounded its arrival from above. He hung his head and tried to keep his crying controlled in the best way possible, but this proved to be very difficult as sobs broke out of him, causing his entire being to shake. They sat heavily in the pit of his stomach, churning and pestering him, urging him to throw up. Cloud Atlas so much.". Akaashi figured it was safe to say that Bokuto had already begun to pull Kenma back in. Your interest is always appreciated. I didn't cry either I just assumed it was a dreamwhich i really hope it wasotherwise id be so sad, oop i thought it was like, he died and that was the vision he had before dying/was their afterlife. "Hey- Akaashi, right? Thick, white eyebrows raised above yellow hues. Complete and utter silence befell them afterwards. "For a guy who's name is Kuroo, he sure is a colorful one." It had been some time since Akaashi set foot into that hospital. I couldn't put Bokuto through all of that. Kuroo was just as bitter. "What? "We were actually just talking about stepping outside. From his peripheral, Akaashi could see their hand reaching out to him. Akaashi remained in his faux sleeping position, feeling that it would take much more of an effort for him to open his eyes and check around than to stay dormant. Bokuto didn't make a sound. The both of them had sat down long ago, leaving Bokuto and Kuroo to their own business as they wandered about and waved their arms around in their animated way of speaking. Akaashi sighed and lazily dragged his finger along the d-pad. It was a quiet laugh. I never asked." YES! Akaashi blinked slowly. Not me llorando a la 1am por culpa de esto. He rubbed his face quietly. as well as I wish I could sleep like that again.". Akaashi closed his eyes and sighed, swaying absentmindedly in his step, opening his eyes just in time to swiftly avoid colliding with someone. "Stop trying to act like this isn't such a big deal You may not think it is, but I" He paused and reached his arms out to get in another shove. With much effort, he sat up to look at Bokuto. He looked around and moved his fingers, trying to make out a phone. Despite this, Akaashi did not miss the look of slight nervousness that claimed Bokuto's features. "Was he ever fond of them? Those yellow eyes of his would often dart to the floor, then to the ceiling, around the room, and back to the floor, but he would never look at Akaashi. His quiet chuckle was louder than Bokuto's wholehearted laugh. In another life bokuto x akaashi - Fan art (2) - Pinterest Akaashi is a former intern in this hospital, and he loaths it. The taller, dark haired male gestured to them. It had been three days since Bokuto's passing, and surely enough, sleep did not come to Akaashi as easily as it used to. They are my favorite ship in Haikyuu, so typing this makes little to no sense to me. Akaashi's parents were intent on having him intern in a hospital nearby, so that he could stockpile more things that would look . He didn't last another second in Bokuto's company before he turned and briskly walked out of the room. He studied the back of Bokuto's head, eying the messy strands of black and white hair that overlapped each other. "Is there something wrong with me standing here?" "Alright." He used to be thicker. Sleeping didn't come as easy as it used to. On that one hand, three fingers stuck out. I just met him." Bokuto spoke, his voice peaceful. The male across from him did well in hiding the look of offense that almost surfaced upon his face. Bokuto blinked slowly. "I see" Akaashi nodded once. He watched as Bokuto's chest rose and fell with each breath that kept him alive. ", Akaashi clenched his jaw behind a mildly irritated face. He waves goodbye to his sister, shuts the door, and then walks to school, taking in a breath of the cool morning air. To not be able to sleep?". Also, when people say they cried at something, at times it's not literal, it also might mean that it feels like they're going to cry or something like that. Ktar Bokuto | Haiky!! Wiki | Fandom ], [Are you calming down? Because of the nightmare? With this, he raised a quivering hand and his index finger. Judging by his still trembling hands, he knew he wasn't. "Well now you have. Akaashi felt his palm- warm, full, caressing the round of his face. It wasn't like Bokuto to question what he said in such a straightforward fashion. His voice a mere murmur, Akaashi moved closer to Bokuto, then resumed to lie down on his back, his head slightly elevated with the pillows that sat behind him. Okay but if someone could explain to me the ending of In Another Life by littleluxray that would be very nice. He pushed the laptop away and pressed play. He swallowed thick, and turned his head to stare out the window again. It squeezed him, threatening to crush him from the inside out. Akaashi made sure to take a mental picture of this before he looked down and closed his eyes. But Kuroo insisted." People with dissociative disorders escape reality in ways that are involuntary and unhealthy and cause problems with functioning in everyday life.
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